things I must come to terms with

I'm a miserable writer and now I just realized I have to come to terms with that. Not always necessarily miserable but when I am I am the most miserable a person can be.Yes I've also come to terms with the fact that lately I am hating everyone much more then usual; not my beloved friends or even my frustrating family, but everyone else who I do not personally know. I guess you could say I hate...
February 4th, 2013 at 02:58am

Brigid; the triple goddess

I honestly believe Brigid has been trying to connect with me for a while now. Ever since the moment I had begun reading in to Paganism. I've been just so oblivious not to read all the signs. It explains a lot.The closeness to the fire (Her) in the fact that I always carry lighters with me when I don't smoke (this started even before I began practicing Paganism). The bees (symbolic of Her) in the...
December 28th, 2012 at 04:52pm

Vague Stress Text

Do you ever kind of just get to a point where you're totally finished with everything? Like, you're so stressed out and so fucking tense that your shoulders start to ache and your body starts to shake and all of you just feels like a can of soda about to explode from being shaken around too much? Because that's kind of where I am right now, tonight, in my room, alone.You search and search for some...
October 13th, 2012 at 02:35am

The aftermath of overexposure to Community + Shipping 101

Do you see! I've started turning everything into an episode title! I pray I don't go to community college one day and expect it to be like this, because that will just prove I'm an idiot.Anyway, I'm in kind of a mushy mood right now. Not mushy as in The Notebook, but mush as in I've been watching Community all day (not to mention nonstop for the past four days) and it seems to have this affect on...
September 23rd, 2012 at 12:46am

Past obsession with Criss Angel, Mindfreak + The class magic show; a very proud moment

I was very tired nearing the end of class today and realized where I was alone reading in the next room my classmates were laughing and having a good time. I am alone at school, in a sense, and it's weird that I am OK with this. It goes to show how independent I have become aside from how I was this time last year. I can go to school and interact with these people when I am discussing things with...
September 19th, 2012 at 11:00pm

About My Depression + About My Anxiety

The first two years of high school for me were the worst, emotionally and mentally and I was all over the damn place. My mind had shorted out by then and I was getting physically tired of living and putting up with the world. I had friends, though I lost a fair few at the beginning of sophomore year,, but I dealt with it and I'm getting over it now. I was convinced I had gotten over it after a...
September 19th, 2012 at 04:14am