Sick of being tired, tired of being sick, but I feel worse when I'm in health.

Heads up; I really struggle with food.More and more recently I've been limiting what I can eat - at first it was the quantity, now (alongside the continually reducing quantity) the types of food that are 'allowed' are dramatically dropping. I'm not losing a lot of weight, and while dropping a few kilos would be lovely, it's not ABOUT the weight - it's about the control. About singling out one...
April 4th, 2012 at 12:20pm


I really don't know what to do.My name's Nikki. I'm female. My best friend (well, possibly ex best friend) is male. This isn't a problem, I mean, we're both PEOPLE. I just didn't know if that was of relavance to anyone who might have a suggestion as to what I do.Recently, he's been so horrible. Not to me, but generally. He has MULTIPLE GIRLFRIENDS - I'm not sure if the other girls know or not....
January 28th, 2009 at 11:47am

Here we go;

Okay. So, word is on the street that I'm rubbish at remembering the sites that I sign up to. And, apparently, word on the street is right. It's taken me over half a year to gather my thoughts and realise that, actually, I do have an online writing/journal account, and I don't really need to create another one. But I suppose it's like planting seeds. You plant some, hoping that just one of the...
September 6th, 2008 at 03:48pm

Sunday 27 Janurary - "The day I got my mibba account"

"My name is Nikki Brasch, and I'm new to mibba."It's a sentence I'll only get to use once on here, and you've just witnessed that use. Now the disposable tissue forming that ugly phrase has been used, covered in 'boogers' and thrown away, I can breathe the air that is around me, and take in my surroundings.I was invited to mibba by a friend; She didn't really know anyone else from the site when...
January 27th, 2008 at 01:20pm