Ilk nur / Comments

  • Annabelle Graceton

    Annabelle Graceton (100)

    Hi. This is in response to your comment on If You Only Knew. I realize that fan fictions are not for everyone and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so thank you for your thoughts.
    If you only read the first couple chapters, I can understand what you are saying. My first couple chapters are a lot weaker than my chapters are now. As you write, you develop your style and I personally feel that my chapters have only gotten better and better since my first chapters.
    It's funny that you're basically saying that there's too much description, because in the beginning I was told that I wasn't being descriptive enough, so I went back and edited the first couple chapters to make them more detailed. And as for the use of the word "large", well I don't use bigger, more advanced terminology because I'm directing my story at a wide variety of ages, so I try to avoid words that some people may not know or recognize. This story is for fun, so why use big, confusing words where small, simple ones will do just as well?
    Then the monkeys. Ah the monkeys. Like I mentioned, this story is for fun. Some of the things in the story are inside jokes or personal things. The main character, Kaley, is based off of myself, and I like monkeys, so I put them in there. Having monkeys on my bed is something that I really would have... actually I do have... and people wanted me to describe the room, so I did. There were monkeys on the bed. That is what my bedroom is like.
    Again, thank you for your thoughts, even though I may not agree with all of them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Just one comment I do have for you is that if you don't like fan fictions, then you should uncheck the option for fan fictions when using comment swap :)
    October 8th, 2012 at 08:15am
  • ButterGirl96

    ButterGirl96 (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment on Friends Bite. And to answer some of your questions: my sister is ten so she can't make her own thing on here but she likes to write just like I do. I will go back over it after she posts the next chapter so that way there are no errors. Some of the back stories that I have read actually do have a kind of dark tint. As dark as you can get for a ten year old but thanks for the comment and I hope you stay tuned for more.
    October 8th, 2012 at 03:32am
  • ddeelleetteedd

    ddeelleetteedd (100)

    United States
    Welcome to mibba.
    September 16th, 2012 at 03:47pm