RayChan94 / Comments

  • RayChan94

    RayChan94 (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ Miz Erie
    Thank you! :D I already have subscribed, I'm really looking forward to your updates, and yeah I'm a member on tbp but I wrote like one story that I never finished :/(Slaps wrist) Check it out if you like but I warn you it comes to an abrupt end when me and my friend stopped updating :P (http://www.theblackparade.net/member.php?u=8706) but I think I'm going to stick here for a bit I'm working on a one shot atm that I'm planning to post on here soon. But yeah I'm not really that sociable on tbp I just log on now and then to read when I'm bored. I was up till 5am last night reading Frank's Journal and it was well worth being a deliriously tired at work today! So thank you! ~ Ray x
    September 16th, 2012 at 09:19pm
  • Miz Erie

    Miz Erie (970)

    United States
    Welcome to Mibba! If you have any questions or need any help, let me know! And I'm also on staff, so if you any concerns that direction, send me PM, and I will be happy to address the issue.

    And thank you so much for your comment on Frank's journal! I'm always grateful for new readers and such high praise! If you haven't, you can subscribe to the story on the top right of the story page, and Mibba will post notices on your My Mibba page of all my updates for that story.

    If you don't mind my asking, are you a member of TBP.net? If so, what's your username? (I'm just trying to figure out if I know you, that's all!) Obviously I'm Miz Erie on all my sites.

    Again, thanks for the comment! I hope you'll continue commenting! I love knowing what you all think!
    Hugs and loves!
    September 16th, 2012 at 08:05pm