Matt Smith / Comments

  • Oooooh, a card from England! Crazy
    As soon as I get a job I plan to send mine, so it still might be awhile.
    But, hey, Christmas cards in Spring. No one will expect that. XD
    January 27th, 2011 at 06:58pm
  • Grattis är lika rätt som gratulerar, men man brukar i vardagen säga grattis.
    Och tack! :D
    January 8th, 2011 at 01:42pm
  • NOW
    That's what I meant hahahahaha!
    I see why you'd be confused. I am now a magazine editor, for mibba magazine. XD
    January 8th, 2011 at 04:53am
  • I'm not a Mibba Magazine editor, woo! :'D
    January 8th, 2011 at 12:29am
  • Gott nytt år!


    December 31st, 2010 at 06:44pm
  • It's a Christmas must. Just like Kalle Anka here in Sweden.
    I saw, it's obviously the best quote. :D
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:20am
  • WE ARE?!
    I have to find some of your posts now!

    I might or might not have just watched Love Actually for the umpteenth time. x'D
    December 30th, 2010 at 12:39am
  • Merry Christmas, Meg! :D xx
    December 24th, 2010 at 05:36pm
  • it was awful. :/ I was supposed to fly on Saturday, but my flights got canceled because the Amsterdam airport was closed, then on Sunday my flight to Copenhagen was delayed 6 hours so I missed my connection and had to wait for the flight on the next day. I'm so glad I managed to get home, my room-mate's still in Glasgow because her flights got canceled two days in a row (she was supposed to catch connections in Amsterdam, then they rescheduled her for London) and yesterday German airport started getting closed because of the snow too. I don't think I'll be flying home next Christmas, it's just too much hassle. XD
    I was so shocked to see that there are no euros in Denmark. I always thought everybody in the EU except Britain and newer member states has euros.
    December 21st, 2010 at 10:00pm
  • Hohoho my Scandinavian enthusiast friend :D
    I got stranded in Copenhagen for 16 hours and I really wanted to send you a card because you're into Scandinavian things, but then I realized I didn't know your address. then I decided I'd buy you something else after I pass the security check in, possibly a book in Danish, but then I had to run around the airport like a headless chicken for about an hour and a half because there was a problem with my ticket so I didn't have time to look around and now all I have to offer you is a handful of Danish coins. which aren't that exciting, but still very Scandinavian. they look sortof funny too. anyway they're yours if you take me on a vernal walk around the Glasgow uni campus once the weather gets vernal~.
    December 21st, 2010 at 07:30pm
  • Mrs Dalloway's really nice though. and not that dizzying. I'm doing Ulysses next year, I really can't wait. we're doing much nicer books next year.

    the snow itself isn't that bad, it's the fact that it's really cold so the snow freezes and everywhere is slippery (which is a huge problem because there are so many slopes and stairs you have to take to get anywhere) and if you go outside you feel like your face is freezing~. ahh I have German at 9 am tomorrow. tbh, I wouldn't go if I didn't have a big class test on Friday. T_T I read Stephen Fry's autobiography a few weeks ago and he was all like "yeah, if you're taking English lit going to lectures/classes isn't that important, just have a nice time at uni Coffee" and it's made me really bad with attending lectures.
    November 30th, 2010 at 09:59pm
  • yep, I do have an exam on a Saturday. it's not that bad, though it'd been nice to get an extra day to revise. I think they couldn't find three massive exam halls free on the same day except on Saturday. it's so hard to drag myself out of bed in the morning because it's so warm and nice under my duvet and the room's so chilly and outside it's even more chilly and really wet. and there's no minibus early enough to take me to my German class. agh.
    and yes, I do drink alcohol. I'm not big on drinking for the purpose of getting drunk, but mulled wine's awesome. my German class is having a Christmas party and we were promised mulled wine, maybe even Feuerzangenbowle - traditional burnt punch. Weird

    D: That sounds terrible, you poor thing. I only have four novels and four plays, plus some short stories that'll be distributed in class (so I have no idea how long those'll be) and a lot of poetry. my English lit courses are a bit too poetry-oriented, tbh. I'm sure next semester'll go just as fast, there's just a tiny bit to wait between when school starts again in January and the spring holiday, then it's Easter and before you know it, we'll be writing exams again. :)
    November 28th, 2010 at 06:53pm
  • the 13th'd be perfect since I'd get one day to recover from my English lit exam. we could maybe make hot chocolate or some more elaborate hot drink? I'm going with a friend to the Jane Austen Christmas party and everybody's supposed to bring along something to eat/drink so my friend's found this wonderful cookbook with recipes of food/drinks mentioned in Austen's novels. I'm going to look through it and see if I find an appropriate hot drink and maybe we could do that. tehe it's not as cold outside as it is back home, but your heating system (or at least the heating system in halls and the main library) is terrible and I'm freezing all the time when I'm indoors although I'm wearing two pullovers on top of each other. The heat is only on in the morning and evening for a few hours. T_T that's like exactly what the communists did. back home we'd have the heat on almost always and there was a nice 20 degrees Celsius everywhere. I try to make up for it by drinking loads of tea. /rant over
    I was reading Sylvia Plath's letters earlier this week and it was so so nice to hear her rant about how cold Britain is. I need to get more wintery books in which to drown my sorrow. hmm.

    I've read three of the four novels we're doing in English lit next term plus Hamlet so I'm going to focus on poetry over holidays because there are some very serious gaps in my knowledge of poetry. Maybe I'll attempt Toni Morrison's Beloved - but more because I've been meaning to read it for some while than because I want to prepare for my Comp Lit course because I just don't like the course enough to want to be bothered. I also want to sink my teeth into some Romanian literature because I haven't read anything in Romanian in ages and I miss it. I can't believe how close exams, there's only one week left of the teaching period. time just wizzes by.
    November 27th, 2010 at 06:34pm
  • That's good, I'm not the biggest fan of the British postal office myself. I'm used to cold weather, I think it's colder back home during the winter so I should be okay. I think. hope. I can't decide on a date so I'll let you do that.

    Oh, it's the Lord Peter Wimsey series by Dorothy L. Sayers, especially [i]Gaudy Nights[/i] and [i]Busman's Honeymoon[/i] which have a lot of references to Elizabethan literature plus [i]The Moving Toyshop[/i] by Edmund Crispin whose main character is an Oxford don who teaches English lit and solves murders in his spare time. XD
    November 27th, 2010 at 10:30am
  • hey you. :)
    when do you finish exams/go home for the holiday? I have almost a whole free week between exams and going home (my last exam is on the 11th and my flight is on the 18th) and I'd love to come to Edinburgh again since it's such a lovely and Christmas-y city. plus you're a very lovely and Christmas-y person and I'd love to be Christmas-y with you. but if you still have exams or are planning to go home, that's obviously okay too. my veryvery awesome English lit lecturer keeps raving about this crime fiction series and I could just snuggle in bed with hot chocolate and read that.
    November 24th, 2010 at 08:34pm
  • Hey. :) Were you at Twist and Shout at Medina a week ago on Thursday? I thought I saw you in the crowd with some of my freinds that go to lit soc, and I was gonna come over and introduce myself but then suddenly you'd gone. If indeed it was you, and not someone who looks alot like you on your photos on mibba. xD
    /so not stalkerish at all...
    November 7th, 2010 at 05:21pm
  • Meg, did you know you're supposed to pour the milk before the boiling water when making tea? D:
    I've been brewing tea the wrong way my whole life.
    November 7th, 2010 at 03:01pm
  • T.S. Eliot FTW!
    November 2nd, 2010 at 07:15pm
  • Thank you(: I was too curious to not ask.
    October 28th, 2010 at 05:03pm
  • I feel really stupid for asking this but I was curious.

    Are you part of Mibba staff or something? On the forum page your name is red while all the others are blue and I was a little confused.
    October 28th, 2010 at 03:26pm