Nice Guys Don't Finish Last

A lot of guys use this phrase when they've been rejected or friend-zoned, or seen someone rejected or friendzoned. They, or a peer of theirs, tried their very best to treat the girl they like with utmost respect, and she wasn't interested. So they think, "Oh, she doesn't like to be respected. That's why she's always going after douches."This whole mindset really irritates me, because it's so...
December 5th, 2013 at 05:46am

A Letter I Can't Let You Read

Mon petit gâteau peu,You are freaking amazing. *giant bone-crushing Ems hug* You've changed my world. I honestly don't know where I'd be if I hadn't met you.Remember that? The first time I ever saw you was when I was in 6th grade. I was 11, you were 12. I was on recess, and you were with your family picking out dresses for the Purity Banquet. My mom was like, "Hey, there's a girl here your age!...
February 11th, 2013 at 07:49pm

I'm pathetic.

I'm in a rotten mood. I'm sick of my life right now. I keep forgetting my place and the fact that I'm a 14 year-old and that I know nothing. I keep getting excited and annoying people and trying too hard. I keep lying and hiding my true feelings and faking smiles. And then when I do show how I feel, I end up regretting it because it has a worse effect than lying.And nobody cares. Not my "best...
November 5th, 2012 at 04:59am

A Contract for My Future Spouse

Not written by me, but shared for the pure entertainment of you mibbians. This is such a Sheldon Cooper thing to do.I. ”The Relationship” – DefinitionWe will define the Relationship (a process hereafter referred to as “DTR”) within three (3) weeks time. Or longer if I’m still feeling ambivalent. But you’ll have asked me about it. The Relationship, once labeled as such, will be...
October 31st, 2012 at 12:10am

Coffee, Late Night Activities, and Morbid Security Systems

So my church held a youth rally last night. Food + preaching + games, and then basketball + volleyball + gameroom stuff until midnight at the rec, and then absolutely zero sleep back at the church till morning. Then we hauled everyone over to the mall in like three cars, and stopped only a bit to get some really expensive coffee and play a purple piano on Main Street.Zero sleep. Zero sleep. Zero...
October 20th, 2012 at 11:24pm

A caffeinated Ems is a happy Ems!

Or am I high on the essence of night? Possible causes for my INSANE adrenaline rush:1. over-sugared coffee (but that was hours ago and it wouldn't make sense to kick in only now)2. seeing my childhood bff (LOVE THAT KID), and playing football with him, and persuading him to come see me on Friday3. the weather (IT'S THE PERFECT TEMP ((cold)) AND IT'S DARK OUTSIDE)4. no really, it has to be one of...
October 15th, 2012 at 04:36am


I've never been so excited to be done with school.Should I straighten my hair? I'm going to a party (haha, overstatement) tonight and I'm really pumped. One of those s'mores + Monsters + volleyball + Dutch Blitz (best game ever, by the way) + singing (the loud, crazy kind) + Catch Phrase + sleepover kinds of parties. And sleepover, of course, means blind makeovers + getting high on laughter +...
October 12th, 2012 at 10:00pm

So, I heard on the news the other day that a Pakastani girl was shot.

For wanting to get a higher education and stuff. She'd done an interview about it, and she'd written it about it in her diary. But the government there doesn't want women doing anything outside of the home. So yesterday, they waited outside her school and shot her. FREAKING SHOT HER. In the head and in the neck. And they said they'd been waiting to kill her for a year now. She's alive, and she...
October 11th, 2012 at 12:09am

The Book of Ems (First Edition)

I have a Christmas song stuck in my head.And, much to the dismay of all of you (the invisible crowd) I'm updating my blog daily. Which means I have come to that dreadful moment when I have absolutely nothing to write about. SO! I'm going to tell you about myself.I'm really short. Not normal short, like 5'4'' or something. I'm 3-inches-above-legal-midget-height short. I'm 4'11''. And this is sort...
October 9th, 2012 at 09:30pm

Ems is ranting.

I just cried.Not because I'm all emotional, or because of a guy, or because I accidentally stubbed my toe too hard.I cried because I got a flipping 83% on my biology exam. EIGHTY-THREE. A freaking B-. And my grades are so important to me.The thing that ticks me off is how I had all the answers. No, not a cheat sheet, but a study guide that my teacher gave me. ALL THE ANSWERS. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME....
October 8th, 2012 at 08:24pm

Belated Trend Sheep

I know this was yesterday, but I feel like contributing to the trend.Turn ons:~ a sense of humor (a FUNNY one)~ good fashion sense~ good hair (includes natural and gel-induced, preferably in spikes or swooped)~ dark brown eyes~ cute smile~ long body (tall guys)~ visible abs~ fitted jeans~ guys who respect their parents (yes sir, yes ma'am)~ athleticism~ a good singing voice, musical talent~...
October 7th, 2012 at 09:26pm

Death Confessions

It's 12:15am and I am scared out of my wits.So, I was hearing some rather foot-stepsy sounding noises in the kitchen, and I sneaked out of my bedroom into the hallway to investigate. As I strained to hear, the noises grew louder. Actually, it could've been the sound of my heartbeat pounding in my ears, because when I listen hard I tend to hear that.I turned to my brother's door, contemplating...
October 6th, 2012 at 08:12pm

Mibba is absurdly-turdly cool.

Well hell-ooo there. How quaint of you to click on my slightly vulgar title. Honestly, I don't know how that popped into my head, because mibba is neither absurd or turdly.WHAT IT IS however, is completely fantastic! Thank you saeglopur (a.k.a. Member 176256) for giving me the link to your awesome story, which led me to this site. You have now aided me in the development for my novel characters,...
October 5th, 2012 at 05:44pm