nighthatter / Comments

  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    Hello Cute
    December 6th, 2013 at 10:02am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Hi how R U? :) I just wanted to tell you that I just released my first album and that I'd appreciate it a lot if you could spread the word about it.

    Here's where you can buy my album from:

    And the songs themselves are just 1$ a piece for download.

    Thanks, Ahtmah...
    November 28th, 2012 at 09:33pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems its finally here! Just wanted to tell you that I am done and have posted my song ''Shine On'' on Youtube so I'm gonna give you both versions I've done of it so far.

    Here the Acoustic Version:

    And here is the Electric Guitar Version:

    It may be silly and over-simple but I wanted you to see it and hear it anyway.

    November 22nd, 2012 at 08:43am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Well sometimes it can be passed down thru families but in my case no...My dad grew up as a Catholic and my mom grew up as a Christian and then in the early 1970s my dad discovered Sikhism and then became a Sikh...My mom didn't become a Sikh till the 1980s tho I think and I was born and Raised a Sikh...We were all Average American White people so yeah. Both my parents grew up in Southern California and I was born there but raised in New Mexico. My mom was really never the religious type really.
    November 6th, 2012 at 12:16am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Cool I'm glad :) and I understand the thing with the Dating etc. so yeah that sucks but it happens :/ Don't worry tho someday you'll find the right guy :)

    Sikh is a Religion from India but then it came over to America but the American Version of Sikhism is completely full of crap...The Organization called 3HO is a Cult and yeah I had to live thru their Cult Crap and Brainwashing as a kid along with my dad...But we left the Sikh 3HO Community in 2006.

    Anyways True Sikhism is all about Empowerment of Women, Standing up for the Right of Things, Confronting Bad things and trying to make Justice and Peace for everybody. Basic stuff likes that

    On the other hand tho the True Teachings of Sikhism do still survive but only really in India.

    We are not Muslims and are far from them, although we aren't racist towards muslims at all.

    We have a Scripture we follow by like the Bible, it's called our ''Guru'' Guide as you would put it.

    And Cool Thanks! :)
    November 5th, 2012 at 10:50pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Happy Halloween!
    October 31st, 2012 at 07:31pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Aww :/ Well I hope you well better soon :) And yep :P But its ok don't worry about it :) And I Trust you so I know you'll replay back soon, and don't worry I know you're serious about it. Everyone gets Super so its fine.
    October 31st, 2012 at 12:50am
  • mastermak911

    mastermak911 (150)

    United States
    I read part of your story. I will keep reading, but I wanted to give you something to think about before I went on.

    I practically read the first section of your first chapter. I am impressed with you. Your verb choice is immaculate. Your grammar is fabulous. And your characters, as far as I can tell, are full of life. I will keep reading since I've had such a small portion of the work completed, but my first impression is one of high praise.
    October 20th, 2012 at 06:01am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems I'm sorry that sucks :/ and No worries :) There is No Rush I was just letting you know thats all.

    I feel you with the School Crap, hang in there! I'm sure you're pretty Smart :)

    October 19th, 2012 at 04:06am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Did you by chance get my Message I sent U? Anyway when U aren't Busy can you read it?

    Hope you're doing well :)

    October 18th, 2012 at 06:29am
  • mastermak911

    mastermak911 (150)

    United States
    Yeah, I can do reviews for you. I haven't been on this site in forever, but I will read your work. Keep in mind, I'm doing midterms right now, and while balancing work, it can get hectic. Give me a bit, I'll read what I can. :)
    October 16th, 2012 at 10:15pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Thats good to know no one has Cheated on U :) And I wasn't trying to say someone did was just curious sorry if it came out wrong :/

    I see, well then that makes both of us :P Not being in Legit Boyfriend/Girlfriend Relationships LOL. And thats Bullsh*t...They wouldn't let U guys date? Thats just stupid I'm sorry.

    And ok thats good to know that a lot doesn't creep you out :P A lot doesn't creep me out either and ok :)

    I hate High Fructose Corn Syrup etc. I'm like a major Label Reader and I like wanna know exactly what is good and bad for me so yeah...Plus I've been a vegetarian my whole life too because of my Religion, cus I'm a Sikh. They do make Ketchup without High Fructose Corn Syrup in it just so you know tho...

    Kansas, that does suck I'm sorry :/

    And LOL well I hope you Sleep Good tonight :P Least you had fun tho :)
    October 14th, 2012 at 04:17am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems I'm terrible at math :P I'm ok with the basics but thats but it and I understand you there.

    And LOL yes the not trying to smile the whole time debating thing is funny :P I'll tell you more bout my views etc. in a message cus I think it'd be too long for a comment :P

    Yeah it can be crazy how accurate the Astrology stuff is.

    Good for you :) Yeah Online Dating is Stupid, and the fact people do it just makes me laugh LOL I did it cus I was lonely and stupid and a fool but once I make a dumb mistake like that I never do it again... So yeah I'm NEVER Online Dating again...And you're right you can't Trust anyone Online that you date, its kind of obvious anyway but I know how people put themselves in belief that people won't fool them, I was that gullible :P

    And I'm sorry to hear bout that stuff with your Sister, I hope she stays away from that guy.

    LOL and thats good you're not eager about guys right now! Take it slow, and don't push yourself to date...Hopefully nobody has cheated on you or anything...I'm guessing you've dated right? Anyway don't worry bout it, you're young and you'll the find right guy someday :) BTW I'm not interested in you or anything so don't worry! I'm way too old for you anyway! And I don't do online dating anyway so yeah I'm not that stupid or creepy >.> I Love ya tho, but like a Sister thats all...Not in a Creepy way either >.>

    I've been really unlucky when it comes to Love but I'm a lot less cynical then before so I know someday I'll find the Right Girl :) And I hope I find one that is closet to my age too...I just feel Idk weird dating younger girls...thinking bout it I mean cus I've in all literal terms haven't had one GF in my entire Life :P I don't think the Online Dating counts either :P What I hate the most is I have a lot of Crushes on girls in RL and either they aren't interested in me or are already taken or they call me nasty names for no reason and are complete excuse my language (B*tches to me) for no reason...I also would never date a Girl taller then me...I'm bout 5'8 and I have had crushes on girls that like 6 feet tall and the same age or just a year older then me so yeah its too weird for me :p There's a lot of those spoiled Rich Brat Girls here in Santa Fe New Mexico...There is this place called Santa Fe Prep...Full of Rich Spoiled Brats...I hate em'

    Zyrtec is crap...All of those pills are really bad for you too BTW but try Zone 6 if you can if there are any like Wild Oats or Whole Foods or Natural Grocers where you live...BTW where do you live again sorry just curious :P I live in New Mexico so yeah it sucks here.

    I Love the Summer because I was born in it but I hate the Winter and anything Cold with a Passion ^^

    I hope you have a Good Time! :) Sounds Fun...Peace
    October 12th, 2012 at 10:00pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems LOL ok and thats fine :) I'm Dyslexic so sometimes my words don't come out the way I want them to either :P

    Yeah I know what you're talking bout with the military thing...but there is actually a lot of abuse towards women that isn't made up in the military as well...Let's just say I have friend who is a women in the military and the stories she has told my dad are not Lies and are very terrible...Everything from her being forced to have sex with other men, to being sexually abused by men in the military so I don't like the Military.

    I'm really a Anti-Political person...My views are very different then half of America and I know more then the average person does bout what really is going on in the world...Not because I'm a know it all, but because I did my research and have talked to a lot of people/met a lot of people in RL that have told me these stories too...And believe me they aren't made-up. I'd love to share more with you what I know, I just don't want us turning against each other thats all :P Not saying we would but our views are very similar in most areas, but others they may not be...I'll share them if you want tho :) Just warning you before-hand :P

    Believe me I've tried more then once to fix the sh*t in my dad's family...and so has my dad but sometimes there is only so much you can do.

    It is out of Control and Mind Blowing and believe me I know how the rest of the U.S. is so I'm not leaving everyone else out.

    Cool! I get along with Leos well :) I'm a Virgo...bout 4 years older then you LOL I'm 18 and was born August 28th of 1994. LOL I do not believe the Stars Control our Destines either so don't worry :P And you're right it would be a good setting for a book ^^

    The Greatest Astrology Books out there so far that I go by that are pretty accurate are Love Cards & Destiny Cards by Robert Camp, The Secret Language of Destiny (I forget the author tho for that one :/) and The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays by Theresa Cheung.

    The Love Cards one mostly has to do with Friendships and Relationships as in Dating for people...Its really accurate, and has never failed me yet...Of course I think all of Astrology sometimes is not always accurate and can be way off but I'd say bout 98 to 99% of the time its pretty accurate. It was right about my Ex, and she's a total excuse my language again (Asshole with No Common Sense or Morality) so yeah her head's really messed up and I don't see her changing anytime soon...She cheated on me too and I never cheated on her, not once...Of course it was only an Online Relationship and I didn't know her in RL and I fooled myself into believing she wouldn't treat me like sh*t even after knowing her messed up history (Which I'll tell you about in a Message later, not here on your Profile). Her Birthday was February 5th of 1998...And yeah I did feel kind of guilty in some way dating someone who was younger then me cus I was 17...But we never had sex or anything like that over the net...I would never do that with anyone anyway cus its not me.

    Yeah Kina's Awesome! and Cool :) I'm sure you'll like her music :) And thats pretty cool getting a letter and book from your favorite author :) I think it counts ;)

    And you got Allergies? That sucks :/ I used to have Allergies really bad until I found this stuff called Zone 6 and it does miracles for Allergies...Just get the non-alcoholic form of it cus there is one with alcohol in it...Of course I've never taken it with alcohol in it cus I'd rather puke...One time tho when I was really sick I took this stuff called Black-Wallnut and it had some Alcohol in it but I threw it up immediately...I think thats the only time I even slightly had anything close to alcohol, and I'm not having it again either...tasted like crap.

    Sleep Well ^^ Love ya Ems <3
    October 12th, 2012 at 06:04am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Thanks :) and I have felt the same sometimes, that my voice isn't large enough but hey I've known people who have gotten their messages out there just by posting stuff on Youtube and Myspace etc. so you can get famous that way too if its good, if its not people won't watch or care to watch unfortunately...And even if you can't get well known by social sites or the net then do what you can in RL as well...I try to do both :P

    I Agree with you like on everything you're saying here, and I'm not kidding its not ranting to me its the Hard Core Truth and I Love it :) Seems we have a lot in a common and similar values and minds so I like rarely meet anyone like you at all Amy so its always fun talking with you about this :) Cus the Conversation is getting somewhere! As to where if I even tried to slightly talk bout some of this stuff to my friends they'd go like ''WTF? thats crazy, you're stupid and who cares'' blah blah blah etc.

    I'm all on for Empowerment of Women too BTW just as a side-note...but I also think women shouldn't abuse their power just as men shouldn't because I've met as many abusive women as men and it goes both ways with both sexes unfortunately...My mom was really abusive, she used to beat me up some dad never hit me tho or anything, not once cus he knows better and he just had/still has more Moral Values then my mom did unfortunately.

    Yeah I really do hate it too how the Media just makes girls think they always have to look like this and that to be considered even a ''Human'' its sexist, pure sexism and its total BS.

    I think you'd be a pretty good Parent Amy :) You got good Morals and your life is right on track where it should be...I'm not saying you should have kids because everybody should do as they please and not have kids if they know it wouldn't work out but if you ever do, I think you'd be a good mom :)

    I have had my fair share of ignorant parents and yes indeed it is bullish*t...Exactly! How can you be a Parent or think you are a parent when you can't even take care of your own sh*t and you are still a child yourself! I've seen that in so many of my cousins and half of all of them are terrible parents who are into Drugs, Sex, Drinking and smoking pot and this and that yet I see them teaching their kids to not do things yet they say it with a F*cking beer in their hand or while smoking weed...And their kids are like my cousins too, and they're only like 3 to 8 years old.

    I really laid into my dad's side of the family after my mom died and just confronted their immoral crap...mainly their alcoholism and how they thought it was ok to drink and drive with their kids in the car or drink around them period and heavily too.

    They were (And still are) in Complete Denial of their issues and are just a bunch of F*cking babies who refuse to do better for themselves and their children...I have no sympathy for them what so ever so they can either change or go burn in hell for all I care...Only thing I wish for their kids is that they realize that what their parents are doing is wrong and confront it like I did so that they actually have a Future and have Morals as well because let me tell you...If their Generation fails to break the ice and actually have some Morality then I don't see that side of my dad's family changing anytime soon.

    My dad had to teach himself all of the Morality that he has, both of his parents were/are fucked up and are not good people...So are half of his brothers and sisters too...And he came from a family of 17 brothers and sisters...He was the 8th born.

    You know I'm curious, whats your birthday? Like what year were you born too? Cus I'm really into Astrology and stuff so yeah just curious :P

    You kind of remind me of that Singer Kina Grannis somewhat...If you've never listened to her music BTW she is Awesome...She has a lot of morals too...Sweet Girl, like you :) I emailed her once and she emailed me back...She's really famous too and gets loads of fan mail everyday so it was cool.
    October 12th, 2012 at 01:18am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems I'm glad we're on the same page too :) Its really hard to find people like us these days you know? Kind of sucks but thankfully I'm meeting more people like us who are on the right track lately...And there's more of us out there, its just we haven't met them yet...

    True, the World (I'd say more like the Entertainment Industry) screws over the Good Role Models and makes them become the Trash they are, or they were that way in the beginning.

    I Agree, yeah it is a Perverted Nation and it needs a Big Wake Up Call too...And I wanna be apart of that Wake Up Call even if my Music doesn't get well known or whatever, I still wanna get my Lyrics out there to as many people as possible...And yes I think getting Signed to a Big Record Label would Help me spread the messages better but once I had enough money I would not stay with a Huge Label Because they kind of Control everything you do and say and I don't like that...I wouldn't let them control what I did or say tho if I got Signed to a Big Label like Atlantic or whomever else...Unfortunately once you do your Research and hear the Stories from some people you begin to realize just how bad the Music Industry and Entertainment Industry can be as well. My plan is that if I by any chance get Signed by a Record Label is once I make 1 or 2 Million I'll leave them and Create my own Record Label...Cus at that point I'd already have enough fame and money to do whatever I'd need to and I'm good with Money so my Music would still be known by a lot of people.

    I've seen some pretty bad Music Videos in my days, and you know I think we're still living in the Me Generation, The Reagan Area cus it never fucking ended...Its still here! People are just as Selfish, Full of it, Drugged Up, Ignorant and more concerned with getting laid or wasted then doing something productive and good just like everyone from the 1980s...I wasn't born in the 1980s obviously but I know how the 1980s were and have done a lot of Research on the Subject.

    I actually made a song bout the Subject of people today, here are the Lyrics:

    The Youth of America, yep its is so messed up and only because of what is put into their heads by Social Media, Music Videos, TV and also Bad Parenting I have to say too...Either their parents are just as messed up as their kids and let them drink and get away with anything or they're so ignorant and caught up in work etc. that they can't see what is going on with their own children which I have to say is pretty pathetic.

    Yeah I think the only Bad Choice Adam has ever made in his Career was Singing with Carly Rae, besides that he's fine...At least he still doesn't Drink or Do Drugs but he should have looked more into her background first before getting her to sing his song...Thats the only thing I really think he needs to Wake Up and Smell the Coffee on is the Carly Rae thing, besides that he's fine.
    October 11th, 2012 at 01:12am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Yep, believe or not Mercury...And your Welcome :)

    Yeah Nikki Minaj is a (And yes I'll say it because she is) a total Whore and Drug Addict too...I don't like calling women names cus I thinks disrespectful and offensive but hey thats what she is.

    I really don't agree with Society and how they accept such Slimy Artists like Nikki who are NOT good Role Models for Children or anybody for that matter.

    Ellen is also a horrible Role Model for kids and everybody...She's a horrible alcoholic too and considering I used to have an Alcoholic mother and survived her Domestic Violence I don't find it funny...Just like how every week day morning I see those idiots Hoda and Kathy Lee on the Today Show making everybody think its ok to accept them drinking and being horrible Alcoholics/Role Models for kids.

    Yeah Nikki not only talks bout Sex and Drugs but Cussing a lot in her music and she's just as bad as Lady Gaga and that idiot Katy Perry...I am completely outraged and disguised to why and how these people even get in the Music Industry when they don't deserve an ounce of the fame they have.

    Actually I have read some of the stuff on Adam's Blog and yes it is very amazing and inspiring :) I haven't been able to read much lately tho and haven't been on it for a long while cus I only recently discovered it just like I only recently discovered him and his music back in June I think by listening to Fireflies on America's Got Talent...Thats actually the first time I ever heard one of his songs too :P

    Only bad choice I think Adam has ever made was getting Carly Rae Jepsen to do Good Time with him...Its a Good Song but come on, Carly Rae? She's such a Bad Role Model...The way she dresses and everything plus not too long ago I saw a photo of her drinking wine or something and just drinking her ass off on Facebook...really turned me off.
    October 11th, 2012 at 12:08am
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Cool and yeah that sucks :/ bout the Piano thing and having to learn new songs every time.

    I saw the Pic, and it wasn't bad to me but yeah I can understand where you are coming from...I'm sure the braces do you well but I must warn you about the chemicals in them...Its mainly mercury and I study a lot of things about health so they're actually not good for you at all...I'm sure there are other things out there that can help your teeth that aren't so toxic like invisoline or something like that but I'd have to look into it more. BTW I think you're really really pretty so you'll be fine :) and I don't mean that in a creepy way either >.>

    Yeah Adam Young is Amazing :) He does have an amazing and imaginative mind, I'll give him that...least its a hell lot of a better mind then people have now a days that are more concerned with getting wasted and fucked up but no not Adam, he's unique and he's Clean too which is another reason I dig his music cus although he is famous he isn't a bad role model for kids like a lot of pop stars are today.

    And no that doesn't sound weird, I think lots of people would like to be in Adam's mind just for one day :P

    You're right Karaoke Machines usually do have the voice stripped from the music already...I used a Karaoke Machine but it was way back in the day when I was like 9 years old...and LOL hack a Karaoke Machine :P
    October 10th, 2012 at 10:57pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Cool...and thats good that you play piano :) I can play it but not too great at it...

    I see, yeah braces suck :/ why do you have to wear them BTW? sorry just curious...I've never had to wear them so yeah...

    Thats cool, yeah I have heard of Audacity but never have used it...The only Recording Programs I have used is Pro Tools, Line 6 Gearbox and currently Logic Pro 9 from Apple. I'm a Big Owl City Fan BTW :p That dude Adam Young is a Musical Genius, and the fact he is just a one man band is pretty cool...You really have to have your sh*t together (Excuse my language) to be able to play piano, guitar, orchestra, the Bass and Drums and Sing and put it all together in just one song :P

    Yeah I think thats called ''Karaoke'' when you just take out the singing part and put in your own voice in the song...then again I may be wrong :P I'm lame sorry :p
    October 10th, 2012 at 09:28pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @ the.only.ems Thank You :) I actually do sing but I'm not that great at it so because my dad is a better singer then me, he is my voice coach and I'm learning slowly so I can incorporate my Lyrics in my Music because I've had a problem with that ever since I started to even try to sing when I first started to write Lyrics only a year ago...Coming up on two years this January.

    I may get my Music heard on a Well-known Radio Station soon too called Coast To Coast AM but I'm not for sure if it'll happen but you never known unless you try...

    I only started to really sing last year back in November and I sing now on and off whenever I can...One time I sang so much with so much volume I busted my voice for the first time and got a nasty sore throat that lasted bout two weeks back in August...I sang in Choirs and stuff on and off when I was a kid but not much, and I never liked them :P

    Its really hard for me too to separate my voice from music...even when I'm composing music with my guitar and try to sing at the same time my rhythm gets off quickly but practice makes perfect...I've been more dedicated to the guitar for 7 years then I have been singing so the Guitar playing to me is a piece of cake but what really gets me is the singing and the guitar playing at the same time because I never sang much.

    Cool, Audio Engineering sounds awesome, I hope you do well :) and I'm sure you'll learn a lot.
    October 10th, 2012 at 08:16pm