catch 22 / Comments

  • insanity reigns;

    insanity reigns; (100)

    United States
    Hey, I updated :)
    August 3rd, 2009 at 10:44am
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    ouchhh, that fails :\ and yesssss, it's happened to me so often...and in french again, too! our middle school french teacher was fucking awesome. then she left for the last month of school to adopt a baby from vietnam and the sub was a bitch. she couldn't control our class to save her life XD then my french teacher freshman year was an uptight PRICK. i HATED him >:O
    seriously, when the fuck did america turn into a spanish speaking country?!
    oh i know! obama and all his stupid little followers would probably LOVE the fact that america is turning multi-lingual just because all other countries hate us? asdfghjkl it's so fucked up. i hate americans...i really do.
    aww, nobody likes you for those little reasons? that's not even fair :[ nobody pays any attention to me because i'm practically mute >.< and there's so many fucking people that i rarely make an impression on people anyways...

    only two hours by plane...damn. now if only your parents wouldn't be sketchy about you having an internet friend...i think it'd be absolutely fucking bitchin' to chill with you at your actual house asdfghjkl gahh i need to stop thinking about it so much :\ haha, there's probably so much more to see over by you than there is here, to be honest. wisconsin is an epic fucking fail >.<
    <4569 i love you. a lot. you're so cute c:

    O.O really? deadbeat holiday? damn, i'd love to heat that one live too! ahahaha i keep getting jealous of all the songs they DIDN'T play at my show. i'm such a greedy bitch, i hate this XD
    they played who wrote holden caulfield and going to pasalacqua live last night...and a buncha other epic shit. i was so fucking jealousssssss, those are two of my ALL TIME favorites D: and yesss, i wish we could have shared the green day liveness together :\ it would have been even more mindfucking.

    yeah, i pretty much ranted to you how i feel about the cc mod turning you down. i'm just not even going to rant'll just piss me off even more >:O

    <4569 house is such a hilarious show XD i love it.
    I UPDATED VIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although...the chapter is boring.
    sorry. it sucks :'[

    yesyesyes, another aim date should be schedule soon.
    ahaha, how about we both just show up on aim around 10-10:30 my time every night now XD i's not like we have anything better to do?
    hopefully next time, though, nathan won't rain on my parade.
    he needs to stop shoving this shit in my face...metaphorically AND literally :'[
    YESYESYES i wanna help with the het fic in any way i can :D

    ah, yeah, not gonna lie...adrienne looked sketched about you guys having the camera on her. it looked like she was avoiding turning to face you? but maybe that's just me o.o she also ignored joey tapping her on the shoulder XD ahaha i love all the tiny shit i notice :D
    despite how sketched adrienne looked about that...i'm glad whatsername got it on video so stalker!fans like me can get their fix...i mean...i'm not a stalker!fan ;D
    July 30th, 2009 at 06:18am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    >_< Laura turns everything into a novel.
    July 29th, 2009 at 10:17pm
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    I feel the exact same way about my show, like i'd give anything to see them again ro to relive that night. After waiting so it's over, and I have to wait again for them to come back. Its so sad, and yes good idea to keep them thoughts far, far away...they do crazy things to you if you dont :O Like make you call for ninja turkies with light sabers to karate chop a boulder :O :O :O nah. I just made that up. But it would be freakin cool if ninja turkies existed.

    I'm getting off topic.

    You [i]really[/i] were lucky, I would kill to have had that happen to me. I mean, I was too far away for them to point at me..or mouth stuff too. But i'll tell you something that I'm thinking was just an illusion: during one of the last songs, Billie Joe played "Words I Might Have Ate" on accustic (<--- failure of spelling.) and the rest of the band was backstage im guessing, because after that he played Good Riddance, which I cried during :) Anyway, barely anyone around me knew the lyrics to Words I Might Have Ate, and I was like the only one singing along and jumping [b]still[/b] (i jumped for the entire show, and im not even kidding. lmao :D) And i was singing along pretty loud, and I swear to god Billie Joe looked up in the stands and saw me jumping and singing along (I was on the stairs lmao, and everyone else was standing where their seats were,) I swear to god I saw him smile at me. But like i said, it was probably an illusion.

    Theres my incredibly long pointless story for the day.

    Did he just tell the kid right out there "Your like a windsheild wiper" ? Because that would have been hilarious and so so funny :D Im pretty sure those mean the same thinfg ^o) lmao, and yes yes Billie Joe is such a dorky little man :D And we love him for it ♥

    Good thing about the pain free thing ahaha :) Im happy :) It just sucks that you couldnt it off ahaha you and your Conneticut pfft. But at least its gone already, mine took like five days O.O maybe i [i]did[/i] overdo it...or maybe you have a bigger immune system. I'll go with the second one...because you most likely over did it too.

    But hey, thats how hardcore Green Day fans do, no?

    They'd better come back next year GOD DAMNIT. Nom nom nom :3 I think they will too, because they didnt play some of Canada major cities, and you'd think they would. For example : Toronto. Wtf? O.o I know what you mean, hopefully if they do sing back ill see them all depends on the day, y'know? And yesh yesh nothing can top a first Green Day concert, my future ones will not, but i will love them to pieces anyway. But especially yours, hm, who knows what could happen in your future concerts.
    Like i say, ifyou meet them, tell them I say hi :D
    Btw, I needith see that video your friend took of Adie&Joey&Jakob :) Lmao lmao lmao.

    Ok good :) I was beginning to wonder. Cause I was missing our ubertastically amazingly long conversation we had goin on therrrrr. Have fun in Conneticut! When are you coming back?
    July 29th, 2009 at 10:16pm
  • Flo.

    Flo. (150)

    perhaps not : D it always semed to me like the end of the world. it's more of a tourists city and there's no normal shops... they have a huge school... no way to get lot there. well, mybe in the forest. It's surranded by sea. I lived there for 3 years when I was younger. It used to be a closd city because of the army. there are some remaining stuff from WWII. : D

    same here. but there's not much we can do beside trying to choose the right people (but there's usually no right people :/)

    perhaps it looks like... well, if someone doesn't know them must think that they're going out, right? O.o

    hahaha Exactly :p People with traight hir are lucky o.o wind, rain... they don't have to worry about it cos nothing will happen and they will stuill look ok. : D

    I hope they do that! O.O and I'm actually thinking about saving cash for the show... If they do the second leg of the tour and still not anywhere in Poland then I'll go anyway if they stop by close enough. well, actually I'm thinking about going no matter what. I have to see them before I die : D hahaha
    July 29th, 2009 at 11:09am
  • hellomynameisyourtv.

    hellomynameisyourtv. (100)

    United States
    Haha. Thank you. I figured you'd think I was spot on as well. I'm glad we can agree. I'm onto them. :P

    Thanks for the interview link. I'll watch it later on today. Tre brightens up interviews, even just being there with his goofy faces, so I dunno how well I'll like the it.

    Yeah, it is odd. But I never ask them for their reasoning because they're obviously and for some reason special to the person, and I already know I'll never understand it. Like, even before they start explaining, I'll already know that nothing they say will make me feel that way about any other band but Green Day.

    And also, I don't enojy having to explain myself. I got asked the other day by my friend's little brat of a cousin why I liked Green Day so much. I couldn't say anything because one, he's 11, he doesn't understand anything, and two, I couldn't find the words to explain. You either get it or you don't. One can't exlain what makes Green Day so great because it's just them being them, and someone else who doesn't like them will never understand.

    If that makes sense...
    July 29th, 2009 at 01:13am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    Molly :)
    I read you're review, and oh meh goddddd ! It sounds like your concert was just so amazing, god damnit. Eye contact with all the members? A "thank you' from Michael Pritchard? Annnnd you sat like, what, behind Adie and Billie's effing kids? Holy moly macaronie mollyyyyyyy XD My jaw was literally on the ground when i read that, thats so amazing. And the fact that they played Disapearing Boy at your concert, blahhhh I would have killed to hear that song live!

    Billie's windsheild wiper comment made me laugh. Really hard. :D

    Gahh I told you it'd be bad! How bad was it exactly? could you move? lmao lmao lmaooooo :D

    I kinda had a feeling he was kidding when he told me, lmao. It was rather sad, though, yes yes, i would have killed to see them again, :)

    This comment sucks (N) :D
    Buuuuut meh. You still havnt re-typed your other comment god damnit! :)
    July 29th, 2009 at 12:37am
  • Flo.

    Flo. (150)

    Well, it's lik 2 hours away... it's small and for me there's nothing interesting beside the open sea. We could go as well to Hel (pronounced as hell). I guess that they went there to meet the rest of her family...

    I guess they did, but I didn't hear that. I'm not watching TV :/ But you know, it seems like nothing changes, so it sems that they do nothing beide taking cash for themselves.

    o.o wow. o.o I've never sen siblings like that O.O

    haha yeah : D I feel abou it the same. I hate when it' too hot o.O the only reason why I hate the rain is when my hair go wavy and look horrible once I go out -.-

    Cool ^^ The show must have ben awesome : D I hope they do it again next year o.o
    July 28th, 2009 at 11:22am
  • insanity reigns;

    insanity reigns; (100)

    United States
    I'll update soon :)
    July 28th, 2009 at 03:49am
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    ahaha, maybe the new spanish teacher will take pity on you guys since your original one was an epic fail XD
    teachers can be understanding like that's quite surprising o.o
    ASDFGHJKL that reminds me...i think i have the creepy new french teacher next year. i'm scared she won't be as epic as my french teacher last year was...and i get the feeling she won't teach us naughty words like last year's teacher, either. gahhh, i lived for that kinda shit! D:
    y'know, i saw a bus in chicago with an add on the side of it...the SPANISH writing was FIRST and LARGER than the english translation below it! you would not believe how pissed off that made me...i mean...seriously, as soon as i saw that, i flipped shit to lindsey about it. she agrees with this shit too, since she be a conservative as well. so then we had to keep track of how much spanish shit we found and how it's taking the fuck over. pretty soon, it'll be our primary language >:O
    ouchhhh, yeah, i figured it'd be better to let people cheat and be semi-popular than to be the uptight freak nobody liked D: i used to care about popularity and all that bullshit back then...back when i actually had a shitload of friends o.o these days...i trust no one and let virtually no one in. i fail.

    grrr, for some reason, i didn't think you lived that far away. fifteen fucking hours? that's harsh. how long is it by plane? XD i actually really wanna get the fuck out of the state, though...and somewhere. i randomly love the chicago/o'hare airport parents should just let me come visit you ;D that'd be epic.
    lololol, you were totally saying jealous with a buncha sexy squigglies up in there ^.^ i speak yo' kinktongue, sugarlump <4569

    nope. i got jackshit of the [i]old[/i] old green day songs. just a TON of american idiot and 21cb, with a handful of hits from previous albums. it was a predictable setlist, and that's kinda what bothered me about it...BUT I CANNOT COMPLAIN.
    being at the green day concert was the best experience of my life :'D
    welcome to paradise does not count as old school green day. that's CLASSIC green day...there's a fucking difference, dammit >:O

    ohyes...the responses on lj are so much more epic than they could ever be here...since i've noticed this site is full of much [i]younger[/i] kids...i feel too old to be here sometimes. everyone's kind of immature in a way? not that immaturity is a bad thing, but some of these kids act like a waste of fucking space here. it's i completely understand why you wanna like...completely transfer to lj. i'm thinking of posting vig there anyways and clarifying the fuck out of the fact that joey was NOT slashed at all in the story. he was FORCED into everything. there's a difference ;]

    that's so very true! when house is in the clinic...the episode usually turns out to be an epic the one where house thinks this woman is pregnant, but it turns out to be a tumor that she refuses to have removed? gahh, that one was hilarious ^.^
    eeeep. i really need to update [b]something[/b] today so i can say i accomplished anything D:
    your best fran privileges are sexy ^.^ <4569 and i love being able to bounce ideas off of you :D

    mike would be proud c': and no worries, i totally wanted to know every detail, especially since ADRIENNE FUCKING ARMSTRONG and HER SONS were RIGHT FUCKING IN FRONT OF YOU!
    July 28th, 2009 at 02:43am
  • Flo.

    Flo. (150)

    It's funny, though they went to the other city for two days...

    I'm just glad I don't live there. and it seems that the government should do something about the damages... so far it's silent.

    Siblings usually argue a lot. holding hands seems quite odd o.o

    it seems like there's no good weather anywhere o.O here it got to 20 degrees with chances of rain.

    So, did you see Green Day on a concert already? : )
    July 27th, 2009 at 05:34pm
  • insanity reigns;

    insanity reigns; (100)

    United States
    Well thank you I figured you would like it. :) *hands cookie* Thanks for commenting on it, also.
    July 27th, 2009 at 02:59pm
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly !!!! :D
    Tell me all about it, mhkay? Unless your a basket case. Then I can wait :D
    But you'll have to share the details sooner or later.
    My dad was messing with my head yesterday. Laura is very gullable, and he had me believing he was taking me to the Albany show. Since its like 3 hours away...>_< I would have been siked. TELL ME ABOUT IT SOOOOOON :D♥
    July 26th, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    D: seriously, your school needs a new spanish teacher who can actually SPEAK ENGLISH >:O this is AMERICA, not SPAIN or SOUTH AMERICA. in case they haven't noticed...ENGLISH IS THE PRIMARY LANGUAGE ASDFGHJKL. i'm sorry, i hate how everyone expects americans to speak every damn language on the planet...even though i love being trilingual. it's still unfair to us...i mean, if you go to france and you don't speak french, the people there will practically spit on you. but if you come to america and don't speak english? not a problem, come right on in, americans will just have to learn your language. WTF?!
    everybody wanted to be my best friend back when i was the smartest kid in school because i was one of the cool nerds who'd let people cheat XD

    well, i want this time bomb OUT of my brain. what if the next time the bomb goes off in my head...something worse happens? D: it scares me, mollybabe, it really does. YES, DEACTIVATE IT, PLEASE! i hate that you have to worry about my breakdowns...i really do.
    lolololol, kinky pod <4569 i love you.
    and i love our kinky weirdness.

    yeah, maybe they just needed the first few shows to be somewhat predictable so they'd know the crowd reactions and such. once they gathered all that information in their sexy brains, they were able to decide other [i]better[/i] things to do on tour...i'm just sad they didn't figure it out before my show :'[

    SQUEE i was able to use my pre-thought good feedback on the second update of the twitch!billie/rev/mike on lj...i was so proud of myself. kyichu's and villiagegreen's responses to my feedback made me giggle, too. they're too brilliant :D

    'tis what i'm here for, make you giggle with my quirky little comments ;D
    LMFAO why the fuck would someone try to circumcise themselves?! owww, that's a job you just shouldn't do without a medical degree... D:
    asdfghjkl <4569 i love you, a lot. i reallyreally hope reality turns out to be as amazing as you expected. i dunno what i'd do if i disappointed, y'know?
    but you pretty much got the entire summary of reality...and you should feel special with already knowing what's going to go down ;D

    oh i know, i couldn't call you moll [because i've thought of that before] because it's like mall and maul. and that fails >.<
    i love mollyblue's adorable c: like you <4569

    i'm so pumped for you, holy shit.
    July 26th, 2009 at 05:19am
  • jimmy27

    jimmy27 (100)

    United States
    i love your stories
    July 26th, 2009 at 02:44am
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    <4569 can't wait to get your *squee* texts ;]
    July 25th, 2009 at 11:13pm
  • Flo.

    Flo. (150)

    I got her a bubble thing as a b-day gift along with shots : D with descriptions like "Everyone has a right to be an idiot. You're abusing your privileges." I guess that we'll go se what changed in here and what not... and her boyfriend is here in Poland for the first time hehe :D

    I guess that not many died, but now it seems that there's so many things messed up and destroyed :/ in the South it's really hot, because it's further into the continent and no sea etc. So... the further from the sea the higher the temperature... so... when it's so hot and then suddenly it gets cold just imagine how powerful the thunderstorms are :/

    the weather is still geting crazy anywhere o.o it seems like weather forecast doesn't work anymore.

    haha you should :D but it's not that scary. if it takes a lot to scare you then you won't be scared. I guess so.
    Well, they have those weird moments. Let's say that those guys have great chemistry on-screen. and sometimes people say stuff like they aren't against gay couples... haha. you should see for yourself. but they're just brothers. it just looks weird to see siblings being close.

    it's cloudy here too... it's both hot and cold actually o.O
    July 25th, 2009 at 12:47pm
  • insanity reigns;

    insanity reigns; (100)

    United States
    Hey Molly. My new story's up, if you wanna read it. It's another Green Day one. :)
    July 25th, 2009 at 11:53am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    So mibba basically hates both of us :(
    July 25th, 2009 at 03:13am
  • Flo.

    Flo. (150)

    yeah :D we planned on attacking every fountain in Tricity ]x-> nd then we have to run away cos someone will chase us sure as hell. it's hot outside so beach is the right place to hide : D

    here it's, more likely, because of the thunderstorm we had. it was really something o.o this year the weather is crazy. It's hot outside... and then there's a chance for the thunderstorms... I'm happy to leave in the north cos the south and middle Poland is suffering from really strong thunderstorms and winds... today I've heard people died o.O

    is it as crazy over there?

    Supernatural can be scary sometimes (though it takes a lot to scare friend screamed a couple of times during watching it with me...), it's funny, there's some drama and there are moments that I think that those guys are rather gay then brothers o.O

    there's so much free time, huh? : D it's rainy weather? ;/
    July 24th, 2009 at 10:19am