catch 22 / Comments

  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    OH, and if aly reads this >_o...I'll comment her tomorrrow hahah i feel bad if i dont say anything, but im tired -_- so yah haha sorry aly :(
    July 24th, 2009 at 04:52am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    I DID IT AGAIN GOD DAMNIT IM GOING TO HURT SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like honestly, grrr...sorry, i have a bad temper...

    You've been to Canada??? Omg, totally flipping amazing man :D *virtual high five* Niagra is fun, ive been...four times? and Marine Land is kick bum, althouh i dont really remember it much, except for the fact that i blew up because i was so little that i could barely ride anything :C Next time your in Canada imma make you visit me, mhkay? Good, glad we agree :D

    Holy hell, Moly i watched the FF video and laughed so hard i cried. Like literally, i was on the ground. ahh its my new life saver, i have watched it like 10 billion gillian times and it never fails to make me smile. Like never, ughhh i love them soooooo much <333333 I know what you mean, like they have this way of making every interview different and unique and always a perk to it that makes it hilariously amazing. Ive watched at least every interview once, half of them over 5 times, like they never get boring.

    Let us scratch out Friday, shall we? :( I have made last minute plans, because I live in the middle of bum eff nowhere and when an opportunity to see friends and be part of civilization comes alot, i take hopefully soon, i promise it will be out, and i will not stress :D

    Im soooo uber glad you like it :) Like honestly mibba wouldnt survive without ppl like you here ahah, because that story doesnt get enough feedback..none of my do, which is why im down to two...its terrible, i mean i got less on quizilla, but whats the point in writing if no one is there to read it or give you critisizm? I thank yeah eva so kindlehhhhhhh :D

    and it [i]will[/i] get interesting. I already have the ending planned, and ohmygoodnessblahhhh i cant wait to get there :D

    Yeshesh they spell my name with a dog nmad <---(god damn backwards, im bored :( ) O. like honestly, where do you get an O in Laura!? I used to have a friend named Mollie, and she spelt it like <--- that lmao :D It looks ever so thilly :D and ahahahahah roflmaoumhpoae like billie only backwards! that made my night :)

    Can you do me a favor? If you meet them, mention my name :D Be like, oh and Laura says hi and she loves you to death <33 kay? your amazing. Buttttttt molllllllyyy, facebook is your fwend :( Nawh, just kidding. I had a computer virus that completely wrecked my comuter, like it destroyed i was really scared of doing anything for awhile. i dont blame you...but sadly, no i dont have a myspace :( *tear*

    Yes yes yes be afraid, be verrrrrrrry afraid o.O lmaoo, jussss kiddddin, not really though, it'll be helll, imma not going lie..I mean like, Green Day will be a hell of alot worse if your as hordcore as you say, and i really believe you. Just have fun and dont worry about the aftermath, because honestly, it'll be the best night of your life :) and thats the truth. But yes, depression actualyl just coming out of that. I mean, i waited for 6 straight years to see them live, and when i did, its over..and i have to wait. They'd better come back or i seriously wont be well, you know? like,now that they are back i want to make the best out of it, get the most out of it before they go back into hibernation mode. :D hahahah :) Billie Bear XD Mike...erm...Mountain Goat? (do they even hibernate?) Frankie Fox ;)...Jason jaguar! and MIchael Jackson :D he's in permanent hibernation.

    Ouuu la la, dem sexy animals ;)

    I love the anger album. I know that chump isnt off it, but you were talking about anger, so i thought i'd bring it up. Insomniac is generally my favourite album..i call it the anger album. its the album that billie joe basically let out all his anger and rage about people calling him a sellout for signing with a major record label like reprise. And not being accepted at gilman anymore. that must have really crushed him :(

    Hats are amazing, goshhhhhh. :) I like the idea too hehehehe, and they'll have mini flags on the top o.O lmao, im letting my O.I get off again...Alyhat? whoaaa hahah kick butt nickname much? yes yes lmao i love that putt putt place, although ive never actually been there, it just seems that epic :D

    I work at home,my moms company provides me with work and they pay be ubertastically :D the work sucks, like i have to put sensor stickers on glasses arms, and the glue literally pulls the skin off your fingers. it actually hurts to type.

    thats a flip for me, i cant do anything without music...i guess thats just me ahaha :) your brain doesnt hate you, it was just takinn a break! :D

    Yeshesh the Grammys :D God i hate billie's hair blonde. I have some fetish, like he isss soooooo gorgeous, but like when he has blonde hair it just isnt him. Hes still smexy either way, i just prefer it black.: )

    [i]It was like God and man side by side[/i]..that made me laugh so hard. Billie joe is such a leetal man, its unbelieveable. i wouldnt be suprised it he started getting a nature's call once or twice;) a lovely little once a month gift...JUST JOSHING ahahahah :D but honestly, he works that bod, i love him to death ahahah, he's amazing..him and his perfectness o.o

    I'd like to see the movie, and we even have it...i think in 3 copies ahah. I guess family members didnt exactly get the memo that it was the 'ideal' gift? ahaha :D its suposed to be good, so...i'll watch it sooner or later. Its like my brother's favourite movie so,

    Like i said, you can give it a try. Im up for slash, just not so much at one time, you knwo ahaha, well i guess you wouldnt cause you like aboslutly love it....i just like to fantisize about billie being with me haha like what teenager wouldnt? you cannot say you dont do that, i mean he cant all be mike's ;)
    Do your worst. I'll let you. aha

    I might make an account, i havnt decided yet. It seems pretty confusing ahah, i went on there for a few moments and its kinda different. i like how on here you can have a layout and shiz and for your stories and all that, like customize crap, i love that about it. Quizilla i liked but no one ever talked to me you know? So idk, i just like it here. dont vanish, i just met you :)

    Im sorry about your situations. I sorta feel the same way, about everyone leaving? But for meit was the other way around. When i was about 8, we moved 2 hours away from all my childhood friends and everything, it was devestating for i had no one, and i still feel that way. i feel like i am closer to mibba ppl than i am to the people around here...its terrible. my best friend lives in montreal, and i barely see her..i guess this is why i can barely listen to 86. Off the anger album. "theres no return from 86, dont even try". i visited my old friends after i left and it was like they didnt want i know what you sorta went through..and im sorry.

    Im good, if i ask myself hahahah :D

    I may make an account. I really need to think about it first, though.
    July 24th, 2009 at 04:52am
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    aww, yeah, i remember you telling me about that fail of a spanish class D:
    that's so unfair. i bet, with a different teacher, you'd be good at spanish.
    lmfao, my second semester spanish teacher introduced me to the teacher i'll have next year for spanish 2, and she was like "and here's your future best student" because spanish 2 is a sophomore class and i'm in the junior version of that class...which basically means everyone there failed spanish 1. fuck yes, i'ma be the nerd of that class D: /random?

    i know! ahahaha, we're definitely on the same wavelength, mollyfriend. i still find it so weird that we had a breakdown around the same times this morning too. only yours made sense D: mine came out of nowhere.
    oooooo, hell yes. i love how sexualllllllll we are. it's kinky <4569
    i love your internet weirdoness, so yes, it's definitely a good thing ;]

    awww, i'm sorry to hear that :[
    they have to come back because these new shows are unfair. with all the changes in the set list? I IZ JEALOUS >:O

    ahahaha, i have a fucking great feedback idea [yes, i have to pre-think fucking FEEDBACK for people]. ehehehe, i can't wait to use it.
    but yeah, i always feel like i'm repeating myself when i say how much i loved a story, y'know? ughhh, it fails.
    they really are. i almost thought i read the pairing wrong, but they somehow made that work and turned the rev and twitch into two different people.
    it's sexy. i love it ^.^

    nah, my lingo didn't mind. they're crude, disgusting, obscene little buggers anyways. they deserved your sexually driven punishment-turned-kinkfest.
    bahahahahaha, i love that show. there's so many embarrassing problems with people... yay house ^.^
    oh, did i? O:] must have slipped my mind to tell you...i thought it was obvious since they're having a fucking child together. i couldn't write mike abandoning billie and their baby o.o lmfao, that feels so weird to say
    hey now, don't hype it up D: i don't want it not to live up to your expectations, dearie.

    ehehehehe, why thank you, molly...damn! your name can't really be shortened or lengthened to anything else besides something

    BILLIE. fuck, he kills me. i can't believe i missed his breakdance the first time around...he's so epic :D
    July 24th, 2009 at 01:38am
  • Flo.

    Flo. (150)


    I'm good. Tomorrow my best friend comes to Poland and I'm so excited :D:D:D I have a problem with the Internet on my laptop so I'm not using it...well, only to re-watch Supernatural again... I guess that I already know all the lines in every episode o.O

    how are you? :D
    July 23rd, 2009 at 10:49am
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    ahahaha, i love reading the french off random shit like that just to see how much of it i can's crazy, since these days, there's usually only a few words i don't know. back in sixth grade, it was all fucking foreign to me o.o gahhh i love different languages ^.^ spanish is pretty spiffy too, i picked up on that reallllll quick.

    i thought it'd be way too overly creepo? but by god, you stole it right from mah brain! <4569 you really are my mollypsych, aintcha?
    but yes...i anxiously await your replies and then fuck myself silly to your sexy words. too far? damn skippy ;D
    D: onoes, but you SHOULD be talking to me c: i'm a good internet creepo, not a bad one ;]

    :D:D:D well let's hope your sister does have some l&o on dvd for ya.
    seriously, that shit keeps ya hooked for hours, mannnn. i love it ^.^
    they're such fucking DORKS, i had to watch that again...and i'm still giggling c:
    there's no question...they NEED to come to wisconsin on the second leg of the tour.

    aw, yeah, that makes sense, but i tend to fail on giving compliments on people's writing...i just comment on what i can.
    and i literally squee out loud when i see a ciasta update. raped!billie is just too damn good XD
    eeeeeep, the new lj shit is bomb. villiagegreen and kyichu i guess are cowriting a twitch/rev/billie fic.
    it's wicked. i want to fuck the rev/twitch lingo, sugarlump. i really do ;]

    lmfao, and make sweet, sweet love to yours ^.^
    aw, you raped mine! well damn, kinky bastards must have enjoyed it since i didn't hear them complaining...
    ehehehe, billie was trying to sound all macho, badass, and punk.
    woah, i think i've seen the one where house gets shot...and everything turns out to be a dream or something? gah, i've only seen bits and pieces of that one :\
    welllll, first i have to get mike and billie together, have them get married [still unsure if that'll happen before or after the impregnating first fuck], have them fuck [god, i hate writing smut >.<], and then comes the [i]your strangely mutated male eggo is preggo, billie boy[/i] ;D

    i have no idea! you'd think my name was foreign or something with how often it gets slaughtered!
    squee! i actually prefer alyssa o.o i just keep going by aly since it'd be weird for everyone to [i]stop[/i] calling me that.

    that pretty much made my night, i missed that because i couldn't see billie whenever he'd drop to the floor. fucking tall people in front of me... x_x
    July 23rd, 2009 at 06:06am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)



    Laura so stupid :( Lmao :)

    anywho, i started out with: random question, but do you know if there is a time difference? Hm, I don't think there should be. I mean, if you live in Albany or anywhere near it, we only like 2-3 hours away.[thats a hint hint. ever been to canada?] All i have to do is swim across the st.lawerence river thats basically my backyard and im in the US. Of course, i'd have to get pass the little spys that spy on people to make sure no canadians get onto their land. Stupid little dimmies. >_> yeah, cause you know we [i]want[/i] to like, take them over. O.o

    I guess its safe to say i will not be getting I Was There out tonight. I spent, like no time on it today, its very very sad :( I got destracted, like i was on mibba, then i was on facebook, and before i knew it i was on god damn youtube searching Green Day interviews. *slaps own face*. I need to get over this whole distraction thing.Sorry. Hopefully Friday. Because laura gets to work tomorrow. Let us all cheer, whoopie? i think not.

    Lmao I love the fact he hates her too, its like watching him take on a whole new side. Like, you'd really never see Billie this mean to someone, and he was a bit of a prick to her. I mean i was about to punch the computer screen, but that would have hurt and i would have gotten in trouble. so i contained myself...but honestly, i hope it gets like, better. I have alot in store before he starts...liking...her...hehehehe ;) like making evanne ditch her. sorry i had to say it. but its nothing like the billie we know and love, you know? billie and mean dont mix..which is why i wanted to write it. to see what people thought. :D

    I will simply state that i dont like it, and that it bothers me when people do such things to this poor, innocent man. I mean i hate it, honestly when people mis spell [i]Laura[/i]. I mean how the flip do they do that!? but they effing manage it. [b]Lora, Loura, Lorrah[?][/b]THERE IS NO FREAKIN O IN MY NAME. I mean, i can see what billie would go through. Its a freakin I E not a Y. and if it bothers fans, it must really piss him off. he has done so much for people, they might as well repay him by spelling his own name right.

    Take the picture! My dad just laughed at me when I did. I mean, it'll last longer than a memory, no? And honestly, if it was just me and Court, we defiantely would have went to the backto wait for them. I'd do anything to meet them. Do you have facebook? if you do, you need to add me, you neeeeeeeeeeeeed to see my concert photos =] and videos! I know its goddamn stupid, the mibba rule i mean. it doesnt make sense.

    Holy hell, the day after was like, terrible. My mom woke me up at around 10:30, claiming i needed to sleep that night. But i couldnt move. Like literally could not move. It hurt so bad to do anything. She came back in, and asked if i was even alive. I couldn't tell her, i couldnt speak. Before i knew it i was in tears, i couldnt help it. From the moment the lights went out to the moment they went back on, I was on my feet, jumpiing and screaming and singing at the top of my lungs. So I guess I paid for it the day after.

    OH GOD DAMNIT. I'm listening to 21 Guns right now on full blast, and [i]my hair is standing on fckn end[/i], its 30 degrees here and im cold! Like its giving me chills >_< And im on the verge of tears. Im such a die-heart, see what they are doing to me? I'm a complete basket case.

    Right on for clubs! i say aly should be included, but no one else, no? she seems to have all the classic symptoms :D lmfao, i'll make us paper hats! abahahahahahh putt putt! that reminds me of something! on my bus route to school, theres this place that never fails to make me burst into hysterics: Butts Putts...hahahahahahhhaahhaahhahhahah :D:D:D:D:D im such a loon.

    I have a simular routine. For me, its its my homepage=] ),,, facebook and then mibba. Unless, for course im working, then i only turn on my computer for music. I need music when i work, makes me go faster. Especially Green Day, its like they are cheering me on :)

    ZOMGGGGG ME TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! - is what i literlly yelled out when i read that you also counted down from 51 days! Like i rememeber watching this award show, i forget which one now , but it was an award show, and it had been like 5 years since green day had made any sort of appearence, and like so i was soooo excited it was the only reason i watched it. and when they came on and told everyone about the new album and the date, i flippin jumped off the couch with a loud, very loud CHEEEYYAAA!!!!! and started running around. my mom comes into the living room all 'wtf?' and all i said is 'they are backk!!!!!!' and went to bed. Since then its been all countdowns. After the CD release i had one for the concert.

    Thats what imeant. Slash is okay, but im not obsesed. hm, maybe one day i will be, you never know ;) Ohh, and a video would be amazing, thank yaah! ;)

    Lmfao, that comment made me giggle uncontrollably. Billie Joe is like a little lady trapped inside a mans body. not even a mans body, like he has such a girlish figure. But freakin rocks it onstage, swings them hips ;) I wouldnt be suprised if he complains about his theighs.

    Fine, fine gaaawd. Billie can be spiderman, Mike can be Joker although ive never seen the Dark Knight o.O, and Tre will be our little Aquaman. <3 And Freese is the living MJ :D

    Ahh okay, livejournal. Never heard of it. Whats it like? I loved quizilla too, dont ge tme wrong and i was devistated when everyone moved. its like a ghost town, there is literally no one left. I felt so out of place on there anyway, like i belong on here you know? iwas a little eleven year old and i sucked at writing, and i had made on freind on there. s'bout it. then i moved on her, and its like everything went into place.

    I love Letterbomb, i shall put it that way. Its seriously one of the best songs on the record, i love it. Do you mind if I ask what kind of situation you were in? imma bit nosey, just tell me no if you dont want to share.

    ^ . ^

    Welcome :)
    And as for livejournal...i might make an account. Maybe.
    July 23rd, 2009 at 02:05am
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    surprises make my liiiiiife :D
    squee! i've gotten you to notice teh french...i feel accomplished ^.^

    awfuck, overprotective parents fail. i assure you, i'm not some 40 year old pedophile who jacks off to your comments every night.
    that'd be just fucking weirrrrrrrrrd o.o

    haha yeah, i'll watch two and a half men every once in a while. i love the kid...he's randomly hilarious.
    as for deal or no deal... D: not so much.
    indeeeeeed, i have seasons 1, 2, and 8 on dvd. all the other seasons except 9 and 10 i can watch on the computer through my dad's netflix.
    asdfghjkl i think i'ma add season 9 to the mail list, though, since that one's the only season i haven't seen every episode of, and it's intense too.
    detective benson practically gets raped while undercover and my eyes were all O.O throughout that entire episode.
    totally random shit is that video of tre and billie banter about a glove...oh lord, did THAT make my day :D

    eeep! <4569 just for me...i like the sounds of that ;D
    oh i know, i would have died of embarrassment if i was that writer, since my eyes pretty much bled after reading it. grammar failure pisses me off.
    the second installment was much better, though. still didn't make much sense, but it wasn't a grammatical fail this time around.
    so i pretty much didn't comment on either? i wouldn't wanna seem like a bitch.
    :'[ i do too, love...i do too.

    computergasm! mollylingo is sexy, can i make love to it? XD
    on top of the gut splitting belt tightness and flamer scarves, he wears GUYLINER. and has a feminine, queer voice o.o
    it's like he went through reverse puberty over the years and slowly got more and more homo...but i luff him all the same <4569
    FUCK i must have missed the exploding prick episode! >:O lmfao that sounds hilarious!
    bahahahahahahahahahahaha, i love you a lot. hopefully it won't be as difficult to write future chapter of reality...because if the rest of it is as painfully difficult to write as the one i just wrote, then updates would probably end up being few and far between D:

    :D that's actually one of my favorite misspellings of my name XD alysaa. lmfao that looks beastly.
    i've gotten allysa, alysa, alissa, allisa, allyssa, allissa, alicia [wtf?], elyssa [ewwwwwwwww], and elissa. people fail at spelling my name.
    lmfao, for some odd reason...i liked you calling me alyssa ;]
    it was cute c:
    July 23rd, 2009 at 01:15am
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    lmfao, talk about epic shock. i go on mibba, not expecting anything, and BAM. new profile comments, new photo comments, 1 friend request, and a story comment. that randomly made my day o.o
    and of course i'd spot the french...'tis the language of sex XD

    ohhhhh really now? well, would your parentals allow a child from wisconsin to accompany you on this here trip? my parents would actually let me go.
    awww, poor matt. i don't even know him, and i already hate his dad :[

    ahh, yeah, there's certain shows that fail to keep me interested...
    but them crime shows...i just HAVE TO KNOW how they end, y'know?
    ahh yeah, i know what you mean. i just hope that, eventually, you can get to prostitute!billie c:
    ehehe, yes, detective stabler is one of the many reasons to love that show. he's all badass, yet fatherly. it's fantastic :D
    aww, if i could, i'd teleport the seasons of svu that i have on dvd...especially the eigth. that's a fucking intense season, man. INTENSE :D
    i mean, bob fucking saget is in one of the episodes XD
    yeah! it was a random choice! ehehehe, christopher meloni makes my life <4569

    :[ that makes me sad, mollybabe. i really liked that story...raped!billie is randomly intriguing. maybe...just might pick it up or re-write it? c: s'il te plait?
    yes! post it to lj, everyone there is always so supportive...except for this one story that just got comment raped, and not in the good way D: i was like DAMN, FIRST NEGATIVE FEEDBACK I'VE SEEN O.O
    yes, it's mibbians who are an epic fail for not giving decent feedback. it's so frustrating it makes me wanna cry sometimes >.<

    ohdamn, don't even get me started on mike's cheekbones... ;D or his eyes. or his biceps *dies*
    ahahahahaha, yet another reason to prove he has a female trapped inside of him: he wears his belts so damn tight. that's such a chick thing.
    O.O no! holy shit, his prick would explode! and...lmfao...not in the good way at all. it would literally burst into little billie bits D:
    so um...a c-section seems the most obvious choice, aye?
    ehehehehe, mike's reaction is going to be priceless. "how the flying fuck did i knock you up!?!?!?!" *dies*

    it's humane because mice can't survive in body temperatures 1 degree above or below their natural temperature, so death is quick and painless? i dunno.
    or if the equipment is still even there o.o if it still works, or if it's real.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 09:57pm
  • hellomynameisyourtv.

    hellomynameisyourtv. (100)

    United States
    Some people are just shallow, I guess. Or easily swayed by their wrong opinion. I bet those are the same people that forward chain mail and buy trendy hipster clothing. x]

    Aw. I haven't seen that interview before. I kind of want to now. Do you know where I can find it? That's sad though, it being quiet. Even though Billie pretty much dominates interviews, you can still tell he enjoys the other two being there.

    Same here. Though not with Paramore. I don't really like them much, but I can see where someone would. There are some bands out there that I really don't understand how anyone could like them. Though I'm sure some people think that about Green Day, which is disappointing.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 08:26pm
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    Yes it was :) And yeah, I know that now, she told me ahaha :)

    I am SO going to make it happen. By the end of the night, it's totally going to be out. As long as, like I said, I don't get distracted,a nd right now that might be just a tiny ickle bit hard, since im listening to The Network and they make me laugh so hard XD All of their talk about Robots? I swear, it was Tre..ahem, I mean, The Snoo, came up with half the lyrics or the titles. But i'll try and i'll most likely make it happen. And then I'll tell you. Yes yes.

    Billie is drop-dead gorgeous. But yes, I agree. He has like, these, multiple personalities (i think i spelt that wrong) and he's like, a basket case ahaha, him and his little panic attacks. I mean, if he doesnt like something, you know about it. At least , thats what i've found about him. But he seems like an allaround nice guys when you get to know him, and I guess later he'll end up being nice to her. They both need to realize whats inside a frist, and maybe they'll date. I havnt exactly decided yet..:) But thats what it origonally was about. Leah finds someone that takes time to get to know her, someone who actually cared? Just showing that there is someone for everyone, even if they are halfway across the country.

    Teenagers from Mars, and we don't caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare. Sorry, the song is playing and I freakin love it.

    That makes my mind do a flipping spin. I can't stand it when people spell his name wrong, its effing B-I-L-L-I-E. Or as I like to say, " I before E when your spelling 'Billie' " :D its not god damn William Joseph, its Billie Joe, whether people like it or not.

    I tried that with my dad. I was all " Can we go to the back"? Cause we'd seen the buses before the show, like we went to the back to see if the trucks and buses were outside in the open, and they were, so I took a picture :O lmao, im alittle too obsessed. But he wouldnt let me go back :( That night, and still today, it hurts to like, breath or do anything. I screamed every second of that show, and jumped for just as long. He didnt even have to yell "Jump' and i was jumping. Im like, a wreck now. My mom thinks i over did it. I'm all " Pfft, you werent there" They deserve to have fans like this.

    [i]I[/i] was the picture taker and video taker. I took them all and im quite proud because they are actually all quite good. :)

    It really is quite the mouthful, I will agree.
    And yes, you seem like the type. I shall agree you are diagnosed aswell. There needs to be more people with this syndrome. We should start a club. Lmao,I sound like a flippin 10 year old. ♥

    Same. My bestie, Court, she even admitted to me once "I pretty much got you into Green Day back when we were youngin's, and now your more obsessed than me." I just smiled :)At least she knows its true. :D Theyare truly in my heart too, like seriously, i love them. I realyl really love them, they make my heart go boom boom, and drop into my stomach, releasing all the butterflies into the rest of my body which gives me the chills. :D and yes, that was made up from the top of my head. :D

    I know what you mean about it being so close. Before the concert, i was flipping out. Like I was all "its only .... many days away" I even started counting the hours. Quite sad, yes,very. But seriously it was worth it. I started coutning down when we got the tickets, which was the first day they were out, so I started counting down at 70. And now after the show, all that matters is Green Day. Only green Day, they are all I think about now. Like, where they are, what they are doing, when will they come back? When will their new album be out? How long will we have to wait again? And just, like all i listen to is their bands: Green Day, Hot Tubs, Network, Pinhead...its like they are all that matters to me now, you know?

    Slash is okay. Im not a huge fan, but i'll read it. I just dont like it going too over the top, you know? XD Im weird that way, dont question it haha. Enjoy the show! aand tell me if any action happens, mhkay!?

    God damnit, Billie is just...too amazing you know? Its like he's perfect yet he's not because no one's perfect. Example: That man is freakin skin and bone, theres nothing to him. Yet, He's the most amazing person on this world, to grace his presence. Hehehehehehe...and his a lil cutie too :3, the little faces he makes and doesnt even realize it. His lyrics are so insperational and his voice is beautiful. He doesnt care what people think about him and he'll stand up for his beliefs. He's multi-talented, he's like my role model. yet, the whole band is like my super-hero clan ahah you know? Because they all contribute and teach diffeent things. But its like Billie is the Batman and the rest are his side kicks?
    Billie- Batman
    Tre- Aquaman
    Mike- Spiderman :O
    Jason W- the Hulk !!
    Jason F- ............ Michael Jackson?

    good gawd thatmadenoeffingsense lmao:P:):):):):):):)

    Whats lj?
    Am I like, oblivious? is there something new again that everyone is moving to? It took me forever to realize everyone was moving from Quizilla to Mibba. I just dont want it to happen again. It took me forever to make friends on here and actually get people reading my stories -_-

    I knowwwwwwwwww, the wait was too much and fianlly to hear their music again was amazing, way too much to handle. Still, sometimes its too much to handle. And its not jus tthat record that makes me cry. Good Riddance does, along with Wake Me Up When September Ends and a couple others. My favourite song, Stuck With Me used to, for some reason? It doesnt make sense, because it has nothing sad in it. I love that song <3

    Never seen that video..I'l ahve to look it up. Is it recent?
    hehehehehehe yup...why not? Yours made me laugh hysterically! :D

    yay Laura :D
    didnt make much sense but ooookay :D

    Its a great story, I like like likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it muchos :D Ar eyou thinking of writing anymore series or stories? Cause you're a really great writer, yep yep yep < 3.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 05:37pm
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    *giggles* i spy french down there, [i]n'est-ce pas[/i]? XD

    ahahaha, i so would, babydoll, i so would...but isn't connecticut farther away from wisconsin or am i geographically challenged?
    D: oh dear, only tu madre?! that's tragic...i so wish i could be there for you, babe <4569
    oooo, i'd like to rule the east coast after dominating chicago with lindsey ^.^

    i think i might scan that portrait into the computer because it actually fucking [i]looks[/i] like her! the only flaw is that i made her look slightly possessed o.o whooooooops.
    ugh, i just get too easily sucked into crime shows, psychic/fake psychic shows, and...teen drama? ahahaha but whatever, it keeps me less bored and more open to watch random shit on tv.
    squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! doitdoitDOIT! i absolutely love prostitute!billie :D
    as soon as i saw that it was [i]actually[/i] christopher meloni doing that fake promo, i DIED XD
    lmfao the green day thing made my dayyyyyyy when i found that video! since it wasn't real...he just picked a random band to say, which happened to be green day. that just hit my spot, y'know? ;D

    you're in ruins is done? seriously? o.O how did i not see that the last chapter i read was really the last one? fuck, i fail.
    please continue cali rain on lj...i wanna know where that was going, since i literally have no please? c:
    awww, this is a sad day. stupid mibba, being too much of a failure for mollytweet. not fair >:O

    ahaha, not only does he have hips, but he has a teeny little muffin top when he wears a belt XD i noticed this at my concert and practically [i]awwwwed[/i] out loud. it's not chubby or anything like most fat people with the muffin the hell does beejo pull that off?!
    but hips won't matter in reality, since it's impossible for males to squeeze a fuckin' baby out their prick? i'd LOVE to see them try, though *dies*

    I KNOW O.O my eighth grade science teacher told us that's how he "puts down" mice, so that's what i did when demo's time came.
    i felt horrible for having to do it, but at least she's out of her misery :\
    fuck...i wonder if it still works down there after being practically BURNED OFF.
    D: poor travis...i could almost cry at how sad that is.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 09:40am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    Okay wow o.o
    I didnt realize how long that was.
    I seriously should apoligize for taking up half your comment box.
    Sa-wee :D
    July 22nd, 2009 at 04:27am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    Three cheers for rambling, oui oui, n'est pas? ;)

    No, writers block isn't fun. Buuuuuuut, I started the fifth chapter today, and I'm happy to say I'll most likely get it out by tomorrow night. If I don't get distracted. Thank you so much! Oliwia (La-idiot) also told me something along those lines, about how it's different. Quite frankly thats what I was going for, I'm sick of all the love fanfics that happen so fast: they characters meet one minute, and the next they are deeply and madly head-over-heels for eachother. The sad reality is: life just doesnt work that way, so Billie pretty much hates her at this point. Like everyone. :) I agree about not getting things absolutley correct for stories, and being afraid about the aftermath.I get that feeling too, but I realize: it's my god damn story, and its obviously not going to be perfect, because i'm effing fourteen years old.

    Twas quite fun, indeed *_* I want to relive that night over and over, like you wouldn't believe. My seats were actually quite good, not on the floor but I survived. Of course I didn't get to be a lucky audience member, and be pulled up on stage to play an instrument, sing or shoot a watergun with Billie Joe, but who knows? Theres always future shows, hey maybe one day i'll get to meet them. Expect the unexpected (Big Brother :D). My seats were section 116 E. So they wern't like, extremely far, but not so close. I could see their beautiful faces perfectly without the screen, let us put it that way. How about you?

    I know what you mean about being obsessed. Its gotten worse over the years, and a friend from school once told me that I have a very unhealthy case of Obsessive Compulsive Abnormality of Extreme Affection and Devotion Towards Green Day Dissorder. OCAEADTGDD for short =]. I don't think there is anyone around here [Ottawa-Montreal] who is as obsessed as me. I say that, yet there probably is. Though is brings tears to my eyes. I love Green Day..

    It doesnt blow! I mean, you're going, and you're going to see them in the freakin flesh: Billie Joe Armstrong, Michael Pritchard and Frank Edwin Wright III. Don't let the sister and the boyfriend get to you =] have a good time, it'll be a show worth seeing, trust me. Especially is your as hardcore as you tell me .

    You going to Albany? Sorry, I can of have a fetish. I memorized the dates. I'm pretty sure they are in Philly right now. :)

    Billie Joe Armstrong puts his god damn heart and soul into every lyric he writes and chants on stage. Every single song has more heart and emotion in it than all those hater's effin tiny little brains combined. Dominated Love Slave, ahhhh how I love Tre, no no, how I adore him. He's a funny lil fart, he is ;) Green Day are no way in hell sell outs. They are the greatest punk-rock band to grace their presence on this earth, and haters can just go get hit by a bus.

    Ha Ha Their Dead.
    and Laura so happy.
    In loving memory
    of their demise.

    hehehehehe I can be downright evil. >:)
    Kay, hm, I'll stop.

    If fans walked away from them last year because of how long it look them, they wern't true. The loyal fans stick with them through everything, and if i could have, I would have been waiting at their doorsteps, waiting patiently with my legs crossed, spaced out. Yes yes. :) The wait was definately worth it. The new album was so freakin amazing, it made me cry the first time I heard it, like literally, at the end of See The Light, I burst into tears. I didnt want it to end. Thats what Green Day do to me now! I'm such a baby -_-

    LMAO, nice! Pick Up, I like that. Man oh man, how I simply love Tre Cool. He is just a simply amazing little freakshow ♥ Oui, that counts :)

    Zebras are just flippin' awesome, man! Best animal on earth, with their kick-butt stripes and all. yay!
    Plankton!? Lmao, wow, I actually lol-ed :D
    hmm....let us see............


    BTW. I read Prayers to God, LOVE IT. Updates?!
    July 22nd, 2009 at 04:26am
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    lmfaowemakenofuckingsenseomfg <4569
    hoorah for snuggles and squiggles and all that sexy shit...lolwhat?

    ehehehe, you're cute c: wanna know something equally sad? in art class, we had to do a water color portrait of an actor/actress. so i thought i'd do someone nobody's heard of. naturally i picked mariska hargitay from svuuuuu. i was proud of myself for that XD
    ohdamn, i have a rather long list of shows i watch regularly: law & order: svu, medium, ghost whisperer, ncis, scrubs, house, law & order: ci, in plain sight, monk [this summer's the last season D':], degrassi: the next generation [i fucking fail at life for getting sucked into that show], and psych. i think you'd like psych, it's about a guy who solves crimes by pretending to be psychic. it's fucking hilarious ^.^
    orly? prostitute!billie is not finished? this sounds sexyyyyyy. can't wait until you write something up about this new idea... ;D
    um, molly...i have to share this video with you:
    not only is it incredibly random, but it combined two of my favorite things in the world c: i think you might get a kick out of attention at the end ;D

    NO. NONONONO! are you going to finish them on lj or are they gone forever?! D': i wanna know what happens in yir and cali rain! long as you stay here to comment and still read vig, then that's ok to convert to lj. i understand...because i'm still nervous about posting vig there D:
    squeee for stars! :D

    bahahaha, i know, billie joe armstrong = the assless wonder.
    but i do notice his girlish figure...he has prominent hips XD
    don't most guys NOT have hips?

    i know, it was creepy the way i had to kill it, too. apparently, you put them in a container and then leave them in the freezer. it's [i]humane[/i] to do it like that? but demo died with her eyes open, and that freaked me the fuck out because she had red eyes o.o
    holyfuckingOW! i feel so bad for him...that must have been really tough >.<
    July 22nd, 2009 at 12:08am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    I'm glad you like novels -_- I tend to ramble...alot. :)
    I'll start with a thank you :) for reading I Was There, and for commenting, which was something you definately didn't have to do. I just hate having writers really messes with your mind. With a story like that, it takes so much work to write just one chapter, I have to do date research and all that crap. I know alot about how the band was during Sweet Children, but dates and times just mess with my little brain >_< I have so many ideas, I just hate having to write them all down. It sounds quite lame.

    My dad likes them, he's the one who brought me to the show. He likes pretty much anything, classic rock or rock or punk really. And I went with his best friend, who's daughter is my best friend. And she's a hardcore fan too. So I guess you can say I'm lucky :) Whoare you going with to the concert?

    I agreeeeeee. I love how Green Day can state their opinion and not give a flying shit of what happens, still they know what they are talking about. Yet people hate them for exactly that, which makes absolutly no sense. And they hate them because they are popular. Which makes even less sense. And they hate theem because they don't have talent. Which is a load of BS, they have more talent than any of the crappy mainstream bands that are out there right now. I mean, come on. Flo Rida? Solja Boy? They can't even come up with decent names, let alone express themselves as beautifully as Billie Joe, Mike or Tre do. So what I'm getting at is that what everyone says about them, is obviously not true, and it takes a true fan to see through all of that. I really hate when people change their minds about them, like they like them onje day, and when they hear a song they don't like, all of a sudden they are terrible. Doesn't make sense.

    I don't think I'm making any sense right now -_- I guess thats what I get for rambling again.

    I remember hearing them on the radio aswell! Another thing I rememeber is when my dad, and his friend and his daughter (the ppl i was talking aabout ^ up there ^) we were on the way to Courtney's soccor game (the daughter XD) and my dad's friend put on the American Idiot album. This was about the time I was starting to get into them, I think I was about to turn 10...just after grade four. I knew American Idiot right away, the song I mean, but when Jesus of Suberbia came on, I had no idea what it was, the lyrics or anything, yet Court was singing along and having a grand ol' time. Then all of a sudden, the "I don't care if you don't care" part came on, you know, the part that repeats quite a few times? I don't know what happened, but I right away started singing along. We say now that that is our part of the song :) Lol, I'm rambling again -_-

    Anyhoo yeah. Blahhhhhhhh.

    Had to get it out.
    July 21st, 2009 at 09:48pm
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    C: lmfao, i love being adorable in your eyes <4569
    it makes me feel all snuggly inside. i love you tooooooo.

    teehee, was he mcdreamy or mcsteamy? and i can understand why o.o he is kinda foxy in a medical kind of way XD
    gahhh that's laaaaame. the only new shows i watch in the summer are all on the same network: usa c: i fucking love that channel.
    you don't need cable for new episodes of svuuuu, those be on nbc :D
    alrighty, so it starts back up wednesday september 23rd at 9:00 your time.
    i just watched the tiny sneak preview for the new season, and there's gonna be a new detective i guess o.o weird.
    lmfao, i kinda died when the captain told the new detective "you're mine until i don't need you anymore." my mind is way too sexual XD
    ehehehehe, i'm so honored to be your little sister! i've never been the younger sibling...i'm always the oldesssst :[
    so this is a nice change of pace! i also love how this makes no sense. we rule ^.^

    whyyyyyy? don't leave mibba! it'll fail here without you!
    ahaha and i finally got 15 subs for vig, so now i has 3 stars. i'm proud of myself.
    and just 11 more readers and i'll have a fourth star...isn't it sad how preoccupied i am with that fucking system? >.<
    his mouth is so dirty ;D it's fantastic <4569
    GOOD PLAN! that could work. i mean, seriously...brittney just needs to disappear >:O

    haha, yes, i do believe they call that charm? he must have a ton of that shit packed into his tiny practically oozes out his ass XD

    your DAD named her pusser? well damn, i guess we now know what's constantly on your dad's mind O.O
    awww, poor thing. my mouse demo had such a huge tumor that she tried gnawing her arm off to get rid of it...and then i had to [i]put her down[/i]. i felt so bad for her :[
    siiii, they were "sharing" it. i read that in one of the article scans you sent me the link for.
    LMFAO i remember that plane crash! for a while, i seriously thought travis barker was gonna die or something.
    i bet that's why blink got back together! because of barker's near death experience XD
    ha, no worries, i giggled at that too o.o we both failllll.
    July 21st, 2009 at 04:58am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    Oh, and do you mind if I add you as a friend? I feel the need to ask.
    July 21st, 2009 at 04:07am
  • catastrophic-loner

    catastrophic-loner (100)

    Trust me. It [i]will[/i] be worth it. Twas the best night of my life, and I wish I could go back and relive it over and over and over again. That is pretty ironic, and whats more is we're the same age. Well, we will be the same age in August :) I'm like, the youngest in my grade cause i'm a summer baby.

    You know what's super-cool? I have memories as a child listening to Green Day. Their album Warning came out in 2000, so I was about six or seven or five or whatever. I rememeber coming downstairs and my dad, as usual was blasting music in the living room and playing air guitar. Silly father. Anyhow, I walked up and asked him "Who is this?" and he told me It was Green Day. The song was Minority, and even though i didn't know the lyrics or anything, I picked it up after the chorus ran through the first time. Best memory of my life :)

    But it really started for me when I was nine, 2004. My teachers only let us play one CD at a time during lunch, and all the boys loved the new American Idiot album, so guess what I heard ever day at noon? It got to the point where I couldn't stand to listen to them, but after awhile the music stuck in my head, and I begged my dad to let me borrow his copy :) Since then I've been hooked. What about you?

    I have one Jonas Brothers fanfiction, dedicated to my mibba friend Chelsea. She's in love with Nick...I don't find their music too appealing but i listen to it. I also have a Billie Joe fanfic on haitus. Writers block. But after that show, I for some reason have that many more ideas. Care to check it out? its called 'I Was There", and its not very far.

    Sorry for the novel. :)
    July 21st, 2009 at 04:05am
  • charlatan

    charlatan (100)

    United States
    i updated vig! i'm so proud of myself, it turned out better than i thought!
    *happy dance*
    July 21st, 2009 at 03:14am
  • hellomynameisyourtv.

    hellomynameisyourtv. (100)

    United States
    It makes me sad, too. I just don't understand how people up and leave Green Day. Or how suddenly their opinion will change because of one specific song.

    Heh. Yeah. I sometimes want to see what it's like without one of them there. Don't get me wrong- I in no way mean for them to break up or be apart or anything. I'd just like to see who brings what to the table, if you know what I mean.

    It is refreshing. I just don't see that connection with most bands. I mean, that being said, there's a lot of good bands out there. Just not very many with a strong and obvious connection.
    July 21st, 2009 at 12:27am