Supernova Fanfiction

ALRIGHT!i am here to ask if any of you know about another K-pop group.This group is called Supernova. I only recently found out about them and have quickly fallen in love with their music.So i wants to know how many of you out there know about them?Anyone know or have written a Supernova fan fiction?Anyone want to read one?Some time in the future i am planning to release a Supernova/ Super Junior...
September 21st, 2008 at 10:10pm

Super Junior Fan Fiction

Okay, so just recently I have come across an awsome Kpop group called Super Junior. Now at first i was all 'w/e' about them...then i came to like... "love" the bad...Now i wanted to know how many of you mibba-ers actually know about this group.So who out there knows Super Junior?I haven't seen many fanfictions about them, so how many of you out there would read a fanfiction with the love intrest...
July 19th, 2008 at 04:57am