Ree. / Comments

  • haha his name Kenzie..
    He's domician(sp?) so if you are you guys might be related.
    December 20th, 2009 at 07:11pm
  • weeeeeellll
    seeee I really liked this guy... but I'm sooo over him.
    and Camacho was his last name
    December 19th, 2009 at 12:53am
  • Well now that I'm finally off for break, I can finally reply, way late, to your comment!
    It sounds like an interesting project, I'm sure it looks really good, too. I usually go to tumblr and look at photos/read and listen to songs that...aren't exactly the best for good moods. I'm going to be working on a shirt commission all break, so I've been trying to get up on the inspiration/motivation.

    We had a few test/quizzes this week, two of which I didn't do so great on. I miss elementary school, Christmas parties were the best. I really need to get me grades up. I've found that for the last couple years I do okay, then thanksgiving break comes and all I worry about is the countdown 'til I can sleep in again...or I just get random desires to fuck everything up.

    Ah, sorry! It's been...better this week. But I'd be so much accepting of the cold if it'd just snow already. I actually wore a skirt today, with no tights, because I really wanted to wear my new thigh-high socks and it actually wasn't too cold. Everyone kept commenting on it though like 'I know you're cold' or 'Don't you know it's winter!'. My hands aren't usually that cold because I wear gloves a lot, though mostly to stop biting my nails.
    Hehe, my cheeks are usually red. At least you can hide your hands! Actually, my cheeks are pretty much always red, if not from cold, then from unnecessary embarrassment.

    I was sad when he died too! But I loved his funeral. Everyone always says how they love Cassie. I honestly, nearly hate her. I mean, I know she was fucked up and all but sometimes she was just so stupid to me. I loved Tony, never hated him- I love characters like him, I didn't really like when he randomly got him by the bus though. Maxxie! I know, he's adorable. My favorite episode with him was when they were on a trip and Tony kisses him. I was so mad at him for stopping it xD I don't really have a favorite either. Effy was my favorite, until the third season, then it was just too much of her.

    I really love you comments! I don't know, I just thought I'd say that because our comments are always really long and I always have something to keep it going. This may seem normal to you, but I'm a really awkward person, I usually can't keep conversations going like this, and I can't start one for the life of me. I always feel accomplished when I push 'submit'. Thanks for all the story comments, too. I know you said you don't come on much anymore, but I was wondering if you'd do me a favor...?
    December 18th, 2009 at 10:05pm
  • I have a week before break too, =D but I'm sure it's going to be the longest and least productive week ever... I hope you find some inspiration; usually I listen to music or look at pictures on tumblr when I want to write/draw. I was supposed to be painting today, to practice for my next section in art but I'm horrible at it. Right now we're doing chalk and I've just recently learned I'm not so good without a pencil.

    If I went out in just that I'd die; If not from turning into a human icicle first, then from my mom when she sees me out in just that. Right now I'm in monster/bear books, about three shirts, hoodie, coat, elbow length gloves, and a hat, but I'm always cold anyways. My mom keeps out heat on 90 and sometimes I still have to stay under the covers. I think its lack of iron.

    No offense taken, I agree with you. America does that to a lot of shows, try to remake them and end up butchering it. I think they're doing it to Skins because some of the content is to show on regular t.v. And I liked being the only one in my classes to know what Skins was!
    Yeah, season three just isn't the same. The only character I kind of liked was Effie, but after a few episodes she just got kind of annoying. Who was your favorite character from the first+second season?
    December 13th, 2009 at 04:49pm
  • Hey! Soooo sorry I haven't replied to your comment! I've been on a surprisingly long, random mibba break. I don' think I've ever hated school this much. So, what’s up?

    Of course no one likes where they're born. It's nice to hear someone say something good about Michigan though. Right now I'm contemplating running away to somewhere that’s not 16 degrees. I'm supposed to be taking the trash out but just the thought of going outside make me cold xP

    I heard their making an American Skins. I am extremely disappointed because I hate American remakes, I know it'll be a total fail. I finally finished season two a few weeks ago too, and a few episodes of season three, but it isn’t as good, so I couldn't finish it in one sitting.
    December 13th, 2009 at 12:42am
  • Hi! I'm Melissa its nice to meet're probably wondering why I'm talking to you lol but I just wanna meet some new people on here. I love making friendz. Feel free to message me back whenever you want :)

    November 27th, 2009 at 02:19am
  • Its all good in tha hood (Y) x x
    November 19th, 2009 at 10:52pm
  • It is a pretty good saying. As long as you enjoy doing what you do then it's ok. Afterall if you can't then there's not much point to anything x x
    November 19th, 2009 at 02:45pm
  • School is such a waste of time it sucks that its compulsory. I got out of the party last night and just got drunk anyway. Fun times lol x
    November 14th, 2009 at 12:00pm
  • I have to go to some party but I dunno whose it is cos too many people have the same name lol. I'm only going to see people I haven't in ages so not staying long. Thats a first, me not wanting to go to a party lol x x
    November 13th, 2009 at 06:26pm
  • I've not got anything specific in mind cos I don't know my bikes but as long as it can do 60 and looks decent then it doesn't matter.
    I'm so tired it's ridiculous and I'm hungry but don't wanna eat.
    What you up to? X x x
    November 11th, 2009 at 11:13pm
  • I'm thankful for getting away with it scott free. Now my cars gone and I can't cause anymore trouble with it. I do however need to get VERY drunk :) x x
    November 11th, 2009 at 05:37pm
  • My parents gave up on telling me what to do. They even let me take out my car which was illegal in every way possible and just disapproved. We got caught but nothing happened luckily enough. Last illegal idea i'm going through with because they always go wrong lol x x
    November 9th, 2009 at 05:17pm
  • Psh, Michigan is horrid. I hate it. Everyone hates it, except people who don't live here. Now, Portugal, thats a respectable place to talk about :P Though the day I see Jordan Whelan just walking on the street or something, it becomes the best place ever.

    I was just about to mention your icon! I love Skins, though I've only seen the first season and a little of the second, since I just discovered it. It sucks that it doesn't come on American television.
    November 8th, 2009 at 03:17pm
  • I've been trying to get rid of my car and will do tomoro finally, then I can get a motorbike. A sexy one.
    I hate the xbox it divides certain peoples attention. So BORING x x
    November 8th, 2009 at 02:57pm
  • I don't seem to find much balance. I'm almost never on my pc and i'm hardly at home either. Good thing I have internets on my phone.
    I'm alright apart from that I suppose x x
    November 7th, 2009 at 10:56pm
  • It HAS been a long time, where have you been hiding? In some mans pants? X x
    November 6th, 2009 at 02:23pm
  • I'm Molly, it's nice to meet you too :]
    Gosh, thanks for that comment too, I really like hear what people think of the characters. And if you're for connor, you should be much more pleased with the next chapter/dare *shifty eyes* xP

    You're welcome, I just look at stuff and one of the first things I'll think is 'the colors go so well together...' I'm a fellow arts freak! ...or just an artsy geek

    Also, The Used, UnderOATH, and The Devil Wears Prada are a few my favorite bands too :)
    November 5th, 2009 at 11:12pm
  • I know : ( I miss you too doll; so much it hurts;
    November 5th, 2009 at 10:11pm
  • Thanks for commenting my story 'homecoming'!
    Haha, everyone likes Connor more.

    And I love your profile, the cheetah print and your picture gray scaled together looks really good. You're really pretty.
    November 4th, 2009 at 11:21pm