There are 3 teachers that you care so much about. I mean, you constantly think about them and wish you could still talk to them like you could in high school. It saddens you so that you are so far away from them. It hurts you to not get a text back from them or even an email. You are jealous that they are not close to you like your roommate is close to her teacher. You want that kind of...
October 29th, 2012 at 07:55am


Freshman Year of Texas A&M - TexarkanaSemester 1 ScheduleMondays - Nothing. You could of had College Algebra at 9:30, but life gave it to you as an online course. So, you don't do much Mondays. Wait, 5pm is Zumba.Tuesday and Thursday -9:30am - 10:45am is Spanish with Dr. Rincon. You sit next to Morgan. Morgan Wood. She's very nice and she's a Junior. She's very pretty and your stupid self is...
October 29th, 2012 at 07:30am

For When Life Progresses And My Mind Slows

I was thinking about using this "Mibba" as a place to blog. I've tried many websites and yet I always get lazy. Then I realized, " What if I forget more than I usually do as I get older?" I tend to forget many things, I mean many things. It's very frustraing. I'm going to experiment with this blog then for when I feel like writing about things I don't want to forget.I've already decided. I'm gonna...
October 29th, 2012 at 06:30am