cherriebubblez / Comments

  • yeah, i know someone who said that shit to me over the phone, i yelled my ass off.^^ He never messed with me, or MCR again.[:
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:11pm
  • Uhmmm I'm sorry I have no idea at all. .
    I dunno how much my own stories are rated ha.
    January 29th, 2010 at 11:55am
  • Nothing much.
    What do ya meann?
    January 29th, 2010 at 03:22am
  • I know, me too ^_^ I've been just like, "Johnny Johnny Johnny! Alice In Wonderland! He looks so hot!" Then my friends are like, "..He looks like a rapist..." And Then I hit them. Lmfao. I'm retarded.
    January 29th, 2010 at 02:03am
  • You're welcome! One comment was from my friend who was on my account the other was from me. Notice how I commented twice x]
    January 29th, 2010 at 01:53am
  • SURE. Go ahead and tell her about it, if she doesn't beleive that MCR changes/saves lives, she needs to read that.:P
    and they didn't exactly save my life, but they DEFINATLEY changed it. I listen to them when im angry, it makes me feel WAYYY better, and same for when im sad.
    And my mom died when I was younger, and just listening to my chemical romance lets me just feel way better, I can relate to it. When people say bad things about them, its a throwdown. I disowned a friend for a LONG while because she said she didn't like them, I also yelled my ass off in my lunchroom for them once.^^
    They definatley save lives, no matter what anyone says, they're amazing.<33

    January 29th, 2010 at 01:42am
  • Haha, you're welcome :) MCR's pretty awesome too. Lmao. I love them.
    Johnny's so awesome ^_^ I can't wait for Alice In Wonderland.
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:46am
  • I am willing to bet money that I have had a lot more of a rough life then you, but I don't want to hear it. Your story would be just that, a story. Most likely filled with things to make me pity you. It wouldn't. I like how I am just right and you are wrong. It makes me smile.
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:13am
  • I've made poems about my experiences with her. My favorite being valentines day.
    January 28th, 2010 at 10:03pm
  • Yeah I'd love to share :)

    so see my story grows a little each day and sometimes there's a huge impact.
    It all started in the fifth grade when I met my best friend Victoria. She was all I could ever ask for and means the world to me. She changed me, for better and for worse. She introduced me to them and that's what got me started. She's huge crazy fan and I started listening to them. I started out small and grew to a full blown obsession. At that time I was becoming aware of the feelings that had started to grow towards her. I was a bit scared since I never imagined having these feelings for a girl. From that moment on everything got complicated. I finally grew a pair and asked her out and of course she said yes. Now all was perfect... is it me or can you sense this going sour too?
    It was perfect for all of three days of course. She dumped me. Dumped me for no reason. Everything fell apart at that very second. The worst part was she did it over the computer in a message. She WAS at my house and she waited till she got home. I loved her and I still do to this day. She doesn't care though. After we broke up she went with her ex even though I warned her what a douche he was and she soon found out I was right. It was never the same. We grew a little ways apart and now there's this unfillable void. Even if we were together. I was miserable and I still haven't recovered. So for the longest time I had to act happy while we continued being friends like nothing ever happened. In this time I've picked up most the little peices of myself and put them back together through their music. The whole while dating these guys and blabbering about them to me. Only a few days ago did I find out when she went to the skating rink she met some guy. She kissed him. She told him she loved him. They laughed. That used to be me. The weird part was, she told me she loved me once. Only to tell me she didn't remember later on. It was like everything I worked on was gone. She just kicked over my raw fragile heart making it shatter again. I've lost everything at this point. Except for one thing. Music, in specific My Chemical Romance. They reminded me of when everything was care free and good. Their lyrics are inspiring and meaningful they're the only thing keeping me going. If not for them I would be long gone. Everything they've done is just amazing and I wish that their music will
    live on forever. I know one things for sure, even when nobody else is there for me they always will be they have a special place in my glassy heart. Or all of it more like.
    January 28th, 2010 at 10:00pm
  • your story is also very inspiring. mcr has saved so many people
    and yes i am liking ur story cant wait to read more
    January 28th, 2010 at 10:00pm
  • haa its kay.[:
    so what's up?
    January 28th, 2010 at 08:55pm
  • Your welcome!! XLD>
    Of course I'll tell you.
    I've always been name bullied near enough all my life, by my brothers and sister as well as the people at my school. And I had just put up with it, because even though they affected me I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it. Telling teachers was out of the question because they do nothing. And I never tell my parents anything. My bestfriend left me for this other boy, one that she went out with, cried over, called a fucking cheat because he cheated on her. Yet she has dumped me for him, and if he's not in the lesson then she will sit by me. But I'm her second choice. Near the end of last year, around end of October beginning of November, before the half term holidays. I was a bit down in the dumps. And I went to school like it. My friends also name call me too, but they take it as a joke. They don't know that it really effects me like it does. And in my last lesson there is this boy who sits behind me and I don't really like him. And then he called me these names and fat. And what hurt more was that my friend last with him. That made me feel so small, like I had no friends and no one liked me. Then during the holidays, everything just crashed down on me. Everything from the way that I've been name bullied to how my family is falling apart, just like it done all them years ago. I was so close to killing myself. No one was home, my mum was at my sister's house, she wouldn't be back till round midnight. My dad was away. And no brothers or sisters were home. I even got the razor ready. But then I remember about My Chemical Romance. My favourite band was trying to stop people killing themselves, reaching out to them/us, and helping us. I had nearly ignored them and done it. But they started to make a difference, help people. And now I'm glad I'm still alive, because I'm one fan who has listened to them, just a moment before it was too late.
    January 28th, 2010 at 08:07pm
  • I love this chapter, you really are a great writer...Johnny Depp is soo hot!!! ;D well about ur mibba argument, i'm not going to lie and tell you that i love MCR cause i really don't listen to they're songs, only whatever songs they play on the radio, they are good, i can't really judge them, but i really believe that one person can do something to make a change in this world, to stand for what they believe, it might not be a permanent change but like that guy that she said he got shot and kept on singing i do think he made a change, maybe not for the whole audience but for one person... one person was changed by his actions, one person was deeply touched by that and that's how change starts with one person is like a chain reaction ohh like the rachel scott project form the columbine massacre... "I have this tehory that if one person goes out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same." I believe that one person can change another person's life...sometimes without knowing ur inspiring change.
    January 28th, 2010 at 07:37pm
  • Seriously, why do people find violence fun? It's not fucking fun! I don't get beaten up, but I get shoved, tripped and yelled at on a daily basis. Some guys spat on me once, which set me off crying every time I listened to Disenchanted for a while.

    I've not been diagnosed with depression, but most of my friends think I have it, including the one who's done the research. But I'm too chicken to go to a doctor and say "Hey, can youdo some tests and see if I have depression or not, cuz it's really fucking me up." Yeah, it's still fucking me up, but I do what you do, kill the lights and TURN THE FUCKING MUSIC UP! =D
    January 28th, 2010 at 07:36pm
  • And one more thing, I never said they destroy lives. I said that little kids like you are posers who do not know what real loss is, what real pain is. Get over yourself, kid.
    January 28th, 2010 at 06:57pm
  • Threatening me only shows that I am right, you're now just trying to coward out and really think that I am scared? No, I'm not. Numbers do not like, records do not lie. You don't think it is odd that 80% of MCR fans are "suicidal"? Or that not even 50% of the 80% of MCR fans who claim that is STILL more then two months before they became famous? Really, not even 50%. The reports of "suicidal" people increased about three times more two months after MCR started. Yeah, tell me they're not posers. Records, numbers, they do not lie. The only other proof I have now is your little threat. It shows to me that you're weak, know I am right, and can't prove crap back to disprove me. All you do is repeat the same old same old crap.
    January 28th, 2010 at 06:56pm
  • To make a difference in the WORLD, the plays music. You really don't listen to what you say, do you? I'm not ignorant. I know what I know, kid. Oh, one more thing, I don't call MCR fans emo, I call people who are overly emotional emo. And by the way, emo means emotional, we all are. Some are more then others. The thing called "Emo", actually started titled as Emotive Punk Rock. Get your own facts straight. It is now became to be a word of praise, and also a word of labels. Most people call THEMSELVES emo to fit in. Look around, it's happening everywhere. Maybe you need the reality check. I've been around the block more then a few times, kid. I don't call myself emo, not after all I have gone through. And trust me, I know that I have gone through more then most people. I am often called Kyo, the Asshole Rock by a few friends. I don't break easily. And also, a band started because of 9/11? Dude, know how many other bands did the EXACT same thing? Know how many songs were based off of 9/11. Trust me, it takes self esteem and will power to not commit suicide, I know this, I once tried it myself, ten times. I wanted to die in hopes of being with people I have lost. I know, blah blah blah dramatic moment, I am not going to get into it. If you want to know the full thing, which I am sure you don't, you can tell me to tell you in a message. This band, to change the world, is going to play music. Just like about more then over one thousand bands who quit as soon as they could grab cash. Anyway, just think about it... did you know the rate of "suicidal" people increased after two months of MCR being out to public ears? Did you know more then 80% of those people were MCR fans who were offered help but refused it to listen to MCR instead? Those are called posers, my dear friend. People who claim to be just like other fans in order to fit in, because they just don't know any other way. It happens everywhere, one day, you'll see it as I saw it. First, I thought they were an honest band who were out to try to send a message in hopes of opening peoples' eyes onto a different way of thinking. I listened to a few songs, did some research into the band, and was highly disappointed. I don't have, and don't want, to explain it all to you. I want you to one day find it out yourself and be devastated by what is really there. We all get fooled, my friend. We all get fooled.
    January 28th, 2010 at 05:31pm
  • Hiya!
    Noo problemo its so friggin amazing!!!! and that chick was being a total bitch..
    Well its sorta a long story but okay ^_^ Well when I had my first boyfriend he was the most popular boy in the school.And I had never even talked or walked near him.Everytime my friends would follow him around I wouldn't so it was a big surprise to everybody.My two best friends turned on me and said they wouldn't be my friend until I broke up with him which I didn't want to do.Meanwhile my BESTEST friend,my cousin too,was hanging out a lot more with me and always wanted to be with me and all that shit.So the whole time she was texting my boyfriend and telling him to break up with me.So he did after about 6 months.I was really heartbroken and thought that he had liked but he obviously didn't if he would listen to her.then i found out that when we were still dating she invited him to be over her house ALONE.and he accepted.then she asked him that basically destroyed my self esteem.then on top of that this girl who bullied me ever since first grade,but i never stood up to her because i thought she was my friend and that's what friends did, started telling me i looked ugly that she hated the way my hair looked i started thinking it was the truth and then i really hated myself and i thought that i didn't belong in the world anymore.i lost trust in everybody and thought whenever somebody told me i was pretty or something nice they were only trying to make me feel i would never believe it.then with all this self hate built up i started to cut my wrists.i didn't tell anyone for a while and then i told one of my friends because i thought i could trust him but then he told my mum and then i lost ALL of my trust in people.i hated the world so much and i was going to attempt suicide a lotta times but i stopped and broke down crying parents told me to never cut again and i listened but a few more times i did.and i know this sounds sorta corny and stuff but i started listening to Mcr and it made me feel better like i wasn't alone in the world.
    so yeah that's my story.
    what's yours?[;
    January 28th, 2010 at 12:15pm
  • Hey, no problem. It's not really someting I normally talk about but sure.
    I had this friend towards the later part of my second year at highschool and through to the beginning-ish of fourth year. Like, she considered me her best friend so I really had no argument to that, and we went through a lot of stuff together. I fell in like with two or three guys during my friendship with her and each time I told her this, she would go behind my back and start dating them. Then, the third time it happened I was actually off ill from school when they started dating. So yeah, I felt like shit and was depressed for a few months after that when I was reunited with an old friend, who intro'd me to My Chem. So yeah, I started listening to them and found it relatable and their lyrics inspired me to get back on track.
    January 28th, 2010 at 08:48am