Into Your Arms

I'm falling in love

You can call me Erin.
I'm a super old 19 year old vagina that's a sophomore in college.
I have failing kidneys and renal system due to heredity and alcohol/drug consumption.
Totally kidding. They're not failing yet.
I'm completely random and have an amazing sense of humor.
I hate penises.
The End.

But it's falling apart


I need to find my way back to the start

Here you can put your cbox code here. Should be 190 px in width.

When we were in love

Steal? The Maine will beat you. Yes. Beat you.

Things were better than they are

31 july 2009 i feel far too old to still be getting on here. ohfuckingwell.
I like layouts.
No one even reads this shit anymore. But if you are, hey you.

Let me back into...Into Your arms

Bleeding Hearts

Here's To Goodbye
Synyster Gates.