[title of show]

WOOOOO!!!!! I am SOOOOO excited! [Title of Show] IS MOVING TO BROADWAY!!!!! Horray!for all of you that don't know what title of show is, it's an amazing show that is about people writing a musical. =]GO SEE IT! =]This is all for my excited ranting!QUIZ RESULTS:You are most like SUSAN. You are daring and adventurous while being incredibly organized and efficient. You have a way with a quip and you...
April 4th, 2008 at 05:34am

The L Word, and my week...

Okay so basically I fell in love with thsi show called the L word, and I LOVE it. =] All of my friends seem to think that I'm obsessed, but I call it my release from my hectic screwed up life. I take it as my time to destress and dream that I could really live in a world where lesbians can really be totally out and totally happy.So anyways now that my pointless rant about the l word is over my...
February 2nd, 2008 at 03:20am