I Answered 100 Questions! Love Me!

The Great 100-Question Survey!1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?Closed. So closed.2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?I mean to, but I never remember them.3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?I don't sleep with a sheet. It makes me angry for some reason.4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?No. I would feel guilty for the rest of...
August 30th, 2014 at 04:43pm

Hey, It's Me Again

Hey, I am back. Did ya miss me? XDI went through some trouble everywhere.You know the cliché trouble at home, school, mentally, physically.Without giving you all my pathetic existance sob story so you can join my pity-party.I have moved houses, getting the help I need, and these meds make the world a little happier. And am working torwards being my cheerful old self!My theripist-thingy person...
June 17th, 2013 at 06:33am

Make It Stop

I hate everything right now, guys. I don't even know why.I hate everyone, everything, every thought running through my head.I hate the facts, the truth, reality, fiction, reading, writing, breathing.I have no idea what is causing this.Make it stop.~Luna~And now mibba is telling me this is too short.Half my brain is cussing mibba out. The other half is slapping that half and saying Mibba is only...
February 11th, 2013 at 06:51am

Because Thats Why, Mikeyway

So, I have been informed of about 0.999% of what this whole "Mikey Way Scandal" is and I, Luna Bitches, have some things to say about it.Mikey, on the one zillion to one chance you are reading this, I don't love you any less.Another thing.We should just stay the fuck out of other people's business.As much as I like bein' all up in their up-close and personal lives, why can't we just sit back,...
January 30th, 2013 at 11:53pm

What Is The Mikey Way Scandal?

Like, I am grounded, so I a not supposed to be online, so I am not on twitter, tumblr, youtube, Facebook or tv. My mom tracks those things because she knows I am addicted.So, like, what is all this crap about Mikeyway?I am seing tags like #cut4MikeyAnd something about him cheating and all this shit.And then you get the teams of 'Mikey can do what he wants'And I am here like, well. It would be nice...
January 28th, 2013 at 01:28am

Luna Is Back Bitches!

It's 109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit. You are here with me, Neon Silence, I'll be your blogger, your commentator, your advice giver. Coming to you live from the Zones.If you will excuse my KILLJOYS MAKE SOME NOISE My Chemical Romance references.I tend to make a lot of references.Well, the whole point of this is to say CASSIE IS LETTING ME USE HER BLOG SPOT SINCE SHE SUCKS AT SUCH THINGS AND...
January 22nd, 2013 at 08:23am

Hello Random Blog Reader!

So, Luna here!I will be taking over the blog portion of Cassie's Mibba. And Cassie, love, if you are reading this. I know your password! \(^.^)/Learn to type faster!A bit about me. Because *please note the sarcasm* you OBVIOUSLY care so much about some chick you never met.But here it goes.Fave color- CeruleanFav animal- chinchilaFav band- MCRAge: 17Sexuality: Straight. Despite the fact that Cassie...
January 16th, 2013 at 01:40am