Valentine's Day

I officially feel lonely.I hate it that she has him. Why can't I, huh? Why not? 'Cause she's prettier than me? 'Cause all of the guys think she's hot? 'Cause I'm a size 7? 'Cause I have a round face, a huge chin, a round nose, unclear skin, big hands, I'm tall, my hair's not wavy, I don't wear metallics, and I'm not popular? Why not?Why won't he see me? Why am I so prone to choking when I try to...
February 14th, 2008 at 11:50pm

Unsure Ideas....Need Feedback! ♥

Hey guys!I've been wondering something for the past few days...just...thinking.1. I've really been wanting to write books for a while now, and I do have some basic plots down, but I'm not quite sure if I want to write them or not. Do you guys think I'm capable of including enough detail to have pages of words for chapters at the moment? Any suggestions as to how I can get there, quickly? I have...
February 10th, 2008 at 11:35pm