Reality hits home
Today my grandfather woke me up early saying that I was to babylonian. He made me join him in prayer which meant a healthy dose of ganja. After prayer he took me to nine mile where we all used to live. Seeing the house I was born in made me realize a lot. The world was supposed to end today and standing there in front of the one room shack I was born in along with my 3 sisters and 7 brother I...
December 22nd, 2012 at 05:32am
To all my readers this is important
I arrived in Jamaica this afternoon to find that this Christmas is being spent at my mom's villa in Montigo bay rather than my grandparents house in Kingston town. This means that I will have plenty of time to work on my stories while I am here when I'm not smoking with my rasta family members. Yes we are Jamaican and yes they do smoke ganja as part of their prayers and to inspire them and as a...
December 20th, 2012 at 06:29am