Help Needed! One Author to Others!

Hey everyone; I know I've been MIA on the blog thing for about a month for anyone who actually reads what I post but I kept forgetting, procrastinating, and getting lazy, so I'm sorry. But now I need some help.Writer's Block has dragged me into its clutches and I can't escape, and it's getting bad. I'm looking for anything that can help me: fan fic or short story or poem. Anything! I just need the...
April 11th, 2014 at 03:28am

Super Secret Identities Not So Secret at All

I was watching "The Incredibles" the other day and thinking to myself, not for the first time, that their identities aren't very secret at all. It's a family of five superhumans who fight crime together with masks that don't even cover half of their faces, yet no one recognizes them at all despite the fact that they put the masks on and take of their regular clothes in public! And they aren't the...
March 2nd, 2014 at 10:57pm

The Weekend--Good or Bad?

It's right now 9:21 as I type at my computer, I have a Physics test tomorrow, and there's a nice AP US History homework assignment that I was assigned to do. Why are all of these factors bad?I haven't studied and will therefore fail because my teacher, while a great person to talk to, can't teach for his life.I haven't done my APUSH homework, and there's a really annoying picture analysis thing...
February 24th, 2014 at 03:29am

How I Look: I Thought it Was My Choice

I'm an average girl. I'm a bit on the overweight side; my hair, while nicely curled, is often frizzy; I usually dress nicely, but I allow myself to cheat a bit here and there.Is this a crime I didn't know of? Are the cops gonna bust down my door for this?I'm sorry, I just thought that based on my mom's reaction to my not liking dresses. You see, I didn't think it was fair to be accused of being a...
February 17th, 2014 at 04:37am

Violent Animal Slaughter and Other Forms of Torture You'd Hate Too

So I decided to make Sunday Blog Day and since I spent part of Saturday napping, I'm perfectly fine with saying that 5 am is a bright new day...even though it's still dark...I told you it'd get here eventually. I just didn't plan on it being so soon.Yes animal slaughter. This is one that hits particularly close to home being the proud owner of a beautiful and loving German Shepherd. Now I get it,...
February 9th, 2014 at 11:12am

Guns--It's Okay to Not Like Them

I am a very opinionated person. By that, I mean, like, really opinionated. As such, I receive a lot of hate from various people.I hate guns.There, I said it. Now feel free to tie me to a stake and burn me for the blasphemy that I speak. But just hear me out. Guns. Kill. People.How do we justify them. It's not like gorillas (you know, the animals we're technically distantly related to) take out a...
February 3rd, 2014 at 03:25am