Mcrkilljoyss12 / Comments

  • Well I'll let you know if it happens! Cute
    October 13th, 2013 at 01:32am
  • @ Elephant PJs
    XD "guyxgirl-with-a-dick" . AND I SHALL BE YOUR FIRST READER! ^_^
    October 12th, 2013 at 03:21pm
  • Thanks so much. I don't really read much in that niche but what I did just felt like guyxgirl-with-a-dick which is weird, so it means a lot to say it was unique! In Love
    I haven't thought about a sequel XD We'll see though.
    October 12th, 2013 at 04:36am
  • @ Elephant PJs
    Oh! I love that one <3 you should really write a sequel. It doesn't have to be long... Maybe just something showing the readers how Gee handles a pregger boy, and a baby and EEP ! Great job! You were super unique about it and it was very much appreciated. Write On! Mr. Green
    October 12th, 2013 at 04:26am
  • October 12th, 2013 at 03:39am
  • @ Elephant PJs
    Hey ^_^ you're welcome but I can't remember which story. Link me? Mr. Green
    October 11th, 2013 at 11:00pm
  • Hey, thanks so much for the comment on Deviant! I really appreciate it Cute
    September 22nd, 2013 at 02:48am
  • WAT? 0-0
    July 3rd, 2013 at 07:11am
  • @ Mcrkilljoyss12
    I'm working on it now. You might regret starting a conversation with me though. I LOVE talking about my writing. :')
    April 15th, 2013 at 06:20am
  • @ Miz Erie
    Nah it's okay :3
    April 15th, 2013 at 06:04am
  • @ Mcrkilljoyss12
    Oh, I'm writing darker and darker stuff. Don't worry on that front. The two novels I'm writing now are dark. I'm fighting with a oneshot now. I REALLY want to write and post it, but it's WAY off the kink charts.

    I'm going to switch over to PM's so we can talk more candidly. If it's not okay, just let me know here.
    April 15th, 2013 at 04:08am
  • @ Mcrkilljoyss12
    Oh, I'm writing darker and darker stuff. Don't worry on that front. The two novels I'm writing now are dark. I'm fighting with a oneshot now. I REALLY want to write and post it, but it's WAY off the kink charts.

    I'm going to switch over to PM's so we can talk more candidly. If it's not okay, just let me know here.
    April 15th, 2013 at 04:08am
  • @ Miz Erie
    April 15th, 2013 at 01:50am
  • @ Miz Erie
    I agree, Mockingbird Cry was really amazing. There's still parts that play over and over in my head O-O. Gerards like Sing!Gerard are always my favorite, but I do like Mockingbird!Gerard. It would be a shame if you don't continue writing dark fics. They always show a part of you you never knew was there. I will always be a supporter/number two fan of yours. The darker the better, right? HAPPY ENDINGS CAN SUCK MY—
    But seriously, you are truly gifted and you should update me on more of your stories. I think I've read another one too, but I forgot what the name was.
    April 15th, 2013 at 12:00am
  • @ Mcrkilljoyss12
    Oh my god, is Mockingbird Cry just not one of the best things you have ever read?! Oh, I had SO MANY conversations about it with Nuky. We talked about how she saw it happen after it ended and how I saw things play out. She actually loved my ended, saying it was perfect, hahaha.

    I was inspired by it, but not actually pertaining to any particular story. When I first started writing, I would only post "normal" stuff. I had all these ideas of all this dark stuff I wanted to write. I was actually holding on to Black Blood, fearful of what people would think of it. After reading Mockingbird Cry, I was still fearful of what people would think of me, but it gave me the courage to post my dark stuff. (Nuky's encouragement was also a big help!) I'm eternally grateful to Nuky for that! I am now know for my dark works; I don't know that I would be as popular as I am now if I stuck to cliche happily-ever-after stories.

    Just like Gerard and Frank are never going to stop playing music, I will never stop writing; it's very much a part of who I am. Giving up writing would be killing a part of myself. I might eventually move on from writing fanfiction, but I'll never stop writing. (Plus, it's not like I can stop writing fanfiction right now. I have a dozen or so stories, most of them oneshots, in the processes right now. Plus three commercial fictions.)

    The major difference between Mockingbird!Gerard and Sing!Gerard is their emotions. Mockingbird!Gerard didn't care about Frank. Frank reminded him of his baby brother, and he cared in that regard, but Frank was simply another victim to him, another boy to make his point. And Mockingbird!Gerard was also a sociopath; he had very little emotion with grandiose idealizations. Sing!Gerard loved the Frank he had created in his mind, the god Frank, with his whole being. He was very emotional, acting on emotions alone most of the time. He wanted Frank to love him back, craved that affection from him. When Sing!Gerard was talking to Frank after he was dead, Gerard was indirectly consoling himself; he needed to absolve Frank of Frank's guilt for failing Gerard to be okay with himself failing Frank, even as he was punishing himself with death for his actions. It was Sing!Gerard's last attempt at being a decent human being. (It's pathetic that I put so much into a fanfic, isn't it? I mean, the in-depth thoughts on it and the deep-seated emotions put into them.)

    And I really talk too much.
    April 14th, 2013 at 10:29pm
  • @ Miz Erie
    It amazes me. It really does. I LOVE MOCKINGBIRD CRY :D its funny because I only finished it yesterday. Mr. Green but seriously, please continue writing because you are truly talented. And BTW was Mockingbird Cry your inspiration? There's scenes of that one and Sing, Pretty that remind me of the other. Like the whole basement thing? But what I like about Pretty is that Gerard seems a bit young in the head? "it's okay that you didn't wake up" :D while Mockingbird makes Gerard seem so mature and smart.
    April 14th, 2013 at 05:03am
  • @ Mcrkilljoyss12
    I don't know, The Dove Keeper is my second favorite fanfic all time! (It's only second to Mockingbird Cry, by one of my besties, Nuky.) And Evelyn is such a fantastic and intelligent person; I love chatting with her! But as the aging, fag artist says, "Your point of view on your own work is invalid. You're too close to it; you have no idea whether it's good or not." I shall just have to take your word for it, my dear.

    Keep me informed if and when you post something! I'd love to give it a read.

    My love to you!
    April 12th, 2013 at 11:27pm
  • @ Miz Erie
    I honestly think its way better than the dove keeper. Victory Thumb up: ~~
    April 12th, 2013 at 11:15pm
  • @ Mcrkilljoyss12
    I do! With all my stories, I know what's going to happen before hand, and there's not much excitement or suspense left in it for me. Although, I did cry writing the last chapter of Sing, Pretty. That was the first time I've ever gotten emotional with my own stuff. To be honest, I still can't believe that story came out of my head, that I wrote it.
    April 10th, 2013 at 11:23pm
  • @ Miz Erie
    I do actually, I'm just waiting for the one that make ME grab the edge of my seat, y'know? And I absolutely loved Sing For Me, Pretty. It was BEAUTIFUL.
    April 9th, 2013 at 03:11am