Mikey Way

If you guys haven't heard it seems as though Mikey Way has been cheating on his wife of 7 years with a 19 year old model. Alicia, his wife, found out tonight through the fans. I'm honestly so shocked. I never would have expected this from Mikey. I know it's none of our business but this is just so... sad. I have never felt so bad for someone I didn't know before. I'm shocked, disgusted, and have...
January 27th, 2013 at 07:11am

My Eyes Can't Look At You Any Other Way

I just finished chapter 38 and let me tell you I was having a lot of anxiety. This story is just so great. I felt iffy at some parts but all in all it was really awesome. I'm having a lot of feelings since it was left at a bit of a cliff hanger and hasn't been updated it 28 days. Yeah anyways, that's my blog post. If you guys haven't read it you totally should. I really like the character...
December 6th, 2012 at 05:42am

Frank Iero and other things

I'm not 100% sure how to use this but I'll try my best. If anyone knows any good/long Frank Iero fic with a female love interest, tell me, ok? Cool. Also I have a blog (if anyone is interested) http://losersunite.tumblr.com/That's all I can really think of at this point in time. I'm not very interesting or have a productive life so I don't know how much I'll be using this blog... tab? App?...
December 5th, 2012 at 07:02am