For the best

He walked past me and I caved againSmiling seems so hardMy home is gone and if I could take it all back I wouldHe says its for the bestHe hugs me goodbye and I feel every wall collapseTears flood his green eyes as he kisses my foreheadIts for the bestHe needs to grow up and I agreeThen why is it so hard to see past thisTo move on and forgetYeah, its for the bestWhen sleep visits so do the...
April 5th, 2014 at 05:27pm


Well, the title speaks for itself. We broke up. I didn't know something could hurt this bad. It feels like someone is sitting on my chest and stabbing me. How do you even deal with this? Does it ever go away?I use to be one of those girls that told everyone that it would be okay. And I believed in what I said wholeheartedly but now... I don't know. Everything stopped making sense in the blink of...
April 4th, 2014 at 04:37pm


Dear Everyone,I am writing to you from a far away place called reality! Only kidding. Anyway, let's get to business.My name, if you didn't know, is obviously Victoria. Please, no autographs. Oh, I crack myself up. Anyway, I decided I needed to get everything off of my chest before I go absolutely insane.Let's just list my annoyances:1: When you say that you hate me, please know that I don't care....
January 24th, 2014 at 02:40am


Okay, so there is this boy at school that I have had a crush on for years. I don't know why I never tried to date him, or get to know him. I think it's because he's a junior and I'm a freshman. I don't know. Everytime I was going to say something to him, like start a conversation, I become speechless. (Hince why my title is SPEECHLESS)So the other day I was at a meeting for Key Club, he's in Key...
April 25th, 2013 at 10:56pm

Guilty Concious

Okay, I feel just a wee bit guilty. So my best friend always shows me her update to Drive Me Crazy before she publishes it. Then when she posts it I feel like a jerk because I already know what's in there. Or the jist of it anyway because I've already read it. :) Not that I'm not happy that I read it because I am. I love reading her stories before everyone else. It's just sometimes I feel bad....
March 20th, 2013 at 02:06pm

:) The Dedication To Chey

CHEY!!!!!!!!! I AM SO, SO, SO, VERY THANKFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A TRUE GEM!!!! I LOVE YOU TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE MILKY WAY AND BACK, TWICE!!!!!! You truly are one of a kind.For all the people that read this, you probably can tell that Chey is my bestest friend. Have been for a while now. :)))))))) I am so greatful!!!!!!!!!!! I love ya!!! I can not wait to read more!! You are...
January 27th, 2013 at 07:55am


You're right. He's not worth my time. And it's wierd. He's all that I ever wanted so now that it's over I have know idea what to do. I like it. :):):):):):):) I'm on top of the world now!!!! What to do, what to do?? I wish I could fly. But then if I could fly I would be a science expirement and that wouldn't be any fun. So... I wish everyone could fly. haha!!! But if everyone could fly then I...
January 13th, 2013 at 11:15pm


WHY ARE GUYS SUCH JERKS??That is a simple question and it deserves a good answer. So I figure that I might as well tell you the reason that I ask that question. The story behind it.Okay, here it is. So I've been in love with this guy who I have dated before. He told me that he liked me and all that stuff that comes along with it. And I believed it all. So I gave him a second chance. Well more like...
January 8th, 2013 at 05:40pm