United States
Joined date
December 15th, 2012
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Fanfictions... Where do we start... Dangerous, oh yes these are dangerous! Sexy...Oh yes these are SEXY! There's also the pressure of sticking to the character's basic personalities, and then there's the pressure on whether to care or not if people like them. If not... Just suck it... Just kidding (not really).

Originals... There may be some random elements in them, but the characters often resemble someone we know. Our stories are, of course, sexy. There are plenty of serious points, places where the romance will make your heart do a little jive, and places where the violence is a little excessive (just cause we can)... Our characters will go through trials and tribulations, but at least they'll have fun doing it.

January 26th, 2013

STORIES! Read them. Our Harry Potter fanfiction, You Can't Change Fate, and our Supernatural fanfiction, What Can We Say, We're Classy Girls, are/will be up soon. Our Original Fiction, Half-Breed, will be updated... Eventually... Well ~
Peace, Randa & Funsize.