Things I've learned in 2013 (and a tad bit in 2012)

2013 is the year I turned 20 and even though 20 is just the tip of the iceberg that is adulthood, I do feel like I have a bigger responsibilities to carry now.Since I’m currently in my last year at uni, I’ve been feeling more lost and lost each day. I’m naturally a worrier and an over thinker since birth, but even the experience of stress and worrying and over thinking and crying to sleep...
January 12th, 2014 at 11:00am

Over Thinking Due to Lack of Social Interaction Rant

"Dad sometimes missed the forest for the trees." "What forest?" "Nothing."That is one of my favorite parts that I found in Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. Since I have all these alone time more than I could ever take without being an anxious, over-thinking mess I decided to buy some novels and have managed to actually finish a couple of them. I nearly forgot...
May 24th, 2013 at 04:11pm

The Things That We Are

We are always a part of something bigger aren’t we?Our surroundings, the people and the weather and the systems, in which we grow accustomed to - the places where we were born and raised and made – the things that are most familiar to us, are the things that shape us and form us the way that we are now, and most possibly, the way we will become.There will come a time that we realize the way...
May 24th, 2013 at 03:52pm