Geraldinetojr / Comments

  • Hey dude, thank you much for the comment on happy accidents. Sadly I do not have a link to the picture because I uploaded it directly from my phone and I got the picture from some random twitter acount. I'm sorry
    July 3rd, 2013 at 02:52am
  • @ mawganzola
    OMG u called me baby cakes ?!!! :3 it's nice to know u r well XD haha it's alright I can wait x3 lol don't complain I hve to play Uno with my gran !!
    Anyways thank you for trying to fulfil my needs XD aww u r the sweet one XD no it's not over the top at all :3 <3 <3 <3 you are so amazing :3
    June 28th, 2013 at 05:09pm

    Gahhhh yes im one of those people who thinks that the Jalex existed at one point and especially when you see those old videos, interviews and pictures and there is so much jalex going on in them and i think that as they got bigger they might have broken up to be accepted or something idk and i think that as they've got bigger and the fanbase getting bigger and more people shipping jalex that they still have feelings for each other weather they're in any kind of relationship or not and with the more we ship them the more uncomfortable it get because you watch these recent videos and they just get so uncomfortable by it and some of the looks Jack has when Alex denies it just breaks my heart and like now we hardly see a n y Jalex and it's more of the merrikat and im so rambling now im so sorry omfg but ya im also 100% with you on the Jack liking Alex way more than the brother way and it breaks my heart because he hasn't had any kind of proper relationship since Holly and although i didn't ship them together i kinda think that he really liked/loved her and it's just one big sad face and i seriously need to stop typing otherwise im going to carry this on forever and and bore you with it so yeahh i'll stop now im sure you get the idea :33 I WANT TO KNOW YOUR FEELS ON THIS MATTER THOUGH SO TELL MEEEEE!!!

    Im sorry for never replying to you im a shitty person i know!! you're still adorable and i still want to feed you muffins!! <3

    ~~~i'll go for good now~~~
    June 28th, 2013 at 12:53am
  • ASDFGHJKL;' BABY CAKES LET ME LOVE YOU YOU'RE SO SWEET OMFG :'DDD im doing okay thank you so much for asking :') i went on this course thing the week before last and im miraculously waking up at like 9-10:30 am instead of the 4pm i was an just it was the 100% right decision to go on it and gahh to answer your quesition, yes im alright :3333 I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED FOR AGES IM AT MY NAN'S FROM TOMORROW FOR THE WEEKEND AND SHE HAS NO INTERNET :O SO WHILST SHE'S PLAYING UNO FOR 5 HOURS WITH MY MUM I'LL TRY AND WRITE YOU SOMETHING I PROMISE!! IM SORRY FOR HOW SHITTY I'VE BEEN WITH UPDATING IM KINDA IN A LITTLE WRITERS BLOCK AND MY TIME AND MOTIVATION FOR WRITING HASN'T BEEN VERY MUCH BUT I PROMISE YOU THAT I SHALL TRY AND FULFILL YOUR NEEDS TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY!!!! Again i just want to smother you with blankets and cats and cupcakes because asdfghjkl;'\# you're so sweet for actually caring and just i love you for being so nice and im sorry for how over the top this is but yeahh basically im okay and you're adorable as hell and i'll try and update as soon a possible <3 <3
    June 28th, 2013 at 12:33am
  • @ mawganzola
    Can't so no exactly to a lifetime supply of cookies & muffins ;3 yaaay~
    Yeah I get what you mean :) it just sometimes make me sad that they can't have a completely stable relationship :( with Alex touring n all... Neither do I. I don't like read Lisex fics never >.< it'll break my cute little jalex bubble that's engraved in my brain ;D
    But like some people say that Jalex might have been real at some point because they r just so freaking close n we all know that all those things they do aint necessarily what we'd do with our best friends :( it's just sad because I think jack actually likes Alex a lot like in a more than a brother way :0 ok I'm rambling too >.<
    You r welcome !! No ur really nice >.< I'm not sweet at all <3 hehehe
    April 28th, 2013 at 08:16pm
  • ASDFGHJKL;' HELLO AGAINNNN!! Okay so you're just magical and the sweetest thing ever and omfg i just want to feed you muffins and cookies forever gahhh :'D

    Umm in a sense i do, like im super okay with them being together and Alex seems to really love her which is cute, but they break up so often and im don't mean to be mean but she does seem to be a little bitchy but idk. So i kinda ship them but no at the same time idk? like i don't read any lisex fics or anything but i don't hate her. idk man im just rambling. so yes and no i suppose okay im going to stop now haha :33 do you ship them??

    Again thank you so much for commenting you are honestly just the sweetest thing :'DD
    April 28th, 2013 at 03:06am
  • @ mawganzola
    Hello~ YOU ARE THE AWESOME ONE! No arguing back ok?! XD I can't wait till u update ! Ur fics r just amazing >.< I get really stoked to get to read updates <3 I know! Fluff is the way forward ;D Thabk you for creating the awesome kickass fic ! XD damn how I wish it was all real ;3
    April 28th, 2013 at 01:22am
  • ASDFGHJKL;' HI! THANK YOU!! NO YOU ARE AWESOME!! i'll stop with the caps now but thank you for your comment :') Im trying to write another chapter right as i type this, but idek what the plot is going to be but i shall work it out soon. I'll try my hardest to keep it fluff i don't really want it to be to dramatic, there needs to be more fluffy fics in the world so that is what im aiming for and im rambling now but again THANK YOU!! :'D
    April 27th, 2013 at 03:05pm