AngelOfMisery / Comments

  • harmony_ann

    harmony_ann (100)

    United States
    A note that I also posted on the comment section of "If You Dare", which you commented on about one year ago. Please feel free to message my new account with any concerns/questions/comments:
    Hello to everyone of you lovely people that has commented and read this story. I am the author of Alex's point of view, and I have finally come back to read one of my most enjoyable stories. I lost the information for the account this was written on, so I made a new one. Most of my opinions that were voiced on my old account have changed, and my writing style has changed as well. I never wrote more on my account because I was in a rehabilitation center for five months, recovering from a severe addiction to self injury. I haven't spoken to my co-author, Taylor, in quite some time. The Internet was one of the many privileges that I lost. I have taken it upon myself to rewrite "If You Dare", but only with the permission of those who loved it as well. Yes, it has been a year and we have all changed, but I think I could make it even better. If only I could find a way to speak to Taylor.
    April 16th, 2014 at 05:12am
  • harmony_ann

    harmony_ann (100)

    United States
    A note that I also posted on the comment section of "If You Dare", which you commented on about one year ago. Please feel free to message my new account with any concerns/questions/comments:
    Hello to everyone of you lovely people that has commented and read this story. I am the author of Alex's point of view, and I have finally come back to read one of my most enjoyable stories. I lost the information for the account this was written on, so I made a new one. Most of my opinions that were voiced on my old account have changed, and my writing style has changed as well. I never wrote more on my account because I was in a rehabilitation center for five months, recovering from a severe addiction to self injury. I haven't spoken to my co-author, Taylor, in quite some time. The Internet was one of the many privileges that I lost. I have taken it upon myself to rewrite "If You Dare", but only with the permission of those who loved it as well. Yes, it has been a year and we have all changed, but I think I could make it even better. If only I could find a way to speak to Taylor.
    April 16th, 2014 at 05:12am