SummerSunshine / Comments

  • I haven't had time to watch it yet, but basically it's readings from the book, discussions about writing (with a load of special guests), and music from Hank and the Mountain Goats. The whole video is still on their channel.

    I've been meaning to start the Dark Towers series, but I'm a little daunted by the number of books in it.

    I think American Gods is brilliant because I love the premise of it. It's about this guy called Shadow who starts meeting all these old gods - Odin, Horus, Anuis, etc, who are on the verge of a war with the manifestations of new gods - media, internet, TV.

    Becoming a nerdfighter is simple: as John said, if you want to be one, you are one. It's basically just being enthusiastic about the stuff you love. And yeah, I love how John and Hank have the capacity to be both awesome and silly.
    January 20th, 2013 at 09:57pm
  • Well, American Gods is pretty good, and his short story collections are amazing, so if you wanted to read more of his stuff, those would be the ones I'd recommend.

    I love Stephen King as well. Which book are you reading?

    And yes, I am a nerdfighter, have been for about a year and a half. I agree about the Vlogbrothers being bliss, they are both so awesome. Have you watched the Carnegie Hall concert thing?
    January 17th, 2013 at 05:42pm
  • I love how Gaiman writes characters, and the way he uses language. His characterisations are brilliant, and I love how you can see each character develop throughout the novel.

    Have you read any of his other stuff?
    January 17th, 2013 at 02:29am