[Jefferson Starships]

My name is Stephanie and the best thing I did was sign up for an account on Mibba.

Things I like:
music movies and books
Friends (TV show)
friends (irl and online ones)
being on Mibba
animals like cats, hedgehogs, baby ducks, et cetera

Things I dislike:
International Baccalaureate
getting nagged at
not being good enough

I'm in love with Mibba. I think it's such a great community with kind, respectful people. I've been a writer for four years now, but I've been on Mibba for two of them. Don't hesitate to talk to me, I would absolutely love to have a chat with you. Thank you for visiting my profile! Please come again. :)

link to my tumblr


© Neon Daze