so um... I've got some explaining to do...

okay so I thought I'd let the people that care know that I'm giving up on my 1st Ryden fic..It's not really heading anywhere and I can't see it becoming better or more exciting.Sorry if you were enjoying / reading it, the ending was going to be happy, the twist was that Brendon was suicidal and also self harms, but he hides it from Ryan. Ryan finds out and hates Brendon for a while. Brendon takes...
August 5th, 2013 at 09:59pm


SO I've been busy.. and upset.I really loved MCR and I have tried to write but I just couldn't.I AM SO SORRY OMFG.I've done a draft so I'm finally ready to start posting again!YAAAAY! So hopefully every 3 days there will be a new chapter for you lovelies to read!Thank you for being patient, (omg I am so sorry for making you wait it won't happen again! Promise), and I hope you like where the story...
March 30th, 2013 at 03:51pm


So I was going to post the new chapter today, but I'm too upset.I'm sorry.My Chemical Romance have done a lot for me and I don't think I'll be able to write very well.It will be posted in the next few days though, I promise.Just not today.. or tomorrow. I need some time.I don't really have much else to say, I'm too upset.But thank you so much for reading, and I'm sorry if I've let you down, but it...
March 23rd, 2013 at 01:29pm