Trying to Get Back in the Groove...

Alright, you may have noticed how my account has been oddly in active for quite a while. I haven't uploaded any blogs, poems, stories, or anything for a few months.This is mainly because of this huge writers block I've been in, and also because my laptop broke and my mobile telephone hates everything about me, but mainly the writers block.And as so, I'm trying to start writing again. I think I...
May 23rd, 2014 at 07:16pm

The Mask

Silly, silly girl.She had no idea what she was getting herself into, and no idea how it would end. The silly girl with a big imagination isn’t good for society. The silly girl with a big imagination and no where to go is also a danger to herself.Silly girl tries to fit in with other people. But the only way she can do that is to pretend to be someone else. Her silly ways get them picked on, so...
October 23rd, 2013 at 10:15pm

On and off stories

You may have noticed how I have no real stories on here. I post a chapter, then start another story, and then take them off to write another one..... I try to concentrate on writing as much as possible now, but it's getting kinda hard :/I'll try and get things back on track, but I'm distracted with some bad memories, so it's getting pretty hard to concentrate on making breakfast never mind a story...
August 11th, 2013 at 12:24pm

Dear you,

*You're probably never going to this, but I feel like shit so I'm going to write it anyway. If it means making myself feel better, then I'm going for it. Full speed ahead. If you're a mibian reading this, this is just a personal rant so, y'know, you don't have to read it.*The day you married her was practically the day I died. The day you put that collar on me, attached the leash and tied me to a...
July 7th, 2013 at 08:38pm

The Good Days.... could anything be more sarcastic?

You know that amazing feeling you have when you're brimming on the edge of pure joy by the amount of excitement that comes out of having so much fun? The feeling of hope, happiness? Of self respect and relaxation? Well...I don't have it.Perched on this rather uncomfortable leather sofa, tapping away on my rather idiotic Nokia after being taken away from my rather important ChromeBook, you can can...
May 14th, 2013 at 08:20pm

I am

Crazy.That one word there, above this sentence, is one word to use to describe me.And many people do.Crazy, to some, means an insane psycho who goes round rambling about the apocalypse, to some it's a person who goes after a completely helpless goal, or just their teacher.The people that use this word on me, quite frankly, don't know me at all.Not many people do.In fact, no one does. Not even...
March 19th, 2013 at 11:36pm


You know that feeling of complete skill when you kill an elder dragon?WellI don't have it.Having just killed my first Elder Dragon and absorbing it's soul, I am now being flanked by a trail of Bandit Marauders and a rather large pack of wolves. Not forgetting the few dozen Solitude guards.Don't you just love Skyrim?Of course, I'll just go all werewolf on them and kick ass,But still, kinda puts a...
March 18th, 2013 at 07:01pm

First off

A Blog? Wow, this site really is American.My name is Clarkish Dwarf, weird name to choose I know, but every name has a tale behind it.Except mine.It's quite simple, really. My last name is soon to be Clark and I am around Five foot Two.So you can probably put it together with that.I live in the UK, a boring, small spot of land in Europe whose Government is self obsessed, with Education people...
March 17th, 2013 at 11:19pm