Stalking Exes.

I stalk my exes online. I know it's a little creepy, and I refuse to admit it to anyone other than my best friend, but it is true. Every once in a while I go back on my old facebook and look at them... What they are doing, what they are up to, if they are still together with their girlfriends... A lot of them are still with the same girl they got with right after me, and quite honestly... Their...
March 2nd, 2013 at 08:01pm


Although I know that I will most likely succeed in life, I cannot help but be resentful towards those individuals who have absolutely no idea where they are going in life. My life feels too planned out, and I hate it. I’ve got to stay in this god-forsaken town, work my ass off to pay off a car I should have never gotten, pursue a degree in nursing at the local university, and manage to maintain...
February 25th, 2013 at 07:03pm