Me And strength

Going back and forth between my brain which is always thinking, not in this world and not present in the present time where İ'm standing. The confusion, the stress and the anger; All building up with every breath İ keep back, even though İ know it's nothing but self-harm.My brain is always in a state of thinking, in a time and world completely detached from the outside world; İ try to explain...
November 6th, 2013 at 07:34pm


When İ listen to the shell stuck to my ear, İ imagine and feel many things that go through my mind and fill me with different emotions, making me happy and relaxed. İt's amazing how such a little thing can make you feel so different and on top of the world.There are so many feelings to describe, but İ'll just start wıth the best of them, which is the emotional part: Listening. What İ felt...
October 23rd, 2013 at 04:47pm

Missing your childhood...

İt's life isn't it when you are young you always dream of growing up to be a grown up, isn't ? however its odd how when you do get you your dream age you start wishing that you were still a child. That time when everything was about innocence.Days are passing with memories of my childhood and how I was a lot more happier back then. Those days when life was only about playing, learning how to...
March 5th, 2013 at 06:41pm