LadyRaven / Comments

  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I still cry at So Far Away, too! I don't think I'll ever be able to listen to that -- and not like in the background, but actually paying attention and everything -- and not have shed a few tears by the end.

    "They" in the not getting along being Brian and Zacky, right? Part of it definitely has to do with the whole Beta thing, and just the fact that they've been competing over it and whatnot. But there is more to it. ERRRRRR.... I can't be more specific than that without spoiling something or contradicting something and making you even more confused. DAMN IT! But I can promise you that it's not like they hate each other or anything; I couldn't do that to them because I totally agree with you on how important the two of them together is. They've still got each other's back. (Even Brian told Ava that Zacky was still his friend and he wanted her to consider helping the man out with the whole jaw-thing, remember). They're just... not seeing exactly eye to eye. Every friendship has a rough patch here and there, remember.

    I am so excited to hear your inner ramblings about the whole Brian-Matt-Kat-Zacky-Ava dynamics you're confused about! Like, I really can't explain how much I'm smiling over here. But I can not clear up that confusion without making you hate me for spoiling it. xD Sorry! And that "Don't fuck with my boys!" point is very observant and deeply-thought out of you, by the way!

    I'm sure you weren't the only one hoping the whole heroic thing would bring them closer together! And I completely get why, especially if you don't like Ava! And, logically speaking, you're absolutely right; to have noticed the dosing of the drink, he had to have been paying attention. That doesn't say how long he was or why he was, but still.

    You're not supposed to take anything from it! It's not like there's a right or wrong answer. xD But you made the observation that the lines were similar (or exactly the same, in part) and that they were both ready with excuses. Beyond that, it's your interpretation; I can't say whether you're hot or cold with that guess of yours.

    And I very much expected her to be in the negative! xDD I still love that you don't just love her and think of him as a jackass like a lot of people do, by the way!

    If a mate dies? Alright, so, as far as the story has made clear... Ava's description of Alaric was "At thirty-seven, he had already had three mates, all of which were full-blooded and younger than him, bore him several litters almost immediately, and died rather suspiciously. Or, the first two had, at least; Ava hadn’t heard of the passing of his third mate, which meant it must have been rather recent." So that's a yes to the could-he-have-chosen-another-mate question. As far as this story goes, one can have another mate after his/her mate has died. And Alaric didn't kill himself after the death of each of his mates, but he also didn't wait very long between them. That doesn't really answer your other questions, I know, but it's just something to keep in mind. It's also important to remember that Ava explained the jaw-pain as something that differed from wolf to wolf (depending on a number of different things), and Matt, Ava, and Brian have pretty much confirmed that mating itself can fix the jaw pain, so... yeah. Take from that what you will, too. I don't want to say anything more on the subject just yet, because I do think that the next few updates might give you more of an insight, and I don't want to put anything into your mind before you read those, you know?

    And I'm also super-sorry that I answer your questions in such a vague way. I'm hoping you're not taking it as me being patronizing or anything! Part of it is that I really don't want to spoil anything for you, but part of it is also that I really do want you to reach your own conclusions on certain things... it's got to be the teacher in me.
    July 25th, 2013 at 07:36am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    And Thank you and you're welcome again! XD

    Well thinking about Jimmy period is hard, and I still cry when I hear Fiction and So Far Away.

    I just don't understand why they aren't getting along. Like I said I was writing my comment as I read so I was thinking that it had to do with Ava but then Brian said it had nothing to do with her so that is when I started to think that it might be about the whole Beta thing. Is there another reason why they aren't getting alone? I don't like that at all, I mean you can't have Brian without Zacky and you can't have Zacky without Brian so this is kind of upsetting.

    Oh SHIT! If I wasn't already confused enought now I'm even MORE confused. I don't know it was what popped into my head. I mean I tought it was going to be Zacky that she was starring at and maybe making him jealous but when Brian found that it was Matt and Kat, I was like "NO FUCKING WAY!" So yeah, now I think that Zacky likes Ava but knows that she likes Matt so he is being a jerk to her because of it. But like I said I'm so confused now. :(

    Yeah I know, but like we discussed before, "Don't fuck with my boys!" (Zacky and Brian) I know for you it is Zacky and Matt, which is part of the reason why I think that she may like Matt.

    Why thank you it happens to be one of my favorite terms of endearment.

    Ahhhh... yes know I understand a little more. I just thought it was weird considering that someone had just tried to have her killed, so I would say that qualifies as a hard day to me. But it's Zacky and he can be an asshat sometimes so yeah I see why he would say something like that.

    Honestly though I was hoping that the whole saving Ava thing would bring them closer together (I know I don't like her, but I really to think that Zacky has feelings for her and I want to see him happy). I was hoping that he saved her because he couldn't stand the thought of his mate dying. But that makes me think that he had to have been watching her, keeping an eye out for her since he knew about the silver.

    Well I haven't forgotten reading this but I don't know what I'm supposed to take from it. They both say "Just to be clear," and "I didn't do this for you." Other than that the only thing I'm getting from this is that they are both finding "excuses" to "help" one another. You know I'll make you the tea if you don't screw things up for me, and I'll make sure you're safe because you make my tea. When in reality she doesn't want her mate to hurt and he doesn't want to see her die. I don't know... Am I close?

    She earned one point but she is still in the negitive, she has a lot to make up for.

    As always you are welcome. One question though, what happen if a mate dies? Say for example Zacky hadn't saved Ava, would the jaw pain have stopped? Would have been able to chose another mate? Would he have felt such utter lose that he would wish for death as well? After the almost poisoning I became curious to know what would happen.
    July 25th, 2013 at 06:42am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    You're welcome, yourself! And you're thanked again, because we seem to have this whole train of thank yous and your welcomes going on... xD But, seriously: thank you for the truly beautiful and hugely insightful comment you left on the latest chapter!

    I am so happy to hear that you felt some feels when Brian was reflecting on the whole progression-of-the-band-without-Jimmy thing! I had the hardest time writing it, partially because it was making me emotional, and partially because I was so worried I'd end up cheapening all of the emotions that I'm sure the guys were feeling at that time, you know? And then I also had to keep myself from taking the entire chapter just to talk about that, because that wouldn't exactly make sense in this story.... Anyways, you wondered about the fear of a changed dynamic on stage, yes? I'll go ahead and confirm your suspicion that Zacky now being Beta would have a role in changing some dynamics a little bit, and I'll also remind you that Zacky and Brian haven't exactly been getting along, so for them to be all perfect-friends on stage would be a little bit... different, you know? I'll leave it at that, though.

    AND OH MY GOD you made me actually drop my phone when I was reading your comment and saw that you came to the conclusion that Ava likes Matt. Like, I was not expecting anyone to come to that conclusion! ...I'm going to go with "No Comment" in response to all of your confused guesses on that whole thing. I'm an ass, I know, but I refuse to ruin anything for you!

    Yeah, Ava came off as pretty damn abrasive with Brian, so I'm definitely not surprised that she lost a few points in your book there; I totally get it. /sigh. She is who she is, though, you know?

    Hahahaaa, I officially love the term asshat, now! That's something I really never hear, and I was laughing as I read it! Pretty great! c: Anyways, that "It’s been a hard day for all of us... or, almost all of us" line of his was his way of being a jackass and making another stab at Ava by trying to suggest it hadn't been that hard of a day for her. Way back in the beginning of the story he made a few comments about how he doesn't think she actually gives all that much of a damn about the pack, or Jimmy. ("Maybe if you had bothered to check in on the pack even once since the Rev’s death--" ;; "She doesn’t give a shit about any of us, she only shows up here when it’s fucking convenient for her!" et cetera) ...Does that make more sense?

    OH! And please allow me to point out one small detail that I think you may have missed, and then you're totally free to take from it whatever you will:

    Chapter Seventeen: “Just to be clear,” she started when he had finally rolled back over and looked up at her with those angry green eyes of his, “I did not do this for you. I did this to clear your fucking mind so that you don’t go and do something so incredibly stupid that gets all of our friends killed, and I did this because for some fucking reason, Kat seems to hate me but love you, so maybe this whole playing-nice thing will actually help that. So here’s the deal: you refrain from doing anything to make her hate me more, and I’ll continue to make the goddamn tea for you every morning.”

    Chapter Twenty: “Yeah, well, just to be clear, it’s nothing personal; I didn’t do this for you. You’re blackmailing me, Rinaldi, or did you already forget? I can’t exactly let you die without knowing how to brew that tea, can I?”

    ^Again, take from that what you will.

    And I know, her lack of a sarcastic response is somewhat shocking, huh? But, yeah, at least from Brian's perspective, she was actually being sincere. Did she earn a point back in your book for that? xD

    Anyways, thank you again for being such an epic reader and commenter, and please do not hesitate to ask if you ever have any more questions! I might not answer some of them if an answer could ruin anything for you, but I'm happy to help clear up any confusion that I can!
    July 25th, 2013 at 05:23am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    July 25th, 2013 at 12:10am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Consider yourself officially thanked.
    July 25th, 2013 at 12:03am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Here is a great way to say thank you: post the next chapter really really soon! Very Happy Then not only would be a great way to say thank you but another great suprise! But as always you are very welcome!
    July 23rd, 2013 at 06:45am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I'm glad I surprised you, love! (:

    But yeah, the whole family dynamics of the entire group definitely are fucked up. :/ No comment on the specifics of that whole thing, obviously.

    And the whole problem with the festival does have to do with Jimmy, yes, and the next update will clear up all of the details about that. And I will hopefully surprise you once again with how quick that chapter gets posted. (:

    As always, thank you so very much for commenting on the last update! I know I sound like a broken record and I've totally run out of ways to say thank you in a unique way, but I just want you to know that I always do appreciate it very much!
    July 23rd, 2013 at 06:41am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Ah, sorry! I forgot to check back for a reply. I got caught up watching Charlie's Angels. xDD I'm having a relive-the-early-2000s day today!

    I totally do that too! Or I lie in bed for forever just thinking of different situations the character could be put in (which usually would completely suck for the plot, but -- hey! -- would totally make me happy). I can't do the song thing, though, for some strange reason. I can hear a song and be completely influenced by it when I'm writing, and in some respects, I actually need to listen to certain songs to write the scene the way it should be, but for some reason I can't use music in any way when I'm reading a story instead of writing it. Apparently I'm extremely strange that way.

    And I definitely do appreciate knowing where your head is throughout the story! That's something that is really important to me, especially for this story, because I apparently cannot predict readers' feelings and thoughts for this story at all. There have been several times throughout the past chapters where I've seen the comments and realized I somehow mislead readers, and some of the time I've quickly gone and edited through my next update to go ahead and fix those misconceptions. And then there's been the few other ones that I've just laughed and shrugged off, and left for the readers to figure out as time goes on. But what you said did make sense, don't worry! And I really, really do appreciate it! Because I know what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future, I can't accurately guess what you guys are thinking, so hearing from you is the only way I know how I'm doing communicating different themes. c:
    July 20th, 2013 at 09:36pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    I feel the same way when I comment and I don't hear back from the author. I guess it is because I get so involved with the story. Sometimes I'll get so emersed in the story that I will even dream about it. Sometimes I'll hear songs and think about how fitting it is to the story or book I'm reading. Yeah I'm such a dork! :)

    Yeah I'm that way with both Brian and Zacky, if one of the lead girls is mean to them, hurts them in anyways (physically, emotionally, or mentally), or tries to leave or push them away I can't stand them.

    Well I don't really expect you to give me anything but I figure that you should know where your readers heads are at, and that is why I share what I am thinking with you. This is the "vibe" I'm getting and if it is not what you are intending then you should know that somewhere along the way I got lost, or that you are leading us all in the right direction. I hope that made sense, it did in my head but sometimes that can't be trusted. XD But yeah like I said, I get emersed in a story and I start thinking about it and what is going on in the character's head and what not. I'm a nerd but "What can ya do?"
    July 20th, 2013 at 08:36pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I've always felt that if someone takes the time out of their day to read and comment on my story, it's only fair that I take the time to express my gratitude, you know? I always feel discouraged if I actually take time to write long comments on stories I follow and then never hear back from the author.

    And that makes sense! I'm actually usually the same (although Matt is my very very close second); if I'm reading a story, I don't care if Matt or Zacky is a serial killer, I mentally curse out the lead girl if she so much as tries to run away. xD Which makes me a terrible person, I think, but oh well. Anyways, I was expecting most of the readers to do the same thing and immediately side with Zacky. I guess I overestimated that!

    It was, yes! But I really didn't think anyone would pick up on it at all. Hell, I didn't even really plan on including any loaded comment or hint to anything but then when I was writing, Ava just went ahead and said it. /shrug.

    I absolutely love that you're sharing your inner thoughts on the Ava/Zacky dynamic with me! It really, really means a lot, and I love that you've spent so much time really thinking through the details and the options. BUT, I'm not going to comment on whether your thoughts are correct or not. xD Partially because I'm enjoying the I-know-something-you-don't-know moment (because I really am that childish, apparently) but mostly because I really don't want to spoil anything for you. (:
    July 20th, 2013 at 08:18pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    You are very welcome! I know that writers like to hear from their readers and I love that you always reply back! When someone makes the effort to communicate with me, I make so I put forth the same amount of effort.

    Well Zacky is my favorite (Brian is a very very close second) so anyone who mistreats him in anyway (regardless of whether is an asshole or not) is not my favorite person! I mean I like Ava's character and I can respect her but I simply don't like her because she doesn't like Zacky.

    So it was loaded! I knew it! Just the way it sounded to me it seemed that she was talking about something other than just the tea, so now I can't wait to find out what it could possibly be!!!

    I think that deep down Ava has always liked Zacky, maybe even has a little respect for him because he throws his middle finger in the an is like "Fuck You" despite his 'lineage.' But because of her place or bloodline she can't exactly come out say "hey I like you" if you know what I mean. I also think that Zacky likes Ava but because of her bloodline, he knows that he would never be able to have her. So this leads up to the situation in which they are mean and rude to each other as way of showing that they actually like the other. Now that he has her though he either a) doesn't know how to act around her, or b) is pissed because he knows that he wasn't her first choice and was just a way of getting out of her old pack. In other words she is "using" him, and so he is making her pay. And if I'm correct then Ava is still being a bitch because a) Zacky is still being a jerk and b) she doesn't think that Zacky likes her the way she likes him.
    July 20th, 2013 at 07:32pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey girl! Just dropping by to thank you -- as always -- for the lovely comment on the last chapter of What We Left Unsaid! (:

    First off, if I haven't said it before: I'm glad you're not Ava's biggest fan. I've actually been super surprised by how much people have seemed to really like Ava and side with her on everything. So I'm happy to hear that at least one awesome person sees her for the non-perfect person she is. xD

    Also, I'm super impressed that you picked up on the loaded comment! It wasn't anything majorly important to the plot or anything, but still, I wasn't expecting anyone to think deeper of it than just speaking of the tea.

    And I know how frustrating it must be to have to wait to find out why exactly they hate each other, and I'm super sorry about that! I can tell you as much as I already have, and that they've just got that let-me-make-your-life-hell thing going on, and have always bickered since they first met, but I really can't say any more. At least Zacky's perspective, I promise you, will be coming up. I've already gotten that whole scene written... I just can't post it yet, because it requires a few more scenes before it. I'm sorry! D:
    July 20th, 2013 at 05:18pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I hear you! I'm usually one of those girls that doesn't give a damn who likes me and who doesn't. Hell, Ava is too. She wouldn't really care about anyone else -- it's just that she doesn't want someone who she has to live with for the rest of her life, someone who is essentially her friends wife, someone who is essentially family now, to hate her.

    And yeah, on the Ava/Zacky thing, you are just going to have to wait and see. xD Sorry!

    But I'm glad I could answer your questions... At least some of the other ones!
    July 13th, 2013 at 05:14pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Thank you for replying and answering my questions, you are awesome!!!

    I know that Matt didn't call her disloyal it was just how are worded it. I guess questioned her loyalty to her mate would have been better. I thought it was the whole brother situation but I wanted to be sure.

    I KNEW there was something to that! Okay I just wanted to make sure I wasn't reading to much into "the moment." I look forward to finding more out about that.

    Yeah it makes sense. I guess it's because I'm one of those girls were if someone doesn't like me it's no sweat off my back, you know.

    Well yeah I get the whole prejudice thing, I was just wondering if there was something more there that we don't know about. I mean they hate each other so much but we don't really know why. I mean I've met people that I haven't liked and I may be catty to them, but I only fight with people like "cats and dogs" if I care about them, you know what I mean? If I didn't care I wouldn't give you the time of day. So there has to be something more here. So that being said I guess I will have to wait and see, right?

    Okay I was just curious it that was necessary. And yes you explained it just fine!
    July 13th, 2013 at 03:43pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    No need to apologize, love! You don't owe me any comments, and you certainly don't owe me any within a day! xD that said, I'm so glad you did read it and comment on the last chapter! Thank you as always!

    Alright, so: Matt's comment. He didn't call her disloyal, he just said he could imagine not being loyal to his mate, and couldn't imagine going a speech about mate loyalty while not being loyal to his mate. So he was talking about that situation with Ava's brother, yes. But, again, he did not actually call her disloyal. She just didn't like the implication and suddenly felt as if she was being disloyal. And he didn't know she was listening, remember.

    And I know! I hated her for being a bitch and ruining the moment, too. ): and I'm not going to answer your question about her caressing the mark or her having feelings, because I'm not going to spoil the plot for you. xD it's all going to be addressed in the future, I promise!

    Kat. Okay, so she's the alpha female, but she's also Ava's friend's mate. She wants this girl to like her because her friend is in love with her, and because Kat is living with them anyways... Hating her would be a pain in the ass, you know? Ava doesn't want to put Matt in the middle of a girl feud, either. Does that make sense?

    Zacky and Ava. Okay, so, Brian and Johnny explained I way back when as them just always hating each other--it's just the relationship they had. Brian called them "cats and dogs". Also, considering the derogatory language they both use toward each other (mutt and inbred bitch), they clearly have some prejudices between them. More in depth? Some of that is coming up in the future -- you're not supposed to know everything yet. (;

    And the tea! Yes, it was necessary for him to bite her first, right over the mark. Biting her there releases the pain for a very short period of time, but the tea holds the pain at that numbed state. Without the bite already numbing it, the tea would only hold the pain at the level it is. ...not sure i explained that well.

    I tried to go question by question. If I missed one or didn't answer one well, just let me know!
    July 13th, 2013 at 08:16am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Glad to hear my explanation from the last chapter helped your understanding! <--- I meant to say this earlier; I don't know how I missed your reply!

    Anyways, thank you, as always, for the beautiful comment you left on What We Left Unsaid! It brought a smile to my face!

    I'm glad you actually think Ava was being unfair -- it seems like everyone else is super pro-Ava-con-Zacky, especially since he didn't just play along. I'm definitely glad to hear that some at least some of you see it from the other perspective, too. When I was originally thinking out the plot for this story, I was so sure everyone would hate Ava and love Zacky, but my prediction has been so far off. xD Which isn't a bad thing, but still.

    Anyways, I won't make you wait too long for the next update, don't worry! (:
    July 5th, 2013 at 03:50pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Thank you for helping me understand better. The end was where I really got lost and now I'm found Smile. I love this story and can't wait for the next update!
    June 29th, 2013 at 08:53pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hello again, love! Once again, I'm just here to thank you ever so much for commenting on the latest chapter of What We Left Unsaid. I'm ever so happy to hear that you love the story!

    And I know the writing style can be confusing at times; I apologize if it's ever too confusing to navigate. It's actually not my typical writing style to be so ambiguous and highlight moments in time like flashbacks rather than like a continuous, flowing narrative, but for some reason, this story just kind of morphed into that style. I always kind of envision the start of every chapter like that blurry, cloudy visual of swimming back into consciousness, like an old memory you can't always place at first. And that can totally be confusing, I know! Especially when the perspectives are different from one scene to another, and the "facts" don't always line up. And especially when I don't update quick enough so it's hard to remember what happened before. I guess I'm just trying to say that I know it's not always clear, and I'm sorry to make it that difficult! I'll be happy to clear up anything that's really confusing you, though!

    So, Ava and Brian's conversation, yes? It was purposefully vague, partially because that's the way I wanted it, but mostly because even Brian and Ava don't want to talk about the specifics of that ordeal. Even if I wanted to be clearer, there, it wouldn't have really been the way that they would have discussed it, you know? So, Brian was bringing up the fact that he had apparently walked in on Zacky holding a bag of frozen peas to his jaw as his observation of the fact that Ava had clearly not spoken to Zacky about the whole jaw-pain thing that popped up in the last few chapters. In chapter fourteen, Ava revealed that she knew about Zacky's jaw pain, which was hinted at in several chapters but really explained in chapter twelve, where Matt revealed that it was something he figured had to do with wanting to mark one's mate again. So Matt told Zacky the only way to fix it was to mate with Ava again. Obviously, he hasn't wanted to do that, and in this chapter Brian revealed that there was another way to fix the pain, one that Ava knew about, but one that she hadn't chosen to tell Zacky about. So that's what their conversation was about.

    And the ending? Yes, at the very end, there was someone else who was there -- but he had just arrived. A council member showed up; that's why the man said a 'council-recognized pack' why Drake was quick to obediently scamper off, and why Brian said he 'had never been so happy to see a council member in his life'. c:

    Hopefully that cleared up everything that had been too confusing for you, but do let me know if I still need to explain anything further!

    Once again, thank you so much for the comment, and I'm glad you still like the story!
    June 29th, 2013 at 07:07pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey! I know I took forever to update, and I'm super sorry! I just wanted to drop this message to say thank you for commenting on What We Left Unsaid. I really did appreciate it, and it did kick my butt into gear--just a little late, is all.

    Thanks again!

    Oh, and: FIRST COMMENT! c:
    June 26th, 2013 at 04:37am