LadyRaven / Comments

  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    HA! YOUR PLAN FAILED! I mean, it's a nice picture, but for some reason that's not nearly as distracting for me. /shrug. I'm weird, I know.

    Also: hahahhahahhahahaha. <--- I'm not laughing at you, I swear. I'm laughing at the absurdity of the idea that Drake couldn't smell Zacky all over her. Hell, Drake could smell the both of them down the street if he wanted to. No, no; he's not that slow on the draw! Come now, did Drake really strike you as actually worried for his skin? He strikes me as the kind of guy who'd be gone before he actually got worried. And did he really seem all that... I don't know, normal? Did that seem like the Drake who promised he'd make Ava beg for death as he dragged out killing her? He mentioned Tony and Isabella and their six pups... how mundane! ...What exactly do you think his business is?

    And I don't know... Do you really think Zacky'd go for a showdown in the middle of a crowded lobby, without any back up, and while Ava's off with the witch? Haha, yeah, you're right; that's not happening yet.

    I'll most certainly update again soon, don't worry! And thank you, as always, for the lovely comment! (:
    March 8th, 2014 at 10:34pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Okay. I'll have you know, that responding to comments took me more than twice as long as it usually does, because every time I kept scrolling around to make sure I responded to everything someone said (in the case of them commenting on two chapters that I hadn't yet responded to), I had to stop and stare at your latest comment, for obvious reasons. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! WHY WOULD YOU PUT THAT PICTURE THERE WHERE I CANT STOP STARING AT IT!?

    But no, really, I love you for that. Staring is good. It helps the eyes or something. Or at least it helps my soul. xD

    ...And that's been all I've written in response to your comment for like five minutes now, because I got stuck staring again. I hate you. And I love you. I can't decide.

    ANYWAYS, you don't ever have to apologize for taking long to comment, or for not commenting at all, for that matter. You should know that! But I obviously appreciate that you always comment. xD


    Whew. I scrolled. Hopefully this will keep me focused now.

    I'm glad you loved the chapter and their interactions! Yeah, Zacky's stepping away makes me torn between being disappointed and proud, too. He definitely wanted to continue with that, of course, but at the same time... He's not being selfless, let me set that down for the record. He still worries a little bit that she'll spontaneously remember everything and eat him alive, and he wouldn't want to give her more fodder for the cannon, you know? But more importantly, he's not too keen on getting his ass handed to him by the entire pack if they found out that he 'took advantage of her' when they weren't there to protect her. Especially Matt... who constantly calls to check and make sure he hasn't done anything stupid. And while it might be debatable whether that's taking advantage of her or not, he knows they'll see it that way, and he's trying to save his own skin there. Of course, he's also considering her, and trying to be respectable and all, considering she is his mate and he does think she deserves respect... but if the other things weren't a concern? Yeah, that probably wouldn't make him actually stop. Hesitate? Maybe. Ask her if she's sure? Probably. But stop? Yeah... I doubt it.

    Yes, yes; he still fluctuates between Ava and Rinaldi. She obviously only calls him Zacky (or Zack, or whatever, but you know what I mean. She doesn't say Baker). He's also been doing a good job of grooming her into her old smart-mouthed self, if I do say so myself. xD

    And I'm sorry for the slow updates! I really am! But I promise I won't be disappearing anytime soon! I've got the next two chapters pretty much all done, and I'll be updating again sometime today for sure! Thank you, as always, for your wonderful comments! You know by now that I appreciate them more than anything!
    March 8th, 2014 at 06:17pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    hmmm that is an interesting detail.

    Cool! I wasn't sure if there was a possibitlity there! :D
    February 2nd, 2014 at 12:50am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    With Drake, there are definitely countless possibilities. /nods. INTERESTING DETAIL: Drake's been raising hell at the Council about how they failed to protect his sister. That's been hinted at, but not directly mentioned, I think.

    Hmm... theoretically, there's a chance. Her brain healing itself should have restored the memories, but even though it's healed, her memories haven't come back. Shifting does change her physical construction (duh,) which includes her brain, so that shift could shuffle things around and restore her memories. Or, her wolf could still have her memories, but for whatever reason those two aren't connected right now. It's plausible.
    February 2nd, 2014 at 12:38am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    I know you appreciate it, you taking the time to write me back is proof.

    Cool! I mean it could have been for the whole pack, it could have just been for Ava and Zack, or it could have been for just Ava or Zack.

    Oh wow! That is an interesting idea!!! Hmm…I can’t wait to find out what it could be.

    I will definitely to that!

    LOL! Yeah we never got of that phase. :(

    Cool, I figured he would but sometimes you surprise me. I’m glad to know now for certain that Ava the werewolf will be making a comeback. Now I have a question: When she discovers that she is a werewolf and/or “phases” into one could that possibly trigger memories?
    February 1st, 2014 at 03:03pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Well I am glad to hear it! Seriously, I never imagined that a story I wrote would ever have this much love and attention that this one (well, two) has (have?) gotten, or that it would even be someone's favorite. I know you do! And I appreciate it wholeheartedly, I hope you know!

    That is a fabulous point you bring up; they are mates and they do need each other. Him doing everything to keep them together definitely does benefit the both of them. Who was the explosion meant for? Oh, you know I can't reveal Drake's master plans! At some point he'll make all of that clear, though, so don't worry!

    I agree with you; I think Zacky is trying to protect her. I'm just playing devil's advocate by pointing out that perhaps his primary motivation is to help himself, and perhaps that's all that some of the others will see. I'm definitely not against him, though; I totally get it and I approve, honestly. You're also definitely right about the chance to build a foundation; spot on.

    Haha, there definitely are a lot of possibilities, huh? Someone else I believe suggested that the blood could possibly be used to prove they weren't actually purebloods... I found that idea particularly interesting.

    (; Yep, just one of them, sorry! There are at least two reasons. I could've sworn there were four, but I've temporarily forgotten them. I'm sure they're written down somewhere and I just haven't gotten to that part of the writing though. xD

    DO YOU REALLY?! That's such a coincidence! If you ever come and visit them you will have to let me know!

    Haha, we always did that to the youngest, too! "You're smallest, so it's only fair." But yeah, we luckily did work a system out, though admittedly it took a few hours to get over the "get the hell away from me!" phase.

    Zack... might not fully realize it just yet, but he wouldn't be happy living a 'human' life. He couldn't be, because he's a werewolf. Technically it is a choice he'll have to make, but I don't think it would come as a surprise to anyone that he'd go for it. He's said it himself: he misses their fighting -- actual fighting -- and he's a werewolf, so he can't just pretend to not have that urge. Besides, that'd be an awful lot of pretending to be human if he kept it from her. Short answer? Yes, she'll eventually find out.
    February 1st, 2014 at 07:00am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Well I can already tell you that this story is by far my favorite! I don’t think I’ve ever read one like yours that has captivated me so much. I sit on a bed of nails waiting for the next update and feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest the entire time I’m reading! I’m serious I fucking love this story! And you know I always try to leave a comment, even if I can’t think of anything to say.

    I never thought it was selfish, well not entirely. They are mates and they need each other, he needs her just as much as she needs him. Him trying to keep her from remembering what happened is protecting her…protecting them. And your right, if she remembered that her mate tried to kill her she wouldn’t feel safe with him anymore and run for the hills leaving her at risk for Drake to find her. But this leads me to wonder, was the explosion meant for both Ava and Zacky, or was it just meant for Zacky and Ava wasn’t supposed to be there?

    I kind of figured he would try to keep her to himself for as long as possible, and I also kind of knew that it would have to be decided with Matt. And that makes sense that Matt would only do that if it was to protect Ava, but as I just said I think Zack’s decision isn’t completely selfish and he is trying to protect her. He even said that this one particular memory devastated her, how is that not protecting her? Yeah it is protecting himself too, but he is protecting what they CAN have together. All the things that clouded their past and made them having a future together impossible are not standing in the way anymore (or at least not yet), and Zacky now has a chance to build a foundation with her and if or when her memories return they well have something there that wasn’t there before. I can’t find fault in that, if it’s wrong I don’t care.

    I thought there was something more to that! AND I knew you wouldn’t tell me if there was. Makes me wonder what it could be. Magical properties? A secret why to destroy them? Oh the possibilities!

    Only ONE of the reasons!?! Now I’m going to have to think of other reasons why it is named Slip, crap!

    Eh there was some snow but we usually get that about the end of January and the beginning of February. What was weird was when we got snow at the beginning of December! Now that was crazy! And to boot it lasted for longer than it normally does here.

    I know, and that is why I didn’t get too pissed off about it. It even said that he was curious about what the doctor said and was giving it a test run. BUT I hope he doesn’t try and take advantage of it, then that would be douche-y of him.

    None taken! XD

    I HAVE FAMILY IN FORT COLLINS! (A great Aunt on my Grandpa’s side)

    Well at least you figured something out. If we ended up touching one another it would start a fight in the backseat with each of us trying to covertly pinch the other without our parents finding out. The youngest always got screwed and had to sit in the middle seat. It just sucked all around! :)

    OH! Another question I wanted to ask was, is Ava ever going to find out that she is a werewolf? I mean is Zacky going to introduce that part of their life together to her? The doctor made is seem like it was another choice that Zack had to make, the if and/or when he told her about her true identity.
    January 30th, 2014 at 06:24pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha, I'm glad that you enjoy the story, and by all means, I'll never ask you to stop repeating that! xD But seriously, I am always happy to hear it, and I always love reading your comments, so thank you so much for leaving them. (:

    I totally understand your conflicted feelings; hell, if you weren't, I'd think you're lost. There's pros and cons to every side of things in this story, and there isn't a hugely clear 'right' or 'wrong'.

    I don't blame Zacky for not wanting to let her find out about him trying to kill her; he'd be insane if he wanted her to find out. I get it, and her finding out isn't just bad for him, but if she freaks out and runs away, then the pack can't protect her, and she could end up in Drake's arms instead. It's not completely selfish of him. But, that said, I don't know if it's necessarily the right decision, and his primary motivation is very obviously for his own good.

    Is he planning to take her home soon? No. He wants to keep her to himself for as long as possible, but I'm sure he knows that he can't do that forever when it comes to Matt knowing. Zack doesn't have the final say in the matter, he's got to work with Matt on it. But he certainly wants that stressed for when he does have to bring her back, because he wants Matt to order the guys to keep their mouths shut and not screw things up for him. The only way that's happening is if Matt thinks that they need to keep quiet in order to protect Ava.

    Yeah, Brian's not going to lie down and let everything happen the way Zack wants it to, that's for sure. I totally understand the conflicted feelings there, too. I want him to go home so that we can see all of the guys again and have the pack dynamic back, but at the same time, I want them to stay locked away and develop their relationship and everything.

    Haha, oh yes, the blood thing. Let's just say, Rinaldis usually have reasons behind their actions and policies. We will definitely figure out more about that later in the story, don't worry, but no comment on what's going on with it. (;

    Hey hey hey! Look at you, using the story title like that! :D But really, that's pretty spot on, and definitely one of the reasons that I titled the story the way it is. One of the reasons. (;

    Pshh! No apologies needed. I barely said anything worth responding to, anyways. xD Life always comes first, and I forget things all the time, so I'm not one to be upset about it.

    Speaking of, I'm glad to hear about the job and everything, but I'm sorry the weather's giving you sinus issues! I'm not sure how accurate what I've heard is, because I've only heard of it through friends on facebook, not on the news or anything, but I just heard that Texas was getting a few little snow storms. Which I wouldn't call 'crazy', really, but it was an exaggeration. /shrug.

    Haha! I was waiting for someone to comment on the beer thing! Yeah... I've got to say that was a bit douche-y of Zee, but in his defense, it wasn't really about the beer at all, it was just about figuring out if what the doctor said was just a coincidence or if it actually had a significant meaning. I'm not sure if the fact that he didn't even really want the beer makes it better or worse, though. xD But yeah, Old Ava would certainly have told him to go fuck himself, but New Ava appears to be, as the doctor put it, very receptive to Zacky. What he does with that new power of his aught to be interesting. (; No comment on whether he'll be taking advantage of that or not.

    Oh, it's all grand! Haha, no, I haven't tried driving through Texas yet, and I honestly don't have any plans to in the future. That just sounds like torture! And I mean absolutely no offense; I'm sure civilization is great and everything, but the wide open in between sounds terribly boring! Eh, the route isn't really that interesting. It's like the only East-West road across the country. xD I think we were on I70W for like... 900 miles. Fun! I'm up in Fort Collins, about an hour north of Denver; it's where I go to school. (:

    Yeah, it was a bit expensive, wasn't it? And traffic is a major bitch, but I always think it's worth it just to be there. I HEAR YOU SO MUCH! We used to drive from Upstate New York all the way to Orlando Florida every year, in a little car, and I'd be crammed in the back seat with my older and younger sisters. I think we all ended up working out a system where we could all lie down and fall asleep with our legs on top of each other. xD
    January 30th, 2014 at 04:48pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Hey sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I have missed our conversations too! I’m really sorry I forgot to write back, I feel like are bitch now.

    Life is okay; I got a job so things are about to get interesting. As for the weather, I personally have a hit out on Mother Nature for being a fucking bipolar bitch. Every time I start to feel better we get another cold front and my sinuses start acting up again. As for crazy things, I don’t really know what could be so crazy. What have you heard?

    Yeah I really like this Ava a lot, she is really growing on me. But I will say this, when she got up to get Zee his beer…WTF?!?! I would have told the lazy bastard to get it himself! And the old Ava would have to. I’m all for, Ava doing nice things for him but Zack better not take advantage of that, because that’s not cool.

    I’m so glad to hear that you have everything settled with where you are going to live now (see this is why I feel like a major bitch). Sorry that your trip was boring. Kansas is very boring, sorry (I was born there). We left as soon as we could and came to Texas (and if you think Kansas is long you haven’t tried driving through Texas yet). I have family in Nashville and have made the drive from TX to TN a few times with the family (pretty country there). Been to St. Louis and Denver, but not Kansas City. That is quite the interesting route, so where are you settled now?

    I loved San Diego too! California was great but expensive! As for driving I’ve never minded it, but as a kid it was grueling! And when you are crammed in the back seat of a car with your two sisters, its even worse!
    January 30th, 2014 at 06:25am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I'VE MISSED OUR CONVERSATIONS SOOOO MUCH! How is life? What's happening? How's the weather where you are? <--- But seriously; I've heard crazy things.

    And, of course, thank you so much for commenting on the last chapter! Zacky is honestly the most adorable thing ever right now, I know, especially because he's kind of on eggshells not knowing if she's suddenly going to snap back to hating him or what. No comments on whether Ava will stick to her word or not, or even if that'll ever become an issue. (; And I knew you'd like this Ava, haha; you're both on the same page about things!

    All is definitely well now, thanks for asking! Yeah, my friend that I was supposed to be living with suddenly bailed on me and I was stuck without a home for a bit, but the hotel was nice and I found a great place with awesome roomies, so all is definitely well. The trip was rather boring, actually! Nothing interesting happened; there was just a lot of driving and a lot of nothing. I never want to drive through Kansas again. Ever. SO LONG AND BORING! It was just a hop from Raleigh to Nashville to St. Louis to Kansas City to Denver, so yeah. I didn't even stop and see things, so it wasn't as exciting as yours.

    I loe San Diego, and I've always wanted to see the rest of the California Coast, so I am super jealous! And that is a lot of trips; I can't imagine how much boring driving must've been involved!
    January 25th, 2014 at 02:00am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    I know that, I just knew that the second I said Matt kinda pissed me off that you would play devil’s advocate for him. XD

    I know. I guess I’m just thinking that Zack wouldn’t have done that, and it seems that I don’t think that Zacky can do no wrong in this story so naturally it would upset me that Matt would think the worst of him. XD

    This is true. It was cute/sweet that he jumped up and was ready to come help Zack. :)

    So that was what you were getting at with the smile comment. Hmmm…I didn’t know that, or see that but now that you mention it makes sense. Sorry I didn’t understand where you were going with that. :(

    Hopefully Brian won’t do anything too crazy/upsetting and he can redeem himself.

    Cool, I can send the Zacky evil warlock one because it is more developed, the werewolf story needs more work. :D I’m actually excited that you would even be interested.

    WOW! Tell me more about your cross-country trip. Where are you headed? That is so exciting!!! I’ve been a few “cross-country” trips: one with my Aunt from Texas to California, all along the coast of California (San Diego to San Francisco, and I made sure to go through Huntington Beach), one from California to Chicago, Texas to Tennessee, Texas to West Virginia, and Texas to North Dakota. I’ve been all over Texas, east (Texarkana) to west (El Paso), north (the panhandle) to south (Corpse Christi), and everywhere in between.

    As for my holiday it’s been good so far, nothing to complain about, just enjoying the free time.
    December 31st, 2013 at 12:00am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey now, it's only fair! I play devil's advocate for everyone, so obviously I'd play it for one of my favorites. xD

    I hear you; giving Zee the benefit of the doubt is always what Matt should do, but I just have to say that I don't really think it was possible for there to be a benefit of the doubt, there. I mean, if it wasn't another girl, then who else would be in his hotel room in the middle of the night when Zack had clearly been sleeping? Drake Rinaldi? I suppose he could have assumed something was wrong in that regard.

    But I think Matt was being understanding. As soon as Ava's name got mentioned, he was ready to come running to help, and, again, he was smiling. He'd made that cheap shot specifically because he wanted to see Zack's reaction, and the reaction he got was exactly what he had been hoping for. Hence the smile; Matt was glad to see his friend actually passionate about something (especially his mate), and especially after having spent months seeing him basically robot-like.

    Yeah, sorry about the Brian thing. My b.

    For sure! Send them to me whenever you feel like it; I was just trying to express my interest, not at all rush you. If you don't want to share them for months, that's totally cool.

    I... don't exactly have a home per say right now, because I'm just staying at my parents' apartment right now for the week before I can go and pack up my car and my dog, and hit the road for a cross-country drive. I'm officially moving out! woo! But no yeah, the holiday has been fun so far. How's yours been?
    December 30th, 2013 at 06:44pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    I knew you would play devil’s advocate for him! XD

    I totally understand that, but would it have hurt to give Zacky the benefit of a doubt, or maybe just be so ready to jump to conclusions. I guess you have a point that Matt made a logical conclusion to come to. It just sucks that everyone wants to think the worst of Zack all time; I just thought that Matt would try to be a little more understanding.

    Yeah but Matt understood why Zack acted that way, yeah he was wrong but we didn’t know that till much later.

    I know that’s why I’m not so mad at Matt, I don’t hate him or anything just annoyed. I still can’t believe that you’ve gotten me to really not like Brian.

    You’re always welcome. :D

    v. Yeah we’re weird like that, but we have to write our names on cups and it’s too boring to just write our regular names down so we come up with crazy shit like that. XD

    It’s cool, I was just teasing. :)

    Yeah that one was fun, I didn’t think that Zee would be the bad guy but he fit the role perfectly. As for reading them they still need some work but sure I’ll send them to you in a message so you can read them and tell me what you think.

    Well you made me a lover of your werewolves anyways! XD

    Are you enjoying your holiday? Are you settling in well back home?
    December 30th, 2013 at 04:58am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey, I love it when you're honest with me! Please always be! But I have to say I'm a bit surprised to hear that Matt pissed you off. I totally get where you're coming from, though, but I'm going to go ahead and play devil's advocate for him for a moment.

    Zack told him to keep his voice down, which clearly means that someone's in the room (because the only other explanation is that Zacky's hungover, and that would have been noticeable pretty much immediately in the call). What's Matt supposed to think, really? Ava's dead, in his mind; it's hard enough to accept her existence seeing her face to face, let alone come to that conclusion before anything is ever mentioned of her. Guessing that it was some chick was actually rather logical in that respect. Maybe Zacky was feeling lonely, or maybe he missed Ava that bad that he tried to find someone who looked like her, or who knows what. I mean, that's not something he'd be able to do back at their place, because he's already getting beaten pretty regularly, and wouldn't be willing to cause even more problems.

    You're totally right about all of that, and even Matt knows that Zacky didn't kill Ava... but just remember that he did strangle her and try to kill her. Of course, of course, he knows what was going on mentally then, and it was a very different situation, I hear you. But... just remember that Matt's a bit emotional about all of that, too. Some of it could be cheap shots he's making just to lash out a bit, and, of course, there's also the fact that he smiled before agreeing to play along. That wasn't random.

    I... can't even tell you what Ava would have done if the roles were reversed. I can't really wrap my mind around that, honestly. You're probably right, because she'd have no problem whatsoever killing or leaving behind someone she considered an enemy (or even someone she really just didn't consider a friend, depending on the situation), but I just can't separate her from her feelings for him long enough to figure out what she'd do.

    Yeah, it's definitely good that Matt's giving them a chance without telling any of the guys; Brian would not let them have a second chance, that's for sure.

    Thanks for the comment, love! You know I always appreciate it! (:

    v. It definitely does have a catchy ring to it! That's an entertaining way to come up with names, by the way!

    Haha, yeah, we're back to the no comment thing. Sorry! I'm all for giving straight answers on some things, but you now me, anything that might make the story more suspenseful for you not to know, I'm never letting you find out. xD

    Pshh, no need to make promises like that; I wasn't thinking you'd steal anything from me! I am going to need to read this werewolf story, though, just because I totally love werewolves and Avenged, obviously. The others I'm sure are fascinating as well (especially with Zack as an evil sorcerer? what?)!

    And I'm glad to hear you wouldn't complain if vampires made an appearance. They'd definitely not be the Twilight kind, so don't worry about that. But yeah, we're total opposites! I usually prefer werewolf stories and only can stand a select few vampire stories. xD

    Yeah, Ava as a sweet, innocent person is definitely creepy. It just makes it feel all the more like she's playing him or something, just because it's really impossible to accept her and any kind of innocence coexisting. xD

    Glad to hear you had a good holiday! (:
    December 30th, 2013 at 03:33am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Yeah we were jacking around on Christmas giving each other “royal” names, my aunt called princess (so that it wouldn’t make her feel so old) my little sister chose “Queen of Death” (she is the BVB fan), and my older sister picked duchess so I went with Lady Raven and it actually had a catchy ring to it. XD

    We’re back to the no comment thing again. Well I’m currently working on a vampire story. I even have a werewolf story (nothing like yours I promise). I have one with Matt, Jimmy, and Johnny as witches :), Brian is a Prince, and Zack is the evil sorcerer.

    If you did add vampires though I certainly wouldn’t complain. I’m a huge vampire fan (not the Twilight shit either). My mom had me reading Ann Rice pretty young. XD Funny thing is, I didn’t think I’d actually like a werewolf story, then I read yours and the rest is history.

    It is fine; I know you are busy and would get to me eventually. I have missed our conversations too, but I TOTALLY understand not wanting to write up a long reply on a phone. I don’t want you jumping off a bridge so I can wait. :D

    SWEET!!! And :( just because it is a sad day.

    Well I’m like you, I’ve been on Zacky’s side pretty much the whole time so get to approve. :D I know it is a little surprising that the Ava cheerleaders haven’t been saying anything YET. As for wanting the old Ava back you said in my second comment that I like the snarky and smartass Ava, this sweet innocent thing going on is just a little creepy.

    Which I totally love him for! That’s why I don’t really consider them lies but half-truths.

    I know! Ahhhh! It makes me nervous just thinking about it! XD

    You're very, very welcome. Thank you for the comments! I had a wonderful Christmas, and I hope you had a great one as well! (:

    And as always you are welcome to the comments. I’m glad to hear that you had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was fun and eventful so no complaints there.
    December 28th, 2013 at 07:56pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    LadyRaven? I dig it.

    v. I believe Zee made some joking reference to vampires way back when in the beginning of What We Left Unsaid, but you shouldn't take that for confirmation of their existence. I'm going to go with 'no comment' on the vampires. At this moment, there hasn't been a scene written with any vampire in it, yet, but that doesn't mean that they won't appear later, or that they won't exist in the world. /shrug.

    Also: thank you ever so much for both of the very kind, very detailed comments that you left on the last two chapters of Slip! I'm super sorry for not getting back to you sooner; I've very much missed our conversations! I just had no internet access, and typing long replies on my phone make me want to jump off bridges.

    Of course I updated on Zacky's birthday! Just like -- of course -- I'll be updating today in the Rev's honor. So... you should totally check back for that, too.

    Haha, I'm sure you weren't the only one asking those questions, but they'll all be addressed in the future, so I'm going to have to unfortunately leave you with them. Sorry! But on the bright side you were incredibly intuitive about Mabel; she obviously was a witch just as you'd thought.

    Also, can I say how funny I think it is that everyone is all approving of Zacky right now? I think everyone's pretty much agreed with you and found him to be very gentlemanly and protective, despite the lies and whatnot, and I can't decide if I'm surprised or not. Obviously I approve of Zacky no matter what the hell he does, but I'm surprised that there haven't been any Ava Cheerleader objections to the lies, yet. But woahhhh, hold on a second! You want the old Ava back? Surprising!

    But not surprising that you're glad to see her being snarky and what not, just not being a coldhearted bitch, as you've described her. xD She's... not quite the same right now, obviously, and I have no comment on whether she'll remain that way forever or whether she'll get any memories back.

    That said, I totally get your worries over what would happen if she did start getting memories back; hell, Zack's got the same worries, which is why he's keeping as close to the truth as he can right now. Except for the whole wedding thing, which he totally made up, but even that is close enough to the truth, considering he can't exactly tell her they're mates. But you're right, if she remembered things, she'd definitely be acting a whole lot different. That'd definitely not be in Zacky's favor, at the very least.

    And obviously you're right about Bri as well; given the chance, he would sure as hell paint everything in the darkest light. It would most definitely come off as much worse than how she'd remember it, and he'd probably make sure to leave out anything about how she actually liked him, or how she started most of their fights. The question, then, is whether he'll have the chance, and just how long Zacky plans on keeping her away from all of the guys.

    You're very, very welcome. Thank you for the comments! I had a wonderful Christmas, and I hope you had a great one as well! (:
    December 28th, 2013 at 03:12pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Well that sounds like fun! Are the vampires? That would be cool. But I'm really excited to see that things are going to more interesting!!! XD

    And the title is treating me just fine. :)
    December 10th, 2013 at 02:07am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I totally get it, I do.

    And yeah... I really wanted to let you guys worry about that, because it was totally plausible that he was just literally going insane, but then I decided that that would be particularly cruel of me. So, yeah; let me officially confirm that he's not imagining it. Although that would have been a really exciting topic to go explore...

    Definitely nothing quite like doppelgangers! That said, this story will be a bit crazier than WWLU in terms of the supernatural universe and whatnot. It's... got a bigger scope than the prequel had; there's a massive plotline. I mean, a witch has already made an appearance; that's already crazier than before, so yeah.

    How's the title been treating you? xD Hopefully not as frustrating as What We Left Unsaid?
    December 10th, 2013 at 12:59am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    I know. It just sucks that he is getting it on all fronts: Brian, Johnny, the Berrys, Kat, Matt, his wolf side, and himself. Literally all fronts.

    Well I was thinking, fuck he is so overwhelmed with his guilt that he is hallucinating (seeing her everywhere) that now he as completely lost it and this poor woman has no clue what is going on and he is some crazy man. So I thought I'd ask and make sure that it really is Ava and she just had amnesia, and it's not Zacky's mind snapping.

    Glad to hear we won't have to deal with anything too crazy like doppelgangers. XD
    December 10th, 2013 at 12:51am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Yeah, yeah, I know. And I knew I needed to make it extra clear that he was having issues with everyone, and not just Brian, so I let him ramble like crazy, but yeah. Everyone's having a difficult time, even Kat and Matt. Matt's forcing himself to handle it better, but that doesn't get rid of the bitterness underneath, you know?

    Hopefully! We'll see how it goes, or if it changes anything at all. (;

    Oh! Oh, yeah, no. I totally knew there was a risk people would think that it wasn't really her somehow, so I don't know how I missed that you were wondering that. xD Sorry! But yeah, he specifically was overwhelmed with emotions from his wolf-half when he had her in his arms; it's definitely his mate. A doppelganger wouldn't have that affect on him, and, now that I seriously am analyzing this, wouldn't smell exactly like her, anyways. I totally get where you were coming from though, but don't worry, no doppelgangers in this story! (I'm too confused by the concept of them, anyways).
    December 9th, 2013 at 11:42pm