LadyRaven / Comments

  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Yeah, I figured that was the case. Well, hey, at least there were some little details in there for you to latch on to if you still want to go all anti-Ava on everything. She did freeze and look at Matt with 'careful calculation' when he told her to tell them what she'd been doing behind their backs. And there still is the whole issue of the fifty million and the documents and the woman to consider. /shrugs.
    November 10th, 2013 at 06:41pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ Liera_Fufu
    You are very welcome. I do like the story and I found it to be a very original story line, if just a bit scattered. I am really looking forward to the re-write because like I said I really do like the story. Hopefully you will be able to fix your computer soon so that you can continue to update. Keep up the good work! XD
    November 10th, 2013 at 06:15pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    I really don't know how to feel about you right now! I just...DAMN YOU!
    November 10th, 2013 at 06:09pm
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    Hey, thank you so much for that comment! I'm really glad you are enjoying the re-write. I feel a little more confident about it now. The whole time writing Mending the Broken, I just wasn't satisfied with the story. I never knew where I was going with it. I just wrote from the top of my head. But now i'm putting a little more thought into it & I hope it continues to go well. I uh, unfortunately crashed my own laptop tonight (which it was getting old) and have to wait till i get paid to fix the screen of my new laptop that i got for christmas last year. A friend moved my laptop and had stepped on it, cracking the screen ~_~ but i will update as soon as possible! Thank you so much for being such an honest & loyal reader/commenter :)
    November 10th, 2013 at 05:41pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha, no, I obviously wasn't kidding you. But you made that little declaration too soon, don't you think? Is it love or hate right now?
    November 10th, 2013 at 04:12pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    I didn't get the email so I'm just now finding out that you updated! Thank You, I Love You, You're Awesome!!!
    November 10th, 2013 at 05:54am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    You're kidding me right?
    November 10th, 2013 at 05:52am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    How long is 'not long'?
    ...I'unno... how about 'now'?

    November 10th, 2013 at 03:57am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Oh I’m sure it was even more difficult for you than it was for me.

    So does this mean like a couple of day or next week? You have to know I’m dying here! XD


    Yeah I figured that was what you were doing. I still loved the chapter; it was just hard as hell to find something to comment on.

    Yeah I know. I just had to shake my head at that one.

    Yeah I just thought I’d give you a comment on it. I’m dying here! Seriously! I can’t wait to read the sequel. I already recommended it too (and subscribed to it)! I feel really special finding out that you only sent me the link to the sequel! You are just too sweet! XD

    Yeah I kind of figure that it was more of an “I need to get out of here for a minute because all this stress is killing me” sort of thing. I’m the same way, when the stress starts to get to me I have to get out (and sometimes even got for a run). I guess I can’t be too mad at him for that.


    Yeah I described it as “Bat Country and Willy Wonka’s boat ride had a baby and this video is the product!” Not my favorite of theirs but I think you have a very good point that we take what we can get.
    November 10th, 2013 at 03:05am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I know, it was pretty tough for me, too, which is why I just skipped most of it and just answered what I thought really demanded an answer. xD

    Not long, I promise!


    Well, thank you so much for understanding! And I know I said that; it was the truth! But that doesn’t make you required to comment or anything. xD And no offense taken, don’t worry. I know, it was a pretty predictable chapter, but there wasn’t all that much I could do about it. There needed to be an explanation about why the whole pack hadn’t immediately found out about all of the details, and that was really the only way I could think to show it. Plus, it was an easy enough chapter to write (any Matt and Kat scene is) and that makes it easier for me to post for you guys. /shrug.

    It does, it really does. I know exactly which comment you’re talking about, and I’m glad you felt the same way, haha. I mean, let’s assume for a minute that there is a perfect explanation for absolutely everything and Matt does feel like an asshole. Even in that situation, his reaction is still totally understandable, because he had plenty of solid reasons to feel the way he did. Blah blah blah, he should’ve trusted her, but come on, no one can really blame him for it. He hasn’t actually done anything about it, just been a little... off. And everyone can see he’s been struggling, so, yeah, he’d feel like an ass but no one would really think that he was one. Buttt that’s just one possibility, obviously. I’m just saying.

    I saw the comment; thanks so much for commenting. xDD I’m glad you’re already excited for it (and I think it’s so interesting that there are already three recs (though one, I know is from SheSaidPoptarts, who made the banner and isn’t really a reader or anything) when the only person I gave the link to so far i you.

    Okay, I figured it was an always thing, I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t something new that I missed or anything. /nods. And he’s not suicidal, don’t worry. He’s also not a coward, so, again, don’t worry. With all of the stress that’s been going on, he just needed to go for a run as a wolf and burn it off. Yeah, it was a stupid fucking decision, but maybe he thought Ava (and by extension, Drake) would be laying low after what happened, or maybe he thought they hadn’t seen Drake in a while, so what were the chances? Again, definitely a stupid decision, but he’s not exactly in his best and most rational state of mind, remember.

    Haha, I’ll correct you if you’re not considering a possible side, yeah. I’ll go and play devil’s advocate, as per usual. Certain things you might be wrong about, though, I might let sit there until the sequel in case that clears anything up, just as a heads up. I mean, there are things you can’t know until you find out about the documents and the fifty million and the whatever else doesn’t get cleared up by the epilogue.


    Again: I’m so very happy for you! I’m seriously jealous over here, but I’m trying to be productive about it. xD I’m glad it was so much fun! Not that they ever can /not/ be fun, but yours sounds especially epic!

    I have, yes. I can’t decide if I should add an ‘unfortunately’ to the end of that statement, though. I am not it’s biggest fan, either. I’m pretty severely disappointed, actually. However, I don’t hate it or anything... I’ll take what we can get... but I just expected something so much better, and it really doesn’t do the epicness of the song justice. In my honest opinion.
    November 9th, 2013 at 11:41pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    For the record this is really hard having to go back to conversation we had a long time ago! XD

    With that said, I’m glad it was a good laugh. You should be proud that you have evoked such emotion and passion from me!

    The fair points being about Ava marking Zacky? I don’t mind you know touching on things, if I remember correctly you asked me if I had any thoughts on why Ava marked Zacky so I gave you what I had.

    FINALLY!!! Question is how long am I going to have to wait?


    Don’t be sorry that you got busy! Life happens! I understand completely. And for the record you said that you like to see my comments and when I read it the first time I had homework and stuff so I couldn’t get one written and honestly I couldn’t think of anything to write. No offense but that chapter with Matt and Kat was “predictable” I kind of saw that one coming. After going back though I felt bad for not commenting so I thought I’d just gush on how much I like Matt and Kat.

    Well I don’t hate Matt if that makes you feel any better. In fact the more that he sticks up for Zacky the more I love him. Yeah I read a comment about how they are mad at how Matt was acting, and that Ava had a reasonable explanation for what happened and when everyone (Matt and Zacky) found out they were all going to feel like idiots! I have to tell you my jaw dropped to the floor on that one! I mean seriously! Of course I’m going to feel like a real jackass if she is right.

    Oh well then. It was worth a try.


    I’m glad you got your sleep! Good because I have to know that Zacky is going to be okay!!!

    I never thought you would. XD

    LOL! Yeah that is why I did it! It’s all or nothing with her.

    Okay I can handle that, and honestly I didn’t think we would find out by the end of this story. I just wanted to make sure that we would still find out about it.

    Right! Okay I can wait to see. By the way I just commented on Slip! I had to be the first commenter. XD

    I know but I figured I’d give you my answer anyways. XD

    Oh I’ve always been confused by Zacky! But why would he just walk off like that knowing he is in danger!?!?! Does he have a death wish or something? I just didn’t take Zacky for being the suicidal type.

    Or maybe… wait I have it! Maybe he doesn’t want to tell everyone what happened so after he got the recipe for the tea, he decided it was time to spilt and Drake caught him while he was on the run. But then that would make him a coward, and that doesn’t sit well with me either. Hummm…

    Yeah I know, like I said there are two sides to every story and I am going to try and not let my utter dislike of her keep me from seeing her side of the story clearly. I’ll expect you to correct me if I’m in the wrong on my opinions of her and her side when it happens.

    New summary? For this story? I’ll have to go look now.

    Not a problem! XD


    Oh well, I was wondering why I never heard back from you on that.

    It was the epitome of EPIC! The whole concert was great, every song! I don’t have main pictures of the concert because I was too busy enjoying it (the ones I do have are from my sisters) but I thought you would like to see some. XD

    Have you seen the new music video for Shepherd of Fire? I’m not it’s biggest fan.
    November 9th, 2013 at 08:21pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    v. I wasn't laughing at your comment, only at how clearly into it and worked up you were about everything. xD Don't worry, it was definitely a good laugh, I promise!

    Those are all fair points, by the way. I hope you don't mind my not touching on them step-by-step like I usually would, but since I owe you like fifty seven responses, I don't want to end up breaking Mibba by trying to post a novel on your profile page. If there is anything specific you'd like me to address that I skip, though, please feel free to point it out.

    Oh, and the next chapter will show you everyone's reaction to that news being finally shared, like I know you've been waiting for. (;


    Please never apologize for not commenting (or not commenting quickly, for that matter) on a chapter; jeez, I feel even worse about taking forever to update a chapter or even so much as respond to your comments, now. I'm awful, and I'm super sorry that I got so busy! I do promise, though, that if I had had even enough time to sign on for longer than a few minutes, I definitely would have responded! I miss our conversations, too!

    I'm glad you've been feeling bad for Matt lately; I'm starting to get somewhat mildly frustrated with all of the Matt-hating talk. I mean, at the moment, no one knows exactly how good or bad Ava is, you know, so no one has any real reason to be super pissed at Matt. I just... I feel like so many readers are forgetting how hard this is for him, too, and it kills me that people don't really see that. /sigh. And let's not start talking about Kat, really. She's just genuinely such a good person, and I don't get the Kat-hate. I just don't get it.

    Is it legal to kill another werewolf? No. Killing is always illegal, unless, you know, you're in the ruling group that gets to decide when things are allowed and when they're not. xD So, in other words, the Council can officially put werewolves to death, but otherwise, it's officially against Council (and human) law to kill another werewolf. However, it's much less enforced than it is when a werewolf kills a human -- that gets major ass responses from international groups. But if one little werewolf got killed and some pretty powerful werewolves tried to cover it up and call in some favors and whatnot? Yeah, they could get away with it pretty easily, in certain circumstances. And, technically, killing another werewolf is punishable by death if you're found guilty of it. So, yeah, Ava could have been trying to get Zacky in trouble with the Council, sure. And those guys wouldn't have hesitated to sentence him to death, either. But the only catch in your little scenario is that killing another werewolf is punishable by death. 'Attempted murder' isn't a thing in the werewolf world. With how many violent fights break out all of the time, there's no real way to try and distinguish what is attempted murder and what is just really really violent fighting, so it's really not even technically listed as illegal. If Ava wanted Zacky dead for trying to kill her, she'd have had to die first.


    Oh, don't feel like a dick! I didn't mean that in a bad way, believe me! I wouldn't have stayed up if I couldn't handle it, don't worry. I took a nice long nap today to make up for it, so there's really no harm done. It's all good. And, seriously, I needed that little kick in the ass. So thank you so much for reminding me that I was missed and that my story of course was too -- I needed that nudge to get my ass in gear and get that chapter worked through. I've got the last three (counting the epilogue) essentially done, now. I just hadn't worked out that last chapter, and I needed to just get it over with. You won't be waiting long for the next chapter, I promise.

    Yeah, Zack sure did make a stupid decision by going off on his own, though, to be fair, it's not like he could have asked Johnny or someone to tag along with him. There's always Kat and Matt, so there's no real excuse, but I'm just saying. Believe me, I hear you.

    No comment on Ava's role or lack there of in all of this. You've got a very valid point, and you're not the only one thinking she has something to do with this last little twist, but I won't confirm or deny your suspicions, obviously.

    Haha, I'm sure she appreciates the quarter point. xD Actually, I lied, I'm sure she'd be pissed if she heard about that, and would've preferred you didn't give her anything at all over something so 'insultingly low'. She's yet to master the 'beggars cant be choosers' thing.

    The documents and the woman set to receive them have not been forgotten. I know, it seems like you're never going to find out about that, but I do promise that you will. However, and I'll tell you this because I know you have bigger things to worry about, that's actually not going to be revealed any time soon. It won't be revealed by this story's end and epilogue; it'll be addressed in Slip. As will any other unfinished business.

    That 'what's going to happen because they're mates' bridge will be crossed when we get to it. Obviously, Zack's got the tea now, so he doesn't really need Ava around, but you'll see. Just give the question two more chapters and an epilogue, and you'll have your answer.

    Sequel it is, yes. (; I asked more for reassurances than anything else. I'd already sent you the link to the sequel, remember? xD

    What's got you so confused with Zacky right now? The same things, or something new, now? Just out of curiosity, you know. And I'm not surprised you're not happy with Brian. He'll be let in on the big secret in the next chapter, though, so don't worry. (;

    Obviously you'll just have to wait an see what Ava's "excuse" is before you make up your mind for sure. (; Although, you make an excellent point about her having he ability to just sneak in and free him if she had wanted to.

    And yeah, the title. You'll figure it out. (; Haha, I swear, I'm really not trying to be an ass by leaving you with so many unanswered things, but, really, it'll all hopefully make a lot more sense by the epilogue, title included. Have you read the "new" summary, too? That might help. Or it might not, who knows. What will help for sure, though, is the last three chapters. I won't keep you waiting for long!

    It was definitely very entertaining to read! Thank you so so so much for leaving such a nice comment for me to read through, snicker a bit to (again, good way), and then get some more motivation to continue writing from. Seriously, thank you for all of the comments!


    And holy crap, no, I didn't see your message about the concert! I don't know why it was marked as read in my inbox... odd.

    I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I can't even believe how epic that setlist must've been. I mean, those are some of my favorites all crammed into one! Wayyyy better than the Welcome to the Family setlist, and even that I had thought was awesome. I really want to see Shepherd of Fire live, I'm telling you! And holy crap, Chapter Four! I wish they had played that when I saw them in concert! That's one of my all time favorites right there! :DD
    November 9th, 2013 at 07:37pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Yeah I figured you wouldn’t clue me in to how they feel, I was just wondering if you knew. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see right.

    I understand, I just hope that all ends well between two of them soon.

    I don’t really think Brian would kill Zacky, I know that Brian loves Zack like a brother and wouldn’t. I wasn’t worried about that at all, I was just going with the hypothetical scenario.

    Well Zacky is my favorite but Mat and Kat are also my favorites as well.

    I don’t think you are that evil to leave the story as a cliffhanger. XD

    That would have been awesome to have been there and seen!

    Yeah it was a pretty cheesy but still a fun show. Yeah Prue was pretty annoying too. I liked Paige so much better. And no I don’t think that makes you a bad person. Yeah I’d die. I love Grey’s and honestly I didn’t want to but it’s addicting.

    You are very welcome, but may I ask why were you laughing?

    Yeah that is mainly the reason why he gets on my nerves. I don’t know about that. It would honestly make me suspicious of him; it would make me believe that he knows what happened to Zacky. Yeah Matt did the Big Brother thing and it got on my nerves too so your right.

    That is true.

    Well my initial thought to that was that she had already gotten her chance to embarrass/humiliate him and so she was walking away so as not to make the offense worse than what it already was. After thinking about it some more I thought that maybe she walked away so that she wouldn’t be in direct line of fire from Brian’s questions as to why she did it. Again apparently it is not normal for a female to mark her mate and so I would assume that Brian would end up asking why she did it, and not wanting to risk him being mad at her for her actions (after all Zacky is still his friend) she tried to avoid it.

    I know we keep circling around this, and I get why it went down the way it did. All I’m saying is that I don’t think that Brian is right in his theory on Ava and her feelings for Zacky. I mean if I was proud to be defying my family’s expectation by being with someone I wouldn’t bring someone else home that meets their expectations. So this idea that Ava is proud to call Zacky her mate just seems a little far fetched to me.

    I know that there is more to this than what we already have but the pieces we do have are not lining up to show the same picture that Brian is painting. It will be interesting to see what these final pieces are and what the final picture looks like or if it even looks like what Brian is suggesting.


    No meant that while she was holed up in Brian’s room and she was mumbling to herself about the packs and having a sort of breakdown was because she realized that Zacky had told Matt about what happened. Once she was in the safety of Brian’s room and able to calm down some and think she realized what Zacky was talking about and that Matt knew about it too: “Ava wasn’t oblivious to the slightly desperate, completely insane tone Zacky was using, nor was she oblivious to the sharp catch in the larger man’s breath that signaled Matt had somehow managed to crack whatever crazy code Zacky had been using.” Once she was able to realize that she began to realize that all too soon the mask that she had kept carefully in place in front of her friends was about to be ripped away and she doesn’t belong to the pack and now she never will. I really don’t think that she planned to have Zacky attack her, as entertaining as that thought may be.

    So it’s not going to happen in the next chapter? Damn I’m just dying to know what everyone’s reactions are going to be.

    I know I can’t wait it is now 9 days away! I’m just hoping that I don’t die from all the excitement!
    October 10th, 2013 at 11:05pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, I'll most definitely answer that question! I'll admit that sometimes there are times when I'm writing the story when I do not know exactly why a character seems to react the way they do until I later have some great big epiphany, so I can see why you would think that could also be true in this scenario. As it is, though, I do actually know exactly how Ava feels about Zacky (and vice-versa, for that matter); that's one thing I have known since the beginning of the story. What I obviously won't answer is what those feelings are. (;

    I know, I know. Two steps forward and twenty steps back, right? I didn't want to do it, either, but I really had no choice in the matter. And that's kind of a lie because I obviously wrote it, but hopefully you understand what I mean by that.

    Hypothetically speaking, yes. It's a completely logical explanation for everything, as you can tell, but it's certainly only a hypothetical possibility. And Brian isn't mad enough to kill Zack, just so you know and can rest a little bit easier. Brian loves Zack like a brother, and that's not something easily severed, no matter what he says in anger. Ava's alive, after all, so as unforgivable as Zacky trying to kill him is, it's still much more forgivable than him actually killing her. Especially if she's not sitting there with him cursing his existence and adding more fuel to the fire.

    I'm glad you like my Matt; he and Kat are strangely enough my favorite characters in this story, even though they're not the main ones. xD

    Haha, it's not like the end of the story is a cliffhanger or anything, don't worry. That'd be just plain evil of me. So you can at least rest easy knowing that.

    It was honestly pretty awesome and absolutely hilarious. Straight out of a movie. But I -- obviously -- was also pretty pissed at myself for all of a second. I think I shouted VERY loudly "Fuck!" when I first stood up, but after that I was just laughing at myself and deciding that I was officially excused from class, even though it unfortunately was a class I actually had wanted to go to.

    I loved Charmed, too! I always thought it was like the most awesome show in existence. And now I go back and cringe at some of the terrible effects, but they did pretty darn well for their time, at least. Although, I totally forgot how much I despised Prue and couldn't wait for her to die.... Does that make me a bad person? And I never got into Grey's, but I've only heard good things. I'm glad you have access to it, at least! (:

    And thank you for your comment on the last chapter, too! (: I always very much appreciate it, and yours totally had me laughing a little bit the whole time I was reading it! :D

    I know that Brian gets on your nerves -- he obviously would because he blindly defends Ava, and because you hate Ava with a burning passion, you'd obviously be irritated with him because of it. However, if he defended Zacky with the same blind trust, I think you'd love him, even if he had every other character trait exactly the same. Matt did the Big Brother thing, too, remember. You just like him more now because he's on Zacky's side. /nods.

    I figured that little comment of hers would have been a big surprise -- anyone who expected that I'm not sure has even read the story. Both Brian and Johnny have logical explanations, and I'm sure there are plenty of other explanations out there as well. I won't say exactly what was going through her head, of course, but I will at least say that yeah, there was at least some amount of guilt involved.

    Well, for Ava to try and say anything other than that she liked Zacky, that would have looked pretty damn suspicious whenever the guys do get together and talk about who said what and why who attacked who... you know? You could most definitely be correct.

    And, again, you may very well be completely correct. She certainly has dominance and general social issues, so for her to simply have been trying to degrade him further... that's completely logical and completely possible. The only thing you aren't accounting for is what Brian pointed out about Ava not sticking around to mock him with the rest of the pack about being marked. She didn't stick around, after all. Any thoughts on that?

    Fair point. Except that, as far as she claimed, she only went along with that lie because she wanted to avoid an all-out war. She didn't make it up, after all, she just played off of Drake's misunderstanding. That, of course, doesn't mean you're not correct. She wouldn't very well go and say that she wasn't trying to look out for the pack, after all.

    You make several very good points, and I don't have any devil's advocate argument against them; you're right. Most normal people would probably do the same things you would. Brian certainly sees what he wants to see; he truss her blindly. That doesn't mean he's incorrect, though. You are missing something, but it's because you don't have all of the pieces to the puzzle yet. And when you do, then you'll be able to see if the final picture is anything like what Brian's suggested or not. No comment from me on that! (;

    It would certainly seem so, wouldn't it?

    That's certainly very plausible. And to potentially start a major incident by having Zacky attack her and get caught in the process... that would take the pressure off of whether she is who she claims to be or not. Although, I'm certain that she wouldn't have expected Matt to react the way he did... And, again, you may very well be right.

    Thank you again, love! And you shouldn't expect it in the next chapter, but other than that I'm not saying anything more. It shouldn't be too long, at least.

    EDIT: Did I manage to not comment on the fact that you're seeing the boys in concert? Dude, how the hell did I forget that? How did you LET me forget that? OH MY GOD CONGRATSSS! You'll have so so so so so so much fun! And you're going to let me live vicariously through you for that! :DDD
    October 10th, 2013 at 02:21pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    True and that is why I don’t feel so bad about liking Zacky kicking her ass.

    That is true.

    I’m not expecting you to answer this but I’m wondering if you even know if Ava actually likes Zacky or not. I know that sometimes you will have a plan to go one way and then when you sit down to write it turns out different, but I also know that some of your chapters are prewritten so I have to wonder.

    Yeah I get it. Its just I barely had my two guys happy and talking with each other and now they are back to the beginning. I’m hoping that once Zacky tells everyone what is really going on that things with Brian will work out.

    Wait, so hypothetically speaking, this was Ava playing the “I like you” card to piss Zacky off and get him to react and have him caught hurting her? I could totally see her doing something like that, it would cause a lot of trouble for Zacky and even endanger him. I mean Brian’s already made enough to kill Zach, and I’m sure the rest of the pack would feel the same way (minus Matt). That is a very interesting thought to entertain, and I will keep that in the back of my mind for later.

    True true, most of the time Matt is my least favorite character (they either write him being too mean or too soft). I like your Matt though.

    Great *thought with heavy sarcasm* I sure it will be interesting.

    Yeah mud sucks! Oh well that sucks but sounds awesome all that the same time! I would have laughed my ass off if it had been me, but yeah the clean up would definitely have taken some of the fun out of it.

    Bummer! :( I have done a Charmed Binge! I loved that show. I like my Grey’s Anatomy and would be pretty upset if I couldn’t watch it.
    October 10th, 2013 at 04:24am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha, I understand what you mean. But, hey, she's not just some innocent little girl, remember, so it's definitely no normal situation. But I know, I was writing it and thinking he was pretty damn awesome while he was doing it, and I had to pause and ask myself if I had a problem. xD

    Yeah, true, but her last word usually only matters to her.


    Most definitely!

    I can understand why her actually meaning it wouldn't make you happy... it'd certainly leave a huge mess of things that would need to be explained and resolved, too. Of course, I am inclined to agree with you; Zacky deserves only the best, for sure!

    Brian and Zacky's friendship is obviously going to be pretty damn tense... at least until Zacky tells Brian, you're right. And I'm sorry about that, because I know how much that sucked before they made up and all... but it kind of wasn't avoidable. And I hear you; she does seem to always get to be the one playing the victim... though I'm not sure that's something she particularly enjoys. Although, in this situation, it certainly worked out pretty wonderfully to be the one that the pack caught almost being killed rather than doing the almost killing. Ironic that it's almost exactly like what we were just talking about, with Zacky potentially playing that 18/21-aged trick on her to get her caught. Hmmm. (;

    Matt is a pretty damn awesome character in this story; I'm just going to leave it at that. xD Yeah, he definitely handled that pretty awesomely. And I'm glad you like him for it! (But just because you love this Matt doesn't mean you love all Matts, so don't worry... the world might be safe yet!)

    In which case, I leave you with no comment on whether it will be soon or not. (; And I almost considered doing that just to see the reactions, but then I decided that would be a pretty terrible thing to do, and then I'd have a chapter that I'd be forced to write rather than skip, and that wouldn't work out to well for me. Never fear, there's a much better cliffhanger in this story than the last chapter. (;

    I like the rain. I dislike the MUD. And, specifically, I dislike slipping on grass and sliding down a thirty-yard hill and covering myself in mud. Although, admittedly, I did laugh pretty hysterically when it happened. It just wasn't fun to clean my clothes in my sink afterwards. xD

    Netflix has different agreements in other countries. Not only can I not watch any of my normal shows on their websites (like, for instance, Comedy Central doesn't play ANYTHING outside of the US), but I can't watch Burn Notice or recent seasons of Modern Family or any of my SVU episodes... So I'm on a Charmed Binge. c:

    I'm glad you loved it! The next chapter will certainly not compare, but it should be out sometime tonight if all goes well! (:
    October 10th, 2013 at 01:31am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Oh man was he! I thought it was hot! Later though when I was thinking about it I realized that there may be something wrong with me! :o I mean normally a guy getting violent with a girl would piss me off, but when I was reading I had a huge grin on my face and was cheering him on! I don’t what got into me (maybe it’s because I don’t like Ava).

    I know. It just seem that Zacky tries to keep Ava from running all over him but for some she it seems like Ava always gets the last word.

    Really? THAT’S AWESOME!!! XD

    Oh well, at least I’m on the right track then. :)

    Again, at least I’m on the right track.

    Yeah no the second she said that I was screaming that she was lying (grated there was small moment of hesitation where I thought/hoped that maybe it was true) but yeah I’m 99.999% positive that she was lying and/or quoting the note to just get under Zacky’s skin. If it turns that she actually does end up liking Zacky then I really don’t know how I would feel about that. I mean I want Zacky to be happy but I really really really don’t want him and Ava together anymore. He deserves so much better.

    Yeah I was looking at some of the other comments and realized I’m not the only one who felt that way and that made me feel better. XD

    Yeah a huge judgment error, but what I’m worried about now is what is going to happen to Zacky and Brian’s friendship because she wouldn’t listen to Zacky. I hate that she ends up being the victim in this situation (at least in Brian’s eyes).

    Yeah that was what made me love him! The fact that he did just react like Brian and he hell he didn’t even demand that Zacky tell him what happened he turned straight to Ava asking her what SHE did to him. That was awesome. Then he tells Brian that Zacky wouldn’t just attack for nothing so she had to have done something to him. And then when he realized what she had done how he said that if Ava went near Zacky he would let Zacky have at her! Plus he was comforting while he got Zacky way from her, oh how my heart fluttered! XD I’m serious I just couldn’t help my heart growing three times with how Matt was!

    Considering the current sad state of affairs that are happening over across the pond, it would be safe to assume that it may very well be the end of the world. It would make sense since I never thought I’d like any other member more than I do Zacky and Brian! XD

    Near or soon would be defined as the next chapter or a chapter away (just so you know). Oh I would have LOVED that! Reading the other’s comments would have been hysterical! XD I was just saying that I want to know that Zacky is okay or going to be okay and now I have to wait to find out.

    I’m holding you to that!!!

    I love the rain! Our rainy season is upon us and it has only rained once here. I’m sorry to hear that you are/have been sick. :( That sucks! What do you mean the shows that Netflix allows to be played in Ireland? What shows do you want to be watching? Well I’m glad to hear that you are feeling better.

    Oh guess what I will be doing in 10 days!!! I will be seeing our favorite boys LIVE!!! AHHH I can’t wait!

    As always you are welcome and yeah I ended up reading the chapter first and then making my comment which I’m glad I did because it was so jam-packed with action and information! But I LOVED it! XD
    October 10th, 2013 at 12:42am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hahaha, I KNEW IT! I knew you would absolutely love this chapter! Which is why I didn't feel too terrible about disappearing for a few days on you -- sorry about that! But I hope that the chapter made up for that pretty easily. (: Zacky was pretty damn awesome in it, yeah, wasn't he?

    Oh, you really shouldn't have been afraid of that. I mean, obviously Ava was going to attempt to do just that, but you should've known Zacky wasn't going to let that happen! Especially temperamental Zacky. xD

    And I know; Ava's been pissing essentially everyone off. It is a legitimate question for her to ask -- because obviously Zacky's conversation with Matt has seriously damaged her relationship with Matt -- but I totally understand why you would think that it's ridiculous for her to think she deserves anything less. I don't disagree.

    I thought you'd like that pun. That one I actually did subconsciously steal from you. xD

    But no, believe it or not, that actually wasn't me quoting you there. I believe you called her a cold and unfeeling bitch whereas he called her a heartless, unfeeling bitch. Very very close, obviously, but I had actually had that part of this chapter written... oh, jeez, about a year ago or so. So yeah, major coincidence but not actually a quote. (:

    I know you've been saying that for a while now, and I've been snickering over here about that because I know Zacky's been thinking the same thing. At least, he's been thinking that since he realized she was benefiting from sleeping beside him, too.

    I didn't expect anyone to fully understand what was going on and why Zacky was as pissed as he was until he explained that she had quoted the note. I mean, obviously everyone could see why he'd be upset about it, like you said, but obviously none of you knew what the note said, so you couldn't have connected those dots. Also, can I just say that I'm glad you're looking at her 'confession' as critically as you are? Because I am. I worry about those readers that read it and immediately jumped up and down professing that they had always known it was true.

    No, I don't think cheering him on makes you a bad person! And I don't think less of you either, obviously! I think a good number of people were doing the same, anyways, so if it does at least you can all have fun being bad people together. xD I was cheering him on for what he was saying, because I thought he was fucking hilarious. xD And pretty scary... in a good way. And you are totally right. He warned her countless times that she needed to leave, and even straight up told her that they could talk later (okay, he said maybe, but still!), but that it just wasn't a good time for him to be talking to her. I mean, he's spent years managing not to kill her, and you really can't blame him at all for not being able to hold back when he already warned her he wouldn't be able to. She definitely made a huge judgement error.

    I'm glad you liked Matt in this chapter! I know a lot of people were not pleased with him, so I'm glad to hear he has at least some support! At least now you can't try and say that everyone always sides with Ava and doesn't care about Zacky. xD But oh my god! I can't believe that is happening! Is the world about to end, for real this time? o:

    Pshhh, no comment! You'll have to wait to find out. (; I will confirm that yes, in the... near-ish (I don't know what your definition of near is, so yeah) future, everyone will find out about all of this. Hahaha, I'm not that evil! I could have cut it off right when it looked like she was dying! I was nice enough to leave it at something that isn't really a cliffhanger, but just the end of a really dramatic plot "twist". xD

    But I will try and update in the next day or so, I promise!

    Ireland is amazing, even though it's getting a little bit rainier (holy crap, that is actually a word!?) now. But I mean, I haven't gone and seen too much else. We did a trip to the Cliffs of Moher, and one to Dublin, but the rest of our trips are actually coming up soon. I've just been spending a lot of time around campus and in the city, you know? But I've unfortunately been pretty sick, so I actually haven't been doing anything interesting at all and have honestly been holed up in my room a lot watching the random shows that Netflix allows to be played in Ireland (which are not the ones I want to be watching, by the way!!). And I know you are, and I'm sorry that I don't have any super exciting story to tell yet! Hopefully now that I'm starting to get better (it's been like three weeks of this cold, I swear!), I'll have more things to share! (:

    And thank you, obviously, for commenting on the latest chapter! I really did appreciate reading your comment, and seeing you respond to everything that was going on in the chapter (since obviously a lot happened!). (:
    October 9th, 2013 at 03:33pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Well I’m a great organizer and I almost thought you had left us and I was beginning to think that maybe I would need to. Especially with you talking about possibly starting a new story and you haven’t update this one! XD

    YES! I LOVE mob stories!!! I would so read it!!!

    Yeah it’s not for everyone and like I said I NEVER thought I would like something like that but hey to each their own right?


    You do have a very compelling point there. That would be an interesting turn of events if that had been the case. Zacky did tell Matt that he tried to tell them that Ava couldn’t be trusted so maybe after trying to tell them so many times he decided he would try and show them that she couldn’t be trusted. And no I don’t think that Ava and her brothers would have gotten away with it a second time, BUT they may have succeeded in killing him the second time too, so they would have gotten caught but at the expense of Zacky dying. I don’t like that idea.

    WRONG! I read it and the WHOLE time I was PISSED OFF!!! I was fuming so much I couldn’t even leave a long comment because I was so mad I didn’t even know what to say! I almost didn’t leave one that’s how mad I was last night. Then when I did figure out what I wanted to say I wanted to do the whole damn thing in all caps that’s how mad I was. Fortunately I refrained from doing that (just barely). Actually when I read that she was having a hard time sleeping so she went to go sleep with Brian I almost lost it and beat the shit out of my computer! I love that Brian turned her away!!! XD That did make me happy but of course the dumb bitch wouldn’t want to miss her beauty sleep and so she goes to the one guy who won’t tell her no (Johnny). Yeah that made me hate her so much more! I did enjoy Matt’s reaction to her though. I honestly felt bad for the poor guy. He was stuck between a rock (Zacky) and a hard place (Ava) literally!

    One thing I can say though is I can't wait till Zacky and Ava have their little chat. I hope to God he sets her straight!!! I'm serious I hope that she doesn't try and run the show and he gets he say in and fucks with her good (at least this is what I see happening). I don't know what I'll do if Ava shows up and runs all over Zacky. I'm looking forward to and also afriad of the next update all at the same time.

    It’s okay. I just want to see Kat kick Ava’s ass! XD But if it doesn’t happen that’s okay too (I’ll just imagine it XD).

    I will forgive you. XD I figured that you were out and about so I tried to remain calm and wait here patiently (it wasn’t that easy though, I wanted to message you several times BUT I didn’t).

    You are right, and I love them both for that.

    Oh well I was mistaken. I was thinking about when he tried to seduce her and she threw his words back at him. I thought he apologized but he didn’t come straight out and say sorry, really just made an excuse for what he did. My bad.
    October 1st, 2013 at 06:50pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, I know you would! Like I said, it's pretty damn motivating for me to keep me focused on one story. I don't think I've ever had people who would form a mob if I stopped writing. xD

    The other idea I have for a story is a mob story, where the lead girl is actually a lawyer with strong ties to the IRA, and happens to be in witness protection. I don't have any of the details anywhere near hammered out, though, so there's not much else to say. And no worries, I didn't think that was creepy fangirly at all!

    I mean, I get why some people really like it, because, like you said, it gets multiple favorites of theirs together, but it just wasn't ever something I was particularly interested in. I've read a few when they've been contest entries I was competing against or something, but I've never particularly cared either way. /shrug. You're definitely right though, there are a lot of Bratts everywhere I look now. ...odd.

    And yes, it still means you're awesome! xD

    Okay, good! I just wanted to make sure he didn't come off too resigned in the last chapter -- I mean, he's Zacky fucking Vengeance. He's got some fight left, don't you worry! It definitely does make sense!

    Oh, I'm not quite that cruel! I want you to be emotionally invested in the story, but I don't want you to be too nervous or anything; being too emotionally invested could make you not enjoy the story at all! Buttttt I definitely do enjoy watching you guys ride the WWLU roller-coaster. (; I definitely don't blame you for trying! I understand it completely. But I'm still going to let you sweat a bit over it while you wait to find out. (;

    Fair point. But he doesn't have to have super-high hopes to have tried it... just in case it would bother her. Or, hell, just for the entertainment of having something to do and not being able to think of any other way to fuck with her. Or maybe he would want her to try and have him killed again. It's lucky enough she wasn't found out the first time. Do you think she and her brothers could get away with it a second time, when he's not nearly as naive and he's not even a member of the big pack anymore?

    Oh, the next chapter might be your favorite. xD

    Oh, yeah. I mean, Drake's a diabolical guy, and I think sometimes people forget exactly how diabolical he can be. Of course, that's not to say that that specific plan was his diabolical plan. I'm just saying it is most definitely within the realm of possibility. Lovin' the JC pun, as always.

    No promises either way on a Kat/Ava catfight! The most I can say is that I'll keep it in mind and see if it fits anywhere, but I don't know for sure that it will. :/

    There's definitely no way anyone can try and claim she's an innocent anymore, that's for sure. (Thank God!)


    Haha, I knew that chapter would piss you off! But I mean, at least both Brian and Johnny weren't actually siding with anyone, they were just poking at her and trying to get her to talk to Zack. They weren't saying he was at fault, and I mean, Johnny even made a good point about the silver. But I hear you, I know. Although... what chapter are you referring to when you say that Zacky tried to apologize to Ava?
    October 1st, 2013 at 05:58pm