LadyRaven / Comments

  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    True that! I'd rather have them temperamental than with no emotion at all, that's for sure. But yeah, the people in my life are totally temperamental -- I'm Irish, so there's like constantly shouting and stubbornness, haha. And thank you, love!

    The entire story would certainly be a lot more humorous if Jimmy was in it. And yeah, he'd probably be able to see through everything and solve so many major problems! I definitely wish he was still here, too. No offense to Arin or anything, but I definitely do wish he was still alive and a part of the band.

    Haha, no worries! Like I said, I like that you have your own opinions of everyone, and you totally don't have to like her. I'm glad you're not an Ava Cheerleader! I totally understand you might not ever like her, and that's cool. Just let me know if your dislike of her ever gets to the point that the story itself becomes irritating to you!
    August 11th, 2013 at 03:49am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Well I don't know if that really says anything about you as a person. Most characters that are written are either temperamental or almost seem like they have no emotions what so ever. You may be used to it in your everyday life. Are the people in your life very temperamental? But I like your characters even if they are a little temperamental, especially Zacky, Ava, and Matt.

    Yeah I imagine that the situation would have been handled completely different if Jimmy had been there. More humor would have been present for sure and Jimmy has always struck me as being very observant and intuitive so I imagine that he would know how Zacky and Ava truly felt about each other. I wish he was still here.

    Yep, she is going to have some serious making up to do. Maybe tell Matt everything she knows would gain her a point. But really I don't think it much hope for Ava. I may never like her, especially if her reason for hating Zacky is stupid or ridiculous. Just thought I'd let you know.
    August 10th, 2013 at 07:06pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    xDD I totally wonder what that says about me, because I really do always have very temperamental characters, even if they're not werewolves.

    I think that's very logical and makes complete sense. Bottom line, we don't know what Zacky knew and what he didn't, and you're right, there is a different between silver and other kinds of injuries. Using silver would definitely be much more cruel.

    And I definitely think you're right; Jimmy probably would have. He's definitely a hell of a lot more outspoken even in 'tense' situations... especially compared to Johnny, Matt, and Jason. I don't think he'd ever keep his opinion to himself!

    Haha, woo! One whole half point! xD It really is one step forward and two steps back with her, though.
    August 10th, 2013 at 06:25pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Yeah I figured it was more of a werewolf temper thing, but yeah if they weren't werewolves then you're right they would be borderline sociopathic! :)

    I know the silver wouldn't have killed her, but we still don't know if Zacky knew that or not. While you do have a point about them breaking each others bones regularly, I don't think that silver is in the same as a broken bone.

    Agreed he would have been right there kicking Zacky's ass with Brian! I get it an I understand why their relationship is the way it is, I just thought I'd point out that though Brian and Jimmy are the closest in real life and would be in your story as well, I think that Jimmy would still have stood up for Zacky, despite being Brain's best friend.

    I know she took the blame, but your right it doesn't make up for anything else she has done. She can have half a point back for taking the blame. :)
    August 9th, 2013 at 07:04pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Yeah, jeez, it does seem like Matt's saying that in every chapter, doesn't it? I blame it on the whole werewolf temper thing. Otherwise I think my characters would all be borderline sociopathic or something. xD

    I totally hear you on the whole actions-speak-louder thing; you're totally right. I just... I don't know that I personally agree that the pack thinks lowly of him. I mean, Brian even said that the drink wouldn't have killed Ava. The rest of the pack isn't necessarily looking at Zacky and thinking he'd have let Ava die, just... let her suffer a bit. They do break each other's bones on a relatively regular basis, remember. But I completely get looking at it from Zack's point of view. I mean we don't really get his point of view all that often, so it's obviously important to take what we do get.

    Totally a fair point! Brian's an inconsistent character in this story, because we see him from a few very different point of views. I know, I get why it would be irritating to see the way the rest of the pack reacts to things. I'm not trying to tell you that's wrong, I'm just playing the devil's advocate for a moment. xD And I'm surprised to hear you'd have felt the same way had Jason asked that to Ava!

    I know! I'm sorry! ...kinda. (;

    Again, you're totally right. Jimmy is that kind of guy that wouldn't have tolerated Jason being an ass or seriously ganging up on someone. Though... I will say that he also would have sent a few punches Zacky's way, just like all of the other guys did. And, again, you're totally right. Zacky and Brian definitely don't have the whole rivalry thing going on in real life. But they also aren't competing to be beta, they're not having some kind of major racial-esque division between them, and then Ava's not in the picture. I know, it's not ideal -- their relationship -- and it's definitely not something I really wanted to bring into this story. The rivalry was originally supposed to be more lighthearted and good-natured than it turned out to be... I'm really not the kind of person that likes to stir up stupid drama. But it's not realistic for there not to be tension now, so it's kind of stuck there, at least for the time being.

    Oh, I worded that terribly, I'm sorry! I knew you weren't talking about the silver-secret thing! You're totally right, there's a lot she hasn't said until it came up, and there's a lot that she hasn't said even after it came up (fifty million dollars, anyone?). It's not much of a pack mentality, you're totally right. Hell, it's a Rinaldi mentality, and that's pretty sketchy. I only mentioned the silver thing because that's what set Matt over the edge, even though it was technically the one thing she wasn't the only one being secretive over. She did kind of take all of the blame when she didn't actually have to. But that, obviously, shouldn't make up for everything she hasn't done. Again, just playing the devil's advocate. (:
    August 9th, 2013 at 06:07pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Yeah I get what your saying and that is why I said I wasn't all that mad that they beat him up. True true, I didn't actually think that Brian would kill Zacky. Yeah I know it seems like he says that in almost every chapter.

    Yeah well I was getting annoyed with the two of them, so yeah when Zacky just manned up and explained what Brian had called the meeting for I was like "Heck Yes!" I love Brian and all but I'm thinking that he wouldn't have made a very good Beta.

    I know I know but still it was just after we talked about it previously I thought that the rest of the pack wouldn't think so lowly of Zacky either. AND 'actions speak louder than words' and when everyone looked at Zacky like it was they were silently accusing him. And now that you mention that I can see what you mean that Zacky could have misconstrued their looks, but since the Chapter was in Zacky's POV I was writing my comment from what I gathered from him.

    I know but like I said, if anything I figured that Brian would be more surprised than anyone else that Zacky had stopped Ava. I guess I just figured that since Brian wasn't at all surprised then the rest of the pack wouldn't be either. I don't know, all this anger could just be that I like Zacky the most out of this story and I feel like he has no one to really stand up for him so I'm taking it upon myself to protect him. And I still would have said Fuck you Jason if he had asked Ava the same question, even if I don't like her. I think it was Brian's comment about them never doing anything to hurt the pack that changed my point of view on this matter.

    AHHHHHH!!! You are pure evil!!!

    True but Jimmy loves everyone and he just doesn't seem like the type to unfairly judge someone or the situation. I don't think he would have blamed Brian for kicking Zacky's ass but I don't think that he would have let Zacky get 'ganged up' on either. Because even in real life Zacky and Brian appear to be very close relationship as well and there doesn't seem to be any real rivalry between the two, like there seems to be between the two in your story.

    I LOVE Kat!!!

    No, I know that it wasn't just her idea that keep the silver thing quiet and that wasn't what I was talking about. What I was referring to was all this pureblood knowledge that she has but has failed to pass on to her pack or even Matt (the Alpha). I mean she knew about what was going on with Zacky's jaw but chose not to share her knowledge. She knows about all the logistics of what is going on with Drake and she is only giving info when she 'thinks' it is necessary. It just seems that she has the upper hand in almost every situation and she is leaving her pack in the dark. No much of a pack mentality if you ask me.

    No you didn't suck! DON'T SAY THAT! I'm glad that my comments motivate you, that is always nice to hear. As always you are very welcome! And thank you, I can't wait for the next update!
    August 9th, 2013 at 05:23pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Woo!~ So, here I am, as always, to start our epic conversations about your inner ramblings. xD Seriously, that little line really had me laughing pretty hard over here! And, pshh! Thanks as always for the lovely comment! (:

    Glad to hear you didn't immediately hate everyone for beating Zack up a bit; I'm glad you at least understood where all of the guys were coming from and whatnot. And, yeah, you're right; he might not have known any better, at least about the side effects and whatever, but if you were a guy, and your sister's mate had just slept with someone else, wouldn't you be at least a little pissed? I mean, she's not their actual sister and all, but still. Brian... well, just remember that he's even said that he might be pissed at Zacky for whatever, but they're still friends. He wasn't actually going to kill Zacky, he was just blowing off steam and all, you know? (How many times has Matt told people he'd kill them if they broke another thing in his house?)

    xD Yeah, Brian's wording wasn't all that well thought out on his part, was it? I'm happy to hear you were entertained by it, too!

    I figured you'd totally approve of Zacky just jumping straight to the point of things, especially when he was totally right about it just being a waste of effort to argue over who does the actual telling. That could definitely be part of the whole reasoning Zacky was chosen over Brian to be beta, like you said. And it could also be that Zacky just doesn't want to listen to Brian and Ava at all in the first place, of course.

    And I know the rest of the pack didn't exactly act as if they were of the same opinion as Brian on the matter, but just... keep in mind that none of them actually outwardly accused him of anything. And when they all chimed in with their questions, none of them suggested Zacky was the cause. Hell, they might have just been looking at Zacky because he had been the one to say what had happened. Of course, Zacky felt that there was some kind of accusation in the glance back at him...

    Well, there was Jason's comment, as you obviously noticed. But even Zacky noted that he was more surprised by hearing that than actually suspicious or anything. It's just... hard for the guys to believe that Zacky would step in like he did, because, I mean, they've known Zacky and Ava for years and those two have never gotten along, according to Brian. I think Jason would have said the exact same thing had it been Ava who had stepped in to stop Zacky from drinking it. Especially if it was something that wouldn't have killed the other one (whether or not Zacky actually knew that, of course).

    As to Zacky not wanting to have that particular conversation with Jason... I'm reverting back to my sadistic asshat ways, sorry. xD No comment on whether there's something more, whether he doesn't want to mention the blackmailing thing, or whether he simply doesn't want to be fielding questions about his random act of kindness.

    And Jimmy. Yeah, things would definitely be different if he was around, but you are probably right and if he had been present at that particular pack meeting, he probably would have been more vocally in Zacky's corner. But keep in mind that in 'real life' and all, Jimmy knew Brian first, and they always seemed to have the closest bond. I would have kept that in this story, and tossed Ava into that mix just because of logistics. Not to diminish Jimmy's relationship with anyone else, of course!

    :D Kat has her moments, most definitely. c:

    And I totally knew you'd appreciate Matt's comment on Ava's secretive nature. xD Although, it wasn't exactly just her that suggested they keep the whole silver thing from Matt and Kat for a day, was it? Matt just thinks it was because Ava went ahead and said that she convinced both Brian and Zacky to go along with her plan.

    I'll go ahead and confirm your suspicions about the Drake situation. Ava and Brian definitely believe Drake is now up to more than just his standard revenge (or, at least, he was before he got interested in revenge). And Drake's not really the type to stop at anything, anyways, so that's pretty much true. (:

    And, again, thank you so very much for taking the time to comment on the update! I totally appreciate all comments I get, but I know yours must take so much extra time and thought, and it really makes me super happy to see your comments, like I told you before. The level of thought you put into my chapters also completely motivates me to continue working on the next chapters, too (though... I kind of sucked at proving that this last time, huh?). But yeah: THANK YOU, LOVE! (:
    August 9th, 2013 at 06:09am
  • Moriarty;

    Moriarty; (250)

    United Kingdom
    Thank you for the lovely comments on Until You're Mine! Good to know someone else likes crazy Zacky just as much as I do Hug
    August 4th, 2013 at 02:41pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States

    Oh, yeah, definitely! I've already written one scene (but it's for further down the road) where one of them finally reveals why they 'hate' each other so much (and, don't get super excited, my emphasis of that does not confirm or deny whether it's actually hate or the situation you described). And then there are bits and pieces of different things that have added fuel to the fire, all of which are kind of sprinkled throughout the story in different parts.

    It has to do with them being mates, yes. Would Matt react the exact same way? Er... probably not exactly the same, because, again, his relationship with Kat is different, plus, he's just a different guy and would react to things differently anyways. But it'd be something similar, at least in experience, yes.

    Okay, good! I just worry that some of the readers get this whole "oh my god, Ava's family is so fucked up and she must be so terribe traumatized from her past, and can't coe with the future and blah blah blah" and, just, no. She didn't have a perfect life -- duh! -- but she had some things pretty damn easy. I worry about some of the Ava Cheerleaders when they realize that she really isn't some innocent victim character, you know?

    Your guess about her parents is partially correct and partially not. Appearance definitely mattered, both for the two of them and for all of the kids, but I don't want to say the whole family was loveless or anything. I mean, I guess that depends on your definition of the word love, because the family's definition would be different from Matt's, for instance. But yeah, that dynamic should be better explained in the future.
    August 1st, 2013 at 07:07pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Agreed and I sure as hell wouldn't fight him. True true but still, he is just sooo...yeah my automatic response would be "TAKE ME!" Are we ever going to find out why they hate each other? Like what started all the fighting between the two of them? I know I've met people that I was positive I wouldn't like but I don't hate them or fight with them unless they provoke that response from me, otherwise I just ignore them. So there has to be something that started all this. Or it could be that messed up situation that I have mentioned before were they like each other but because they can't figure out how to say or show their true feelings they fight and act like they hate each other.

    So it has something to do with her then? Is it like a mate thing? Like if Matt were to bite Kat on her mark would he have the same look?

    No No I didn't think anything like that. I was thinking that her parents would be like one of those rich couples that were only together for apprearances and there was no real love between the two, and that transfered onto the children. Meaning that mom and dad could really care less about what their kids did really, and they get away with murder.
    August 1st, 2013 at 06:18pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I completely and wholeheartedly agree. Like I think I told you before, if Zacky Vengeance ever showed up on my door and tried to kidnap me or something, I don't care if he is a freaking serial killer, I would go with him. xD ...but then again, we don't really know Ava's automatic response to him, we only know her response after years of knowing him and fighting with him. Who knows what would be different if her showing up on their doorstep needing a mate had been the first time she and Zacky had met.

    It's the same kind of look he had when she first showed him the tea, too. Both after "marking" her and after waking up after drinking the tea.

    I mean... Her entire family seems pretty fucked up. But I promise she doesn't have some cliche an traumatized past involving being sexually abused by drunk parents or anything. That would be way too much of a cop out for her.
    August 1st, 2013 at 05:09pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    True true! You caught me red handed. But I mean seriously who doesn't like Zacky? You have to be crazy not to automatically like him.

    Yeah what was up with the lost look by the way?

    True, so that must mean that her parents relationship must have been pretty fucked up considering how she feeling about having a mate and what not.

    It's cool, I understand.
    August 1st, 2013 at 05:00pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I mean, I do get it, because I apologize whenever I comment on one of my subscribed stories "late", too, but I just want to make sure you don't feel like you need to be sorry, you know? And haha, yes; Koschka is Johnny fan.

    Pshh, you didn't like her to begin with because she doesn't like Zacky and Zacky doesn't like her! Her sketchiness only gave you an excuse! xD

    That's very true! And a very good point! It definitely could have been an affectionate thing; that's very much a canine thing, too. Don't forget the whole Zacky-looking-lost-or-confused thing, though!

    The Zacky-being-full-of-pride thing is an excellent point! He's just not the type to ask for help. Hell, neither is she. And, again, you're right; kids do learn a lot about partnership and loyalty and everything similar from their parents when they're growing up. But that speaks to both Zacky and Ava, doesn't it?

    Short response is short, because I am on my phone out running errands.
    August 1st, 2013 at 03:07pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    NICE! Hey every man can only hope for that one right?

    Oh that is so sweet! See! Now you know why I apologize if I take too long getting back to you. Koschka is the Johnny fan right?

    Ain't that the truth! There is a reason I didn't like her to begin with (because she's sketchy). But you are right she can't know know for sure, but part of me feels that since they are mates (even if just barely) they should know how their mate is feeling from time to time. But then again they aren't the normal mated pair so what the hell am I saying? I'm blaming the pain meds! :)

    Well that is a good point! I didn't think about it that way. NO NO NO I get that they aren't human but my dog licks me to show affection (at least I think that why she does). So like I said it was weird that Zacky licked her! Not creppy but I took it for a show of affection towards Ava, and well add in the moan (maybe for relief maybe not) and the begin gentle on top of that is just sort of freaked me out. I was like, "Oh my god, Zacky likes/cares/loves her and now she is going to realize it and everything is going to change!" Of course that didn't happen but for a minute there that was what I was thinking.

    EXACTLY! I mean if I didn't have my parents to teach me the "life lessons" that I need to know, and I'm an outcast because of my bloodline (the one that got his parents killed) then how am I to figure this shit out on my own? And again your right why would they be talking about mates at such a young age. Furthermore, Zacky is full of pride. He is not going to just ask for help or for someone to tell him what he should know about being a werewolf. I feel that everything that he knows up to this point he as had to learn by himself, and even the hard way (like not sleeping around on your mate). Plus, children learn things like partnership, loyalty, and the like from their parents relationship. So if you didn't have your parents around to learn from and had to grow up raising yourself then how was he really supposed to know.

    Okay sounds fair.

    No worries!
    August 1st, 2013 at 06:37am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    It was pretty damn hilarious; I was laughing for a good few minutes after he "decided to be self-sacrificing for me". xD But yeah, I totally would, too, and I told him that. So he now still has this dream to one day have a threesome with Jennifer Aniston and me, even though we're no longer dating.

    But I am! Really, every chapter I post, I am pretty much constantly refreshing my phone checking to see if there are any new comments from you and Koschka! I mean, I'd never be even slightly upset if either of you didn't comment, because I really am not just being polite when I say that I do view them as little presents under no obligation at all, but I totally do sit there and get myself all worked up wondering what the two of you are thinking when you read the chapter. xD

    And you're totally right, as per usual; even in his desperation there totally could have been some truth! And even if you did trust Ava, she doesn't even know for sure if that's how Zacky really feels. She can't know, she can only think she knows. But, as you said, you don't trust her anyways, so there's always that. She's always vague with what she shares in narration, too, which could possibly be sketchy.

    True, true; before, the gentle part did come after a rough part. He was seriously weak and bordering on unconscious, though, so there's a chance he might not have physically been able to be rough. And I know, I know, the lick definitely seemed weird; hell, it was weird enough to Ava that she leapt away from him. But keep in mind with that whole thing that they're not human. Looking at it from a canine's perspective, licking a wound isn't as creepy as it sounds to a human, you know?

    Again, you're totally right. (although her point was that all of the guys, even as single males, would know not to sleep with someone else when they were mated, but still). But yeah, what's obvious to her doesn't mean it's obvious to him, especially given how much of an outcast he was. Even though he did have the guys to talk with and learn from and whatever, it's not like mates are something they'd be talking about as teenagers or kids.

    You definitely can always hope! Sometimes little details like that are things I throw in just to create a backstory, but I don't ever plan on using them in a future chapter. In those cases, I'm all for explaining and retelling funny stories from the past, since they're not going to spoil anything or whatever. But this time I do think it might come up in the future in more detail. If it doesn't, I promise to write you a long, entertaining explanation of what I envision having gone down. xD

    and I'm not stalking you; I just happened to search through all of the latest commenters on WWLU to double check for responses, and the timing was creepily accurate.
    August 1st, 2013 at 06:10am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    It's cool, I understand that everyone has a life out there too.

    Oh wow, I was afriad that you were going to think I was crazy!!! I'm so glad that there is some else out there who thinks that way! OMG that is fucking hilarious!!! But your right, of course he would! I would sleep with her though! She is still fucking hot even though she is getting up there in age.

    I'm weird like that, I apologize for everything. BUT maybe I'm secretly hoping that your waiting with baited breath for me comment on the recent chapter, so I feel bad if it takes me a while to comment. XD

    Yeah I liked the evil scheme idea better, but towards the end I decided that Zacky was in the wrong at all sooo...yeah Ava can go suck it.

    I know I know but a girl can hope right? I mean I was hoping that in his desperation there might have been a lick of truth to what he was saying.

    But that was from Ava (and I don't trust her). We don't know if that is really how Zacky really feels or if he was just delirious.

    Yeah but that was after he was rough with her. Well that does make more sense when you put it like that. I was thinking more along the line of a moan in a sexual nature, but it could very well have been from relief. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE LICK!?!? THAT WAS WEIRD!!!

    Well like I said before Ava can go suck it! Yeah maybe it would be obvious to some, but if Zacky is such an outcast because of his bloodline then would he really have the opportunity to just "figure things out" by being around others. PLUS his pack is full of single males, except for Matt and even then he and Kat haven't been together that long so tell me when was Zacky supposed to figure out the obvious?

    Okay okay, I kind of figured that I wouldn't find out till later anyways, but one can always hope right?

    Well I guess that's something then.
    August 1st, 2013 at 05:47am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey girl! Sorry I took forfuckingever to respond! Yesterday and today have been super-majorly-crazy and I had way too much to say to just type it up from my phone!

    OH MY GOSH YOU THINK LIKE THAT TOO!?!? I was going to say something like that too, but then I was all afraid that would be way crossing a line because everyone I've ever said that too would looked at me like I was crazy! Seriously, during a conversation with my boyfriend (well now just friend, but back when we were dating and exclusive and whatever) when we were talking about Jennifer Aniston (because that was his big celebrity crush), I flat out told him that if he ever magically had a chance to be with her, he had damn well better go for it! He thought I was kidding for a minute, but I was all "Uh, no, seriously. I would want you to do that, and I would want to hear all about the details!" xD He then proceeded to tell me that in the spirit of being fair and making his own sacrifices, he would approve if I slept with Jennifer Aniston, too. Of course he would.

    Very true! I think most of the readers have a set impression of every character (some conclusions they came to themselves, and then I really think some of which they just heard from Zacky and decided that one-hundred-percent he was right). But, hey; it's amusing to me to see how different people look at the chapters completely differently. (:

    AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPER EPIC COMMENT! <3 I will never understand why you apologize while your commenting on a story; that's like randomly giving me a gift and apologizing because you didn't do it earlier and it's not even a holiday or my birthday or anything. xD

    I know, and I'm sorry it wasn't some evil scheme orchestrated by Drake to have Zacky kicked out of the pack; I know you and a lot of people were hoping for that! But I'm glad you still don't think it was "cheating" or anything. (:

    On the whole we-care-about-eachother "revelation", just keep in mind that Zacky was pretty desperate and pretty much willing to say whatever would get Ava to help him stop the pain. I mean, you can think that it was partially true or not, but just remember after Ava called him out on it, he did laugh a very little bit in response.

    And on the wanting-her-to-smell-more-like-him thing, Ava claimed that was when she knew he was delirious. But maybe you're right. Or maybe just the wolf part of him wants his mate to smell like him. I, once again, refuse to spoil anything for you. xD (Though, honestly, I agree with you on the no-real-fault-in-his-actions thing.)

    AND I KNOW. It is very twilight-zone-esque, but it's not the first time this has happened, remember! Last time she helped him with his pain by letting him bite over his mark, he had a similar gentle-ish moment, in Chapter Seventeen. And yeah, the moaning was a bit weird, huh? Keep in mind the fact that he was in such a huge amount of pain that his body was about to force him into unconsciousness again because he couldn't handle it, and then all of a sudden when he bites over the marking, all of that pain is gone.

    And yeah, whiplash seems like a pretty likely thing. xD

    Haha, Team Zacky most definitely. xD Although, Ava did say that it was such an obvious thing he should've known even without them and all.

    I don't want to answer the Show question, because that might be better revealed in a future chapter, and I don't want to tell you something you're totally going to hear later, you know?

    On the will-they-ever-fall-in-love question.... I give no definitive answer. xD BUT, I will say that this story is listed as a Romance for one of the genres, and I do promise that their dynamics will change. (;
    August 1st, 2013 at 02:00am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Oh now that was fun, I've had three removed myself and I didn't get any of the good stuff either.

    You and me both. Girls can be funny like that though. My sister is that way. Her ex-husband thought that Megan Fox as soooo hot and she can't stand her now because of that. I'm like, "Dude, it's not like he is ever going to be with her so chill." And I'm sitting here thinking to myself if my boyfriend or husband had the chance to be with a really hot celebrity chick then I would totally let him go for it (as long as he came home and told me all about it) because that means that MY boyfriend/husband was hot enough to land someone like that and still he CHOSE to be with me. But I don't know, like I said girls can be so weird sometimes.

    Well maybe they are just not looking at all the different angles and points of view to each chapter, character, and situation. But hey people will think what they want to think, right?
    July 30th, 2013 at 06:12am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, hey, the nice stuff! xD I was pissed when my surgeon didn't even give me vicodin for when I had my wisdom teeth removed!

    I've just never understood why people have issues with that? I mean, really; the fact that he's acknowledging that an attractive chick is attractive but he's still with you and not her should be a fucking compliment! But people get all insulted and I just don't understand.

    I am totally wondering what the hell they're going to say in reaction, because I've got most of it done, now, and I'm just looking at it... and I've got no clue how they're going to react, let me tell you. I've basically decided that there's no point in me trying to guess how people will react, though, because I seem to always be wrong. /shrug.
    July 30th, 2013 at 06:00am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Well I've got my vicodin so I can't complain right now. :)

    Yeah I guess you could say I have a prett loose definition of cheating as well. And I am right there with you, if my guy mentions that a chick is hot most of the time I'm totally agreeing with him. :)

    I'm curious to see what the other readers will say once we get the full details of what happened that night. I'm wondering if several of them will still think of Zacky so harshly or will change their minds.

    Yes but as I've said before I like teasing so it's really not that big a deal.
    July 30th, 2013 at 02:37am