LadyRaven / Comments

  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, no apology necessary, love! People have lives; that's a good thing! Even if it occasionally appears that I don't... Except, that whole scenario is most definitely not a good thing! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear that! A friend of mine had that happen once, and she said it definitely wasn't fun. D:

    Hahaha, true, true. You do have a more committed relationship with him than Ava does. xD Oh, that made me laugh, though! I'm right there with you; but then again, I'm the kind of person who has a pretty loose definition of "cheating" anyways. I know most of my friends get all pissy if their boyfriends or whatever look at another girl, and I'm just sitting there with mine saying "yeah, she does have a nice ass, you're right!" xD

    And, yeah, I totally do hear you; my personal experience has been that guys tend to want and like sex more than girls. I can only think of two individuals that didn't fit that stereotype, so I still definitely agree.

    I know! I promise I'm working on it right now!

    And, yeah, I'm apparently very good at being a tease when it comes to chapters and whatnot, huh? (:
    July 30th, 2013 at 01:51am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I was unfortunatly in the hospital today for pain in my side. Turns out it's a kidney stone, but this morning when I was reading your reply back I thought I was dying. Fun Fun Fun!

    Yeah that kind of pissed me off. I mean technically he didn't cheat, because in order to cheat you have to be in a relationship. And let me say this, Zacky and I are in more of a committed relationship than Zacky and Ava, and I don't even know the guy! I just don't think that it was cheating not really, and as I've been saying we don't know what happened. So before I go jumping to conclusions I'm going to wait and see.

    It's just been my personal experience that guys tend to want and like sex more than girls. And you are absoluty right, Zacky is used to getting laid whenever he wanted and now he can't because the girl he is mated to (again not in a relationship with) doesn't want to, I mean come on what's a guy to do? And you make an even greater point that Ava has never known what it is like to have sexy when ever she wants it so she would be less tempted.

    Okay I can handle waiting two days. But after this chapter I'm dying to read the next one so that I can know what is going on!

    I still think that there was a reason for him being unconscious! You haven't confirmed or denied that he could possibly have been druged and raped so I going to still with that. However could just be really hungover, but I'm going to hope it's my first theory as it would forgiving him so much easier.

    Well that helps explain some of it, but then you have to go and be a tease again. :)
    July 29th, 2013 at 11:38pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, no need to apologize! Like I said, I loved your comment and I really appreciated you taking the time to say everything that was on your mind! (:

    I know! I was pretty surprised by how everyone immediately seemed to jump on the hate-Zacky bandwagon and call him a "cheater". I mean, I have to put that in quotation marks every time I say it because I really am not sure you can call it "cheating" when you're in a sham-relationship, you know?

    Ehh... debatable on whether guys have more needs than girls; I think that depends more on the two people at hand, but I totally hear what you're saying. And obviously, as a guy who's been used to getting those needs satisfied whenever he wants, it's kind of hard to expect him to be celibate or anything. At least Ava was never in the habit of that, so would be less constantly tempted and whatnot.

    :D I know, I know. But, hey; at least this time I promised they'd be answered in the next update? Usually that's not the case at all.

    And, yeah, both of those situations/explanations for the eyes make complete logical sense; it's definitely one of those two options. (:

    Next update? I promise it won't take longer than two days to post! I haven't finished writing it, so I don't want to guarantee anything sooner, but I do promise I won't make you wait more than two days for the update!

    And yes, that's exactly what the reference to Chapter Fifteen was meant to tell you! Werewolves can use scented products and whatnot to cover up smells fairly easy if they just put a little effort into it. Or even sometimes if they don't, and shit just happens that way. So, yeah, there's always a chance Zacky could have tried to cover up his scent by using some kind of scented product and showering and everything. If, you know, he wasn't unconscious.

    I'm glad you're still not her biggest fan! And I totally believe that that was hard for you to type! I mean, it's nice and all that she's starting to gain ground (and I'm sure that will be a long and complicated process for her) but I'm happy to hear you're not just suddenly jumping on the Ava bandwagon just because Zacky appears to have "fucked up". xD Which I suppose is weird of me to say, that I approve of your disapproval of one of my characters, but... I'unno. It shows you really think things through?

    As far as the pack's concerned, I think at least the majority of them are used to Zacky and Ava being at each others' throats but not actually doing any real damage that they wouldn't expect either of them to force them to bury the other, you know? Even Matt told Kat that she didn't need to worry, because it was just the way those two were, but neither of them ever ended up seriously injured or anything from their fighting. But, I mean, it's a whole different thing to not kill someone versus stepping in and saving them in any given situation -- especially if that situation required them to put themselves in danger in order to do the saving -- so, I don't know what the rest of the guys think about that whole scenario. I mean, both Matt and Brian have mentioned the whole being-mates thing as something that would have an effect on that, but, beyond that? I don't know. And I don't know if Ava would have stepped in, especially since she knows that the drink wouldn't have killed him or anything. But you're totally right; Brian is an insightful guy when he wants to be, even if he goes ahead and contradicts himself when he gets pissy. xD

    And oh, I didn't realize that was the part that was tripping you up so much. Yeah, there's probably three whole undertones to that one "I don't need to tell you what that means" line. Firstly, Brian obviously does not have a mate, but Ava does. So, naturally, he shouldn't be the one telling her anything, because she should know it and experience it more than he could ever tell her. Secondly, she's a Rinadli. She just straight up knows more than he does about some stuff, or at least knows the same amount, so there really isn't any reason for him to need to tell her "simple" things like that. And thirdly, it was a bit of foreshadowing there, I suppose. So... (;

    It does seem out of character a bit, doesn't it? Perhaps remember that she didn't mention it out loud, but only in her head? Or, more importantly, perhaps consider that she thinks not giving him the tea would really make her 'owe' him, but if she gives him the tea they're at least 'even'. Because you're totally right; she's not the kind of person that's comfortable owing anyone anything.
    July 29th, 2013 at 02:38pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Yeah sorry my comment was sooooo long but I had A LOT to say about that chapter. This one is going to be long too. :)

    EXACTLY! I saw all those comments about Zacky fucking up and I'm like "WAIT A MINUTE! This is not a normal situation AT ALL!" I kind of figured that the relationship between mates was exclusive but again this is not a normal relationship between mates.

    LOL!!!! Love the pun anyways! And yeah guys have needs (more so than girls most of he time) and shit happens especially when you have been drinking. So I'm just thinking that there is more to this than just Zacky sleeping with someone.

    I want to say I hate you and that you are evil, but in all honestly I'm used to this by now and I kind of figured that would be your response.

    I knew there was something with the eyes, and I almost put that in the comment but I didn't quite know how to word it. The way I see it, either this is what normally happens after a mate "fucks up" and "cheats," or Zacky is experiencing the side effects of something being given to him. As for Brian and Ava not being concerned it could be because they know that it is a normal reaction to what Zacky has done, or they are too pissed off at him to truly realize that something is clearly wrong with him.
    When is the next chapter because I'm dying of curiousity?!?!?!

    I don't understand the reference to Chapter Fifteen. Are you saying that Zacky could have possibly covered up the smell?

    I know but still it just seems a little unfair that this is all happening to her in such a short time span. That actually physically hurt me to type but hey "What can ya do?" I'm still not Ava's biggest fan but yeah this just seems like a much.

    I just think that is shows that she cares for him (maybe just a little). But I'm not too sure. But all of a sudden Ava is starting to win me over. It will take time but she is slowly gaining ground. And you know where I stand with the whole Zacky thing. I think that he does care for her (secretly of course) and therefore that is why he interfered. But because he doesn't want to apprear soft he had to have a reason, just like Ava had to have a reason for help him with the jaw thing.

    I don't think that either would porposfully kill the other, NO never! But in all honestly everyone thinks that Zacky hates Ava and Ava hates Zacky so would the pack really think that they would try and interfer if the other were in danger? Obviously Brian saw Zacky do just that, but would Ava have done the same? I just thought is was very insightful of Brian to say that despite their 'hate' for each other they love their friends so they wouldn't want to see any harm come to the other. BUT Brian didn't seem to care that the pack may be burying a member anyways after the 'kills' Zacky.

    I guess what I was really asking was why did he emphasize that statement so much:

    “It means you won’t ACTUALLY hurt him, even if you didn’t have to worry about upsetting the rest of us. He’s your MATE, even if only ‘barely.’ I don’t need to tell YOU what that means.”

    It's more the "I don't need to tell YOU what that means." What does she know about what have a mate means? It's not like she has had one before so it just made me wonder.

    Well I fuckin loved it! I read that and laughed so hard!

    No I just found it to be so out of character for Ava. I guess I have this idea that she doesn't like owing people anything, and the fact that she seems to acknowledge that she may in fact owe Zacky is just weird. I get the whole "black-mailing" thing but still... I don't know it was just weird.
    Again when is the next update? Please tell me soon because now I'm dying to know what will happen!

    You're very very welcome!
    July 29th, 2013 at 06:39am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    What a pair we make, indeed! (: And HOLY SHIT right back at you; I don't even know where to begin! Prepare for a super-long response, love!

    As far as Ava and Zacky having a conversation about being exclusive and everything, one hasn't really been shown, and the Zacky-Matt conversation about the whole on-the-bright-side-we-don't-actually-have-to-deal-with-really-being-mates thing seems to suggest they didn't have that kind of conversation... but it technically could have happened and I just didn't cover it. I promise the next chapter will answer that question in detail. But, I mean, yeah, generally speaking, mates are always exclusive relationships. But Zacky and Ava aren't even remotely normal, so who the fuck knows what the rules are supposed to be.

    Bottom line? Yeah, you're absolutely right, and people have fucking needs. (Dear God that wasn't meant to be a pun!) And Ava definitely wasn't giving him any, you're right again. In fact, back when she was still making the tea and hadn't told him about it yet, when he told her "Fuck you," she responded with pretty much the opposite of giving him any... Chapter Seventeen: “See, now that would do you some good,” she drawled as she poured out the tea into a waiting mug, glancing over her shoulder with a wicked smile on her lips when she took in his smoldering glare. She gave a chuckle and a wink before she turned back to the mug and rolled her shoulder in an easy shrug, ignoring the rather intense growl that answered her actions. “Oh, relax, Baker; you repulse me just as much as I repulse you. It was a joke."

    Why was the room trashed? What exactly happened? What was Johnny doing in the hallways? I... well, I'm going to go ahead and be that sadistic asshat again and make you wait for the update to have those questions answered. xD MWAHAHAHAHAH. No, but really: I'm sorry! They're all answered in the next update though, I promise!

    Yeah, something's obviously wrong with Zacky, but neither Brian nor Ava seemed particularly worried about it after they figured out at least the very basics of what had happened. Hangovers don't cause things that extreme, and wouldn't make his eyes amber or him to be burning up. But, is it "normal" or was he drugged? That'll be answered in the next chapter, officially. For now, all I can do is point out that Brian and Ava both didn't appear worried about it. But, I mean, then again, would they have cared? I'unno.

    You'd definitely imagine Zacky would have a better plan than that, what with the whole smell thing being rather obvious, huh? No comment. xD But remember that Ava told Brian way back in Chapter Fifteen: "Remind me to hide all of your scented hair products when we get back, yeah? You shouldn’t get to use them to hide the smell of alcohol on you."

    AND OH MY GOSH I THINK I MUST BE DREAMING! You? Sympathy for Ava? Ava scoring another point? Holy hell! The world is ending! xDD But no, it really is very shocking! Of course, keep in mind Ava's reasoning for why she was stopping Brian, with the whole plane-to-catch thing going on.

    As to the Ava-recipe thing: Brian made it clear that he felt she'd want to give him the recipe because Zacky had used that as his reasoning for why he "saved" her in the first place. (which, yes, is debatable, because it wouldn't have actually killed her, but who knows if Zacky knew that?) Brian then pointed out to her that he didn't think the whole blackmail thing really affected Zacky's decision to warn her, which kind of implies that (at least as far as Brian is concerned) Ava isn't sure whether Zacky would have "saved" her had it not been for the fact that he didn't know the tea's recipe.

    I'm glad you found some of Brian's commentary hilarious! And were you really so surprised by his comment about how neither of them would make the rest of the pack bury a friend? Do you think Ava would be okay killing Zacky even though the rest of the pack would be heartbroken and probably hate her for the rest of their lives? Or vice versa? Just a question, obviously. It's only Brian's belief; it's not necessarily true.

    And okay: Mates! It's definitely physically possible to hurt your mate. Like you said, Zacky might have just slept with someone. Or, back to Alaric; Ava's implied that Alaric has killed his mates. Remember when Matt was all confused about how Zacky and Ava could stand to do what they do to each other? Matt's made it pretty clear that there's something instinctual about having a mate that makes you not want to hurt them -- like, actually hurt them. Brian's kind of seconded that with his you-won't-hurt-him comment; he's made it clear he doesn't think Ava would fight her instincts there. But, that said, just because something's very instinctual doesn't mean you can't actually go against it if you really try. ...There just might be personal repercussions, or it might be hard as hell. It'd kind of depend on the person, too, I suppose.

    And I'm SO FREAKIN GLAD that you liked the Johnny-as-a-gift interaction! I was so proud of myself when I wrote that, I can't even tell you. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, because I was really worried that no one would really notice it, and it's honestly one of my favorite lines I've ever written! :D

    And, no, I'm not trying to make you like Ava, I promise! She just had a good chapter in your books, apparently! If it helps, just remember that they do have a flight to catch, and a suddenly-back-in-jaw-pain Zacky would be awfully conspicuous on a flight. And, not to mention, there is a black-mailing exchange going on between Ava and Zacky. He "saved" her from the silver, and if she were to not have his tea the next morning, that'd be pretty fucking bad and he'd probably want to piss her off by finding a way to do the one thing he agreed not to do, and give Kat another reason to hate Ava, you know? Does that make her actions any more understandable and less to your liking? xD

    And, yeah, her original concern at the room totally might have been because she does care about Zacky. Or it could have been because she's on edge about someone out there trying to dose her with silver. Or it could have been that "holy shit, what the fuck happened? Did someone just kill a packmate of mine?" There, easy to lower your level of approval with Ava. xD

    Again, though, you're totally right; the whole sleep-with-someone-and-let-everyone-smell-it-on-you thing seems pretty damn stupid. Your drugged-and-raped scenario is possible. Your drunk-and-shit-happens-because-people-have-needs,-damn-it! scenario is also completely possible. And, hell, weirder things have happened in this story than someone being drugged-and-raped. At least, comparatively.

    And holy crap, hell really might be freezing over! But I guess you'll have to wait and see if it really is, huh? (;

    Anyways, thank you so very much for the super-long and super-awesome comment! I absolutely loved reading it, and I laughed a few times as I was! And, holy crap, did I squeal out loud when I saw how much you had written and how much you had been willing to share all of your thoughts with me! So, seriously, from the bottom of my heart: thank you!
    July 29th, 2013 at 05:41am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Oh that made me laugh! Sadistic asshat is what you most definitly are but fortunately for you I'm a crazy masochist! Oh what a pair we make!
    July 27th, 2013 at 04:55am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Psh! I promised I would! (:

    I just am generally not a fan of the whole group of friends meets group of friends and everyone pairs off perfectly and lives happily ever after thing. Or the everyone gets in relationships at the same time thing. Life just doesn't happen that way, you know? Plus then it gets confusing trying to keep up with a million different people.

    And I get why you want Brian to have a mate; I understand what you mean! And you're right, I haven't. (; because I'm a sadistic asshat, I know.
    July 27th, 2013 at 04:50am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    No biggie thanks for getting back to me. :) Yeah I hate those stories were there is one person left out because they don't have someone so I like that all the guys are single except for Matt and Zacky. It makes things more interesting. And I only want Brian to have a mate if it is true and he is pining for Ava. It's just so he can get over her and be happy that's the only reason why I would want to you to have one for him. BUT you haven't confirmed or denied that Brian actually likes Ava so yeah... Thank you for easing my mind though, that is always nice. :)
    July 27th, 2013 at 03:26am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Psh, no worries! I do try to have a life outside of mibba, after all, haha!

    And yeah, that might be a tad but easier,

    I completely understand! Those aren't usually my favorite stories, personally.

    And no problem; I figured I should put your mind at ease. (:

    Sorry this is short; I'm on my phone right now.
    July 27th, 2013 at 03:18am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.
    I really hope that it is just Zacky having he headed clouded with jealousy. If I'm right about him secretly liking Ava then his jealousy of her and Brian's relationship could cloud his mind. I REALLY REALLY hope that is what it is.

    Yeah I've alread started to re-read it because I think it would be easier than having you keep copy and pasting stuff for me. :)

    I totally get it and honestly I like it that they don't all have mates. It's so different from other stories were everyone has someone but that one guy, you know?

    But yes that sounds like a fair enough conclusion! I'm glad to know that. :D
    July 27th, 2013 at 02:34am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    You're right, sometimes if someone likes someone else, they'll go along with whatever it is the other wants just because they care that much. That could totally be what's going on. After all, if I was secretly in love with my best friend, but I knew he didn't love me and was already mated to my other best friend, I sure as hell would not voice my true feelings. That'd kind of be both an asshole thing to do and completely pointless because nothing could come of it. Then again, Zacky could just be mistaken.

    Personally, I think re-reading the story might be pretty helpful, just to re-familiarize yourself with all of the things going on, and to go back and look at each of the scenes with a grain of salt. But I don't know what you have time to do or if you're even interested in that. If you do go back and re-read, don't forget to look at Chapter Eleven, too. I think a good chunk of that is a rather interesting conversation between Ava and Brian.

    I believe Brian's exact question was “Why didn’t you come to me?” not "Why didn't you mate with me?" but still. I know exactly where you're coming form with that. And you're right, Ava specifically suggested to Zacky that one of the highlights of their arrangement would be that neither of them had to actually have a mate, that neither of them wanted one. So you're conclusions make complete sense.

    ...Matt, we haven't really talked about in the story. Not in that way, I mean. I think the guys' explanation was "Jimmy’s death apparently kicked him into family-mode." But, yes, Brian said that werewolves have a desire to not be alone; and that's in every way true. They're social creatures, they live in packs for a reason, and they have mates for a reason. But there have been plenty of werewolves who've never taken mates, and it's not like every werewolf constantly wants to go and 'settle down' and everything, you know? Some just aren't ready yet... Same as people, in that way.

    How about this, to calm your nerves? By the end of the story, I promise that there will not be multiple people pining after the same person. I've already written the ending and everything. There won't be some kind of terrible angst-y love-triangle at the end of this whole thing. Sound fair?
    July 26th, 2013 at 06:46pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    That was when I started to believe that Brian didn't like Ava like that, because he said that neither of them wanted that BUT sometimes if someone likes the other so much they will go along with what the other wanted even if it is not what they want. Brian may very well want her but because she doesn't want that he plays it off as both of them not wanting it. He even asked Ava if she needed a mate so damn bad then why didn't she go to him, in other words she had other options besides Zacky.

    And that is what I thought at first that Zacky has it all wrong in his head, but Brian was really upset about Ava mating with Zacky, and again asked her way she didn't just mate with him. And I know why she didn't mate with Brian, it was because he would want the whole nine yards with her! That is why she picked Zacky because she wouldn't have to worry about him wanting more from her.

    Well I can totally understand that. I'm just hoping that he doesn't get suck pining after her, if he does like her. I wouldn't be able to stand that. It's bad enough that I think Zacky has a secret longing for Ava, I want Brian to do the same thing. I didn't want everyone to end up with a mate and it all be happily ever after and shit but like I said if he did happen to be longing for Ava then I would hope that there would be someone to come along and make him happy, that's all I'm saying. I mean I get that is would be a bit weird to just show up one day like Matt did and have a mate. But even Brian said in Chapter Twenty that a werewolf has a desire to not be alone. After all isn't that why Matt ran off and found Kat?

    Well I got the goading part but for some reason, all of a sudden I started to see Brian in a different light and we you've read my inner rambling on what I found. I honestly think I'm going to have to re-read the story all over again now.
    July 26th, 2013 at 05:38pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I know, all of those early chapters really were from forever ago! I still go back and re-read everything while I'm writing new chapters half of the time, just to make sure I don't get any details confused.

    Chapter Six; Brian frowned, looking about to argue the point for a minute, but resigned himself to a curt nod of acknowledgement. “We knew each other longest because we both are, so, in a way, yes. Hell, my parents wanted me to take her as a mate, but neither of us wanted that.”

    Chapter Twenty; “Ava!” he interrupted, putting down his beer on the counter beside him. He also snatched hers from out of her grip and placed it down beside her, before grabbing her by the shoulders and giving her a shake. “Ava, this isn’t about you. Alright? It’s got nothing to do with you. Things haven’t been solid with us since Jimmy died, alright? It’s been a tough year, and Zacky and I have made that tougher because we’ve always been competitive as hell with each other. There was friction there before you appeared on our doorstep, Sweetheart, and as much as I know you want to think everything is always about you, the world actually doesn’t--”

    I refuse to side with either of my boys; I won't say who's right and I won't confirm or deny Brian's feelings. Zacky's made his thoughts on the matter clear, and Brian's voiced his say. Either Zacky has a misconception or Brian isn't saying the truth out loud.

    At least at the moment, I do not have a mate for Brian planned out in the future; this story isn't the kind of one where everyone ends up happily paired off and blah blah blah. Zacky took a mate because he had to; Brian was only going to do it if he had to. It'd be more than a little strange if suddenly he came home wand was all "well, guys, I decided to get a mate, after all!" wouldn't it?

    Now, all of that said; I wasn't trying to confuse you. I quoted Chapter Eight in order to explain what I meant by the whole 'goading' comment. Like I said, Brian's said it's got nothing to do with Ava, but Zacky's been goading Brian with Ava... so take from that what you will; you're meant to come to your own conclusions based on what the characters share about their thoughts and what the characters do and say. Which is confusing, I know, and I'm sorry from that.
    July 26th, 2013 at 01:52pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Chapter eight was so long ago, I forgot about that! So has Brian always had a thing for Ava? I mean according to Zacky, Brian wanted to mate with her. I just thought that since they were both purebloods and were expected to mate that that was all there was to it, then when he left there was never any worry about the two actually having to mate. I didn't think that he actually wanted her! I thought his relationship with her was more friend/sister based, not the whole I want you to have my pups someday! Is that why he was asking her about how she was really feeling about the whole mate thing in the last chapter? He was trying to see if she ever wanted that with him? HOLY SHIT!!! Just went back and re-read the last chapter and I realized he does want her! Ahhhhh!!! Here is why I think that:

    He had said it vaguely for a reason, but he should have known she wouldn’t follow along. With a sad smile, he lifted a hand to brush some hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. She looked wary. “Are you starting to regret the whole let’s-just-be-mates-on-paper-so-we-don’t-actually-have-to-be-mates thing?”

    As expected, her gaze hardened as she stepped away from him, forcing him to let his arms drop back to his sides. “You know I don’t need anything more than that, Brian,” she told him somewhat stiffly. “I don’t need a mate.”

    He didn’t care that they were having this conversation in the middle of the dance floor; they were talking softly enough that humans wouldn’t be able to really hear them over the music, and no one was really paying attention anyways. Sighing again, he gave a sympathetic shake of his head. “Need and want are two very different things, Babe.”

    The look on her face told him she had misunderstood him before she even opened her mouth and proved it. “If you think I actually want to have what Matt and Kat have with Baker, then you’re comple--”

    “That’s not what I meant,” he interrupted quickly, giving an adamant shake of his head. “It doesn’t have be about Zacky at all. But you want to have a mate -- an actual mate -- or at least have the ability to have one in the future, don’t you? You regret ruining that possibility, and the possibility of having pu--kids, don’t you?”

    He even says it isn't about Zacky at all!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! I don't like this at all, not one bit! I was happier thinking that they were just friends! Nooooo, please not a sick and twisted love triangle I HATE those! Please tell me you have something in the works for Brian aka A MATE!!! And I would really like to like her too, so make her cool! It's bad enough I can't stand Zacky's mate, please spare me the pain of Brian pining after the same person I can't stand or giving him a mate I won't like! I LOVE this story TOO MUCH for that kind of pain and torchure. Oh how my heart breaks! It's not bad enough I think that Ava like Matt but now you have me thinking that Brian likes Ava and it is all so messed up now. I'm so confused.
    July 26th, 2013 at 07:18am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    You're right; it's not to make Brian jealous in regards to the whole Synacky thing. And you're also right, Ava is rather unobtainable, considering her position with all of the guys, and considering her practically being royalty and everything. But might I do a little more copy and pasting?

    Chapter Eight: “What the hell is wrong with you? What the fuck did you do to her?” the larger man shouted, using his grip on Zacky’s shirt to pull him forward a bit and slam him back into the wall, leaving a noticeable dent, but the smirk on the shorter guitarist’s face never faltered.

    “Well, if you really want to know, I went into her room late last night, woke her up, and then I did what you’ve been dreaming of doing for years: I slammed my hard cock into her tight--” His commentary was interrupted as the larger man roared in anger, launching a fist in his direction. But the Italian had been expecting the blow, and with his own senses unclouded by blind fury, he was easily able to catch the fist and launch his own attack, sending the other man flying through the air and slamming into and breaking the kitchen table. “What’s the matter, Gates? You don’t want me to finish the story?”

    ^ What you will, as always.

    And I'm glad to hear that! As long as you don't hate me, feel free to tease away! I can be a good sport about it, don't worry. (:

    And hahahaha, I totally agree! It doesn't make much sense as far as reasons go, at least in my opinion. But i'unno, I might be missing something else that I don't even know about. (I mean, again, as long as people are coming to their own conclusions -- whether or not I support them fully -- then I'm happy). /shrugs. And that was a good scene! I just remembered how much I love Matt and Kat. But you're totally right; drama has kind of skyrocketed since Ava arrived, and Kat's already voiced her agreement with that statement. So... I find her completely justified, but hey. I'm glad at least you and a few others appreciate Kat's character!
    July 26th, 2013 at 06:13am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Well that is a relief. I don't know what to think about Zacky goading Brian with Ava...I'm trying think of why he would do that, it's obviously not to make Brian jealous (in regards to the whole Synacky thing) but maybe it's an "I've got a mate and you don't" sort of thing, or "I've got HER and you don't sort of thing." Brian said they were competitive so to obtain the unobtainable (Ava) then that is a pretty big win, and let's face it Ava is unobtainable in a way.

    Nope I don't hate you, I couldn't! I just like teasing the authors of my favorite stories because they will only give me so much and then leave me hanging so I'll call them sadists and teases, but it's nothing personal I promise. Like I said "asshat" is one of my favorite terms of endearment.

    Well that's just STUPID! I guess you have a point on why I would like her, but I think what won me over with Kat was the "dog pile" scene and she points out to Matt that there is one person missing from the picture. I mean Matt's like, "This is what she does, she brings us together" and Kat's like, "You're really going to feed me that line of bullshit." Of course not exactly like that but it's like Kat sees the strain on the pack that Ava brings with her. Yeah she may get along great with all the other guys but look at how much more drama has been introduced. Zacky is slowly isolating himself from the rest of the pack, Brian and Zacky are not getting on as well, Ava and Zacky are contsantly at each other's throats, now her family is after not only Ava but Zacky and more than likely the rest of the pack.

    I think that is the other reason why I like Kat so much.
    July 26th, 2013 at 03:14am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, yeah, don't worry about the "something else" being big or explosive or anything like that. I promise you the "something else" will not suddenly explode and destroy their friendship! I only mentioned that there was something else just because it wasn't as simple as only being about dominance -- it's a little bit more complicated. Brian's said it's got nothing to do with Ava, but Zacky's been goading Brian with Ava... so take from that what you will.

    I'm glad you understand, then! (Both because I thought I made no sense and because I'm glad you don't hate me! xD) I'm definitely here to talk about it as much as you want, by the way, and I promise to always answer back! (:

    A lot of people don't like Kat because Kat isn't a cheerleader for Ava. At least, that's my understanding. So it makes complete sense why you would like her, given that if she was a cheerleader for Ava, you'd probably hate her. xD

    Yes, Kat has a fondness for Zacky, and that probably plays a role in why she's hanging out with him pretty often. Those two seem to have a pretty good connection, at least more than Kat seems to have with the rest of the pack. (Minus Matt, obviously!)

    Yes! I should have thought to say it exactly the way you did! The reaction to a mate dying is definitely dependent on the circumstances of the relationship between the mates. I don't think I could have said that better!
    July 26th, 2013 at 01:04am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Okay well as long as it is nothing big that is going to blow up and jeopardize their friendship. I didn't think it was Synacky so don't worry about that, if was just a very very small secret hope. :)

    No on that is quite the opposite! I TOTALLY understand why doing your story the way you are, and if I knew what was going to happen then there would be as many "inner ramblings" going on so like I said I was trying to convince you but I knew it would work and honestly its okay, I like it this way, because then we can sit here and talk about it. I like that you answer me back as well it's nice.

    I was just kidding, sort of... I'm not agonizing over it, well not that much.... :)

    Yeah there is just something about her, that makes me want to like her. I can't believe readers don't like her! What has she done to deserve any hate? Nothing that I can tell anyways.

    Well I wasn't thinking super-secret stuff but I was just wondering, I mean she does have a fondness for Zacky it seems so I was wondering if she was just hanging with him since he seems to always find himself "left out" (by his own choice of course).

    Yeah that is kind of what I figured. I was just curious what would happen. So what I'm getting is that is based on the circumstances of the relationship. I hope Matt won't face that situation either because I like Kat.
    July 25th, 2013 at 10:39pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, you never have to be afraid with sharing your inner ramblings/secret desires or whatever; I'm probably the last one to judge such things! So, yeah, definitely not judging you on the whole Synacky thing! However, I feel comfortable telling you that there is not a secret Synacky thing going on in this particular story; sorry! That's the kind of thing I'd have needed to warn about in the summary and whatnot so that people who weren't into it didn't read the story. And the "something else" going on between them isn't some huge bombshell that's going to come out of nowhere and blow you away; it's nothing nearly as exciting. But, like I said, me telling you what it is would probably either spoil something or confuse you even more by being contradicting.

    And I know you're trying to convince me, love, but it's really probably not going to work. I... I don't want you (or anyone who reads this story, of course) to go through the story knowing everything that's going on. That's not just because I want it to be suspenseful or anything, either. I don't want this story to be like a soap opera, where you find out all of the twists and turns before the characters do and you're sitting there yelling at your screen because someone doesn't know something that's suddenly obvious to you because you found out about it in a way they never could. I don't want the story that freaking angsty. I'd so much rather, at least for this story, that you read it more as if you're just another person in that house of theirs, as if you don't know everything that's going on because none of them know everything and no one ever in the history of the world knows everything that's going on. You can only know as much as they let you know, and you have to make decisions and sort through contradictions and come to your own conclusions because none of the characters are perfect beings that are completely correct all of the time and know everything that is going on. I don't want you to like a character because I said so in narration; I want you to make your own judgement on said character based on how you put together the pieces of the puzzle that are his/her actions and what you learn from the other characters about him/her.

    ...I don't know if I made any sense at all, but it seemed like a fantastic explanation in my head. which means it probably made no sense

    I'm not enjoying your pain, I promise! xD But, really, I don't want you to be agonizing over this or anything! I just.... okay I'm being ever the slightest bit sadistic with this... but I also am just trying to make sure you can enjoy the story the way I think it will be best presented; like you're just another character that only sees certain scenes and only hears certain admissions by the other characters. I don't want to take away from that unless I think a conclusion you drew is so far off track that it will actually really screw with you if I don't correct it. I'M SORRY, WOMAN! xD

    And you can't even begin to understand how happy I am that you like Kat! As much as I want everyone to come to their own conclusions with each of the characters, I have a soft spot for Kat (a softer spot than I have for Zacky in this story, for some strange fucking reason), and the level of hate she has gotten from some of the readers has really shocked me. And Chapter Nineteen! Kat and Zacky weren't off doing anything super-secret-and-suspicious, so I hope you didn't get your hopes up. They were just, you know, running errands. Someone has to go out and buy groceries and shit, right? And with the power out in the house, everything in the fridge had spoiled and whatnot, so they were just out doing that. Zacky probably would have wanted to be away from the others just because Ava was there and all, you're totally right, but he was also out with her because Matt's not exactly going to let her run around town alone without someone there to help protect her (especially someone who can recognize the Rinaldis and any other elitist bastard that might show up, you know?). Matt's protective as hell over her, but he doesn't trap her in the house all day or anything, so she's out and about doing errands whenever she feels like it.

    Oh, well; if Matt lost Kat, he'd be completely devastated. Like, completely. Worse than Jimmy. He probably wouldn't take another mate, especially not anytime soon, and I honestly don't know if he would try and live through that. I don't know that he could... oh dear god do I not want him in that position! D: I won't say that Zacky would feel the same way, but I can guarantee to you that Matt would definitely be absolutely devastated, both because he loves her and because she's his mate.
    July 25th, 2013 at 05:33pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Yeah I'm still pretty upset that I will finally get to see Avenged live here in Dallas and I won't get to see Jimmy :(

    Yes Brian and Zacky. AHHHHHH this is so frustrating! What more could there possibly be and I'm afraid to share my "inner ramblings" because not everyone is a fan of this. But in the hopes that you don't judge me I tell you my guilty pleasure. I'm a Synacky fan. Hopefully you will know what I'm talking about with that. But what I'm thinking (secretly hoping) is that maybe there is more than meets the eye with their relationship. But I'm almost positive that is not the case here so.....Yeah! I can't promise you that if you give me little hints I won't hate you for "spoiling" it because on another story that I'm a equally obsessed with, the writer is always giving me little bits and pieces here and there and I still love and read that story. I'm trying to convince you here but I don't know if it will work. Know this though, I'm dying of curiosity!!! Anyways, yeah I remember Brian bugging Ava about helping Zacky with the jaw-thing. I know how it is with friends so I get that they could be having a tough time of it but its the knowing that there is something else there and the not knowing what it is that is killing me!

    I'm glad you're enjoying my pain! You're such a sadist!!! :) I was just saying I don't like it when writers screw with one or both of my favorites. But know I'm thinking that maybe this has something to do with Kat. She is the Alpha female, which means she is probably territorial. Also she was the ONLY female up until Ava showing up, sooooo....I have no idea where I'm going with this. By the way I like Kat a lot! There is just something about her. OHHHH while I'm on the topic of Kat. In chapter 19 Matt tells Jason to go get Kat and Zacky, what were they doing? Why weren't they with the rest of the group? I mean I get why Zacky wouldn't be there (Ava) but I don't quite understand why Kat wasn't with Matt.

    Not only are you a sadist but you are down right cruel! You baited me! :) (I'm smiling by the way) I thought I had missed something!

    And I very much expected her to be in the negative! xDD I still love that you don't just love her and think of him as a jackass like a lot of people do, by the way!

    Well I'm glad that me not liking your character makes you happy, I keep thinking that I'm pissing you off by not liking her. And it is ASSHAT! (I'm coining this phrase!) not jackass. And while he can be a jerk, and I will readily admit it when he is one, I can't hate him! He is just so cute and cuddly!

    Well I remember that bit now that you mention it, but I'm talking about if you truly love your mate like Matt does Kat. If he lost Kat, I don't see him seeking out a new mate much less wanting to live. That was why I was asking because I said, I truly believe that Zacky wants/needs/loves/likes feels something for Ava (other than a strong dislike). So in the end I don't think that her dying would have 'fixed' his jaw pain. But hey it looks like I'm going to have to wait to find out, right? This is pure torture!!!
    July 25th, 2013 at 04:27pm