LadyRaven / Comments

  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I have no understanding of how people can look at a system that is meant to save people's lives and give them the care that they need and think "hey! that looks like a great way to make some money!" I mean, seriously. It's fucking extortion, forcing people to pay thousands of dollars when the alternative is that they might die.

    Of course! I wasn't meaning to suggest you shouldn't hold out for a happy ending; I was only being vague and unwilling to commit to an answer, as always. xD I mean, I wouldn't expect any unicorns, but that doesn't mean it can't end happily. (:

    Holy crap, Hotel Drunks is like literally the most hilarious thing I had ever seen in my life.

    AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR AWESOME COMMENT! I know you posted it like as soon as I updated, but I somehow managed to just collapse into like a mini-coma the second I uploaded it. xD

    I am so glad to hear that you find my Drunk Brian to be funny! There's just no way I could ever capture the epic-ness that is the real Drunk Brian, but it's good to hear that my representation of that is still funny. (:

    And I know, I'm sorry that Brian has to have little internal struggles like that... well, all the guys do, but I'm still sorry. That's the thing that sucks when any of your friends get involved and things are messy; you really can't win and even though you want to side with both of them, you can't.

    Haha, I love that you loved the backhanded apology by Zacky. xD He of course couldn't just leave it at an apology; he had to sneak an insult in there, too. But, still, it was very big of him to apologize in the first place! And :D I'm glad they got to make up a little bit, too! I did promise you a happier Brian, didn't I?

    Johnny and Ava. I don't know that their relationship is actually hugely different from the others', per say. Johnny is just the sweetheart of the pack, and he wanted to get up and try to get Matt to stop whatever he was doing, because he obviously thought Ava was really hurt. Brian explained it by saying that that 'trick' of Ava's (the crying out sharply like that) was something that only worked on Johnny (although Zacky claimed it also worked on Brian half of the time). It's just that Johnny isn't as good at tuning it out as the others, and is more worried about her being actually hurt, you know? I mean, it made all of them restless. Even Kat was unsure, and Brian was having a hard time listening to it.

    Okay, why is Zacky agitated? I'm not going to answer that question, because this wasn't Zacky's chapter, it was Brian's and because I'm an evil person, I know. It definitely could be that he was a little worried, as you suggested, or it could just be that he did want to be the one fighting her. I mean, you're right, he didn't turn and grin at Ava and Brian. But just keep in mind that his gaze was locked on the little struggle, and turning to grin at them would have forced him to look away. Again, that could mean either one of those options you gave.

    lmfao Oh dear god! If someone actually called the cops to report something like that, I think I would die of laughter. xDD

    And.... Zacky and Ava are obviously going to fight a bit. Beyond that? I'unno. Guess you're going to have to wait and see if anything interesting happens in the next chapter, huh? (;

    Thank you again, though! I absolutely love reading your comments, and they always make me look like an idiot by clapping like an overexcited schoolgirl whenever I see that you've left one. xD

    And of course Matt won the fight. I don't do Ava any favors, you know that. xD She's not going to magically beat the alpha and be all super-woman in her fighting skills.
    August 12th, 2013 at 02:05pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    True that shit! What the hell does it have to cost so damn much to get healthy? It's down right criminal! But with the way government handles things it is only bound to get worse. I hear you on that! I think we should get rid of all the jokers in office and start over with new faces, right now it is all just a stupid popularity contest and it is getting us no where. We need people in office with nothing to lose and everything to gain by actually following through with their promises.

    Yeah, but I'm still hold out for a happy ending. I don't know how you have that planed out. Some writers actually don't mind having a ending were all the characters win in the end so I'm not going to expect you to make it all rainbow, butterflies, and unicorns. :)

    Agreed, that was the video I was talking about! I love that one, as well as the one of Jimmy and Brian drunk in a hotel!
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:03pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    True that! I just consider healthcare to be its own massive clusterfuck that has much bigger issues than whether or not the government's involved. Like, seriously. There are countries that have universalized healthcare that works perfectly and countries with capitalized systems that work well too. I'd honestly just be happy to have a working, non-corrupt system.

    Two strong personalities can totally work well together in a relationship, or they can totally crash and burn. Ava and Zacky have the potential for both of those possibilities, that's for sure. And then you have to add in all of the crazy outside drama, and who knows.

    All of his quotes are just perfect, man! My favorite is his quote of a quote about the knife master. I know he didn't originally say it, but his delivery is unbelievable.
    August 11th, 2013 at 08:40pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    True true, but saying that I don't want the government dealing in healthcare generally will piss someone off.

    Hopefully things will get better for poor Zacky. I really hope he gets a bit of a happy ending. I have seen couples with individuals like Zacky and Ava be happy together, it's always interesting to watch them interact so... I hope that eventually Zacky and Ava get to that place.

    Yeah I say that all time! Along with "A spoon full of Jimmy helps the whole world go down!" I love all the crazy shit he says! I love the one about the best quote of all time video too!
    August 11th, 2013 at 08:33pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I hear you! Especially when people get super-sensitive about things and whatnot. But I've honestly never seen someone actually get offended by a libertarian. It takes effort to find something offensive by the policy of "to each their own" and whatnot. xD

    And yeah, I understand you completely. I agree! I want them to each get that when they want to and all, too. No offense taken! And I know what you mean about him getting the short end of the stick; he's obviously not happy with his situation, and I'm sad that he's not. ):

    Hahaha, I love you for making that reference! And, yeah. It'll definitely be interesting to see, that's for sure!
    August 11th, 2013 at 08:19pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Oh sweet so am I! I have to be careful sometimes with what I say though, you know being PC and all that stupid shit! Fucking lame!

    And I get that, I understand that the guys aren't looking for that. I'm just saying that if they were that is what I wish they had, which Zacky didn't get. :( I know he wasn't exactly looking but I think he got the short end of the stick with Ava, no offense. That makes me happy to hear that Brian will be happier!

    Oh Shit! What's in a bucket but a bucket of shit!!! (Gotta love Jimmy) I can't wait to see the comments of the other readers when that happens! XD
    August 11th, 2013 at 08:09pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, pshhh. I'm a libertarian; nothing you're saying sounds crazy to me. xD I think that's definitely the new way of our country, trying to herd everyone like sheep. I don't know that I personally think that's something that inherently has to happen whenever government gets involved in anything, but it certainly seems to happen every time our government gets involved in anything. At least in my opinion. /shrug.

    I know, I know. I wish Zacky and Brian and everyone all had that, too. Unless they didn't want it yet. I mean, Matt's got it partially because he went out looking for it, while everyone else has been pretty content to remain uncommitted. I do wish things would be easier for Zacky, but that's just unfortunately not the way this story goes. xD You'll see some more happier Brian scenes in the future though, don't worry. (:

    ...Dang, I don't know how I want to answer that. I make no guarantees about some things because honestly half of my scenes pop up into my mind last minute and I didn't count on them happening, but... okay, I'll say that I do know some scenes that are coming up that I think will shock the Ava Cheerleaders and possibly cause you to flip your shit, yes. No comment on what nature those scenes are and whether they're misunderstood or not, but yes, they will exist.
    August 11th, 2013 at 07:38pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Yeah I think that they want us to be dumb though. Then we become sheep who can't think for themselves and follow blindly into the throws of danger. That's the scary thing about. I don't know what you think of the government and what not, but hopefully you won't think I'm too crazy. I just don't trust the government and that is part of the reason why I don't want them to be apart of any part of my life (education, healthcare, who I can marry, what can believe in, what I can say, or the ablitiy to protect myself).

    RIGHT! I don't see how anyone can hate her! I know you said Matt is your other favorite so I'm glad he has that. I wish that Zacky and Brian had that because they are my favorites.

    So is there a scene where I am totally going to flip my shit? From the sounds of it, there may very well be one. I'm actually looking forward to this.
    August 11th, 2013 at 07:28pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I mean, yeah, you're totally right. It's how they see it, and I am definitely happy that they care enough about the story to get upset about things, even if I don't understand the whys. /shrug.

    Yeah... we got to teach some sixth graders for some of my education classes, and I had to control the urge to facepalm the entire time. But I don't know how much of that was me having unreasonable expectations, of course, but still. Our school system definitely is lacking, especially when it comes to knowing basic facts about the rest of the world. And I bet that generation gap is astounding! I got to look at some of my grandfather's old lesson plans from years ago when he was teaching, and holy crap, people used to learn a lot more in school than they do today.


    And agreed. Completely. (:

    I hear you! I don't see what's not to love about her, either, especially because she adores Matt and he adores her.

    Hahahaha, oh goodness! I think your reaction to that kind of situation would be so fascinating, too! I didn't even really think about that. Yeah, that kind of situation would definitely be pretty polarizing to everyone that reads, I think.
    August 11th, 2013 at 07:16pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Yeah I don't get it either. I understand why the guys are upset but I don't see why everyone thinks it is cheating, because it clearly isn't. But hey it's how they see it, right?

    Yeah my sister wants to be a teacher as well, and my grandmother is one. I remember her teaching me and what kids are learning today is just lacking.

    Of course! :) You tease!

    Yeah well it works sometimes but it is usually a bad idea. I hope it works out for him though he deserves to be happy! :)

    That is total bullshit! Again Kat hasn't done anything wrong! Look at all the drama Ava has brought with her! I can't blame Kat for not being so open to welcoming her to the family. From day one Ava has been causing problems, AND she acts like she is the Alpha female, which she clearly isn't. So yeah I get why Kat is a little standoffish about Ava, but it's not like she has gone out of her way to be a bitch to Ava. And I can totally see why Matt would want to be with her, in a way she is a lot like Val. The mother bear of the group, and protective of her boys. She is fierce, loyal, independent, and she adores Matt, whats not to love?

    Oh shit! If there is a scene like that just imagine how I will react! I'll probably flip my shit!!! XD
    August 11th, 2013 at 07:03pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Yeah, exactly! I mean, Zacky even asked Ava why she cared. That totally suggests that he didn't think it would actually bother her, you know? And, even then, like you pointed out, it seems like it's definitely just a pride thing, if anything. It's not like it's "cheating" or anything, and neither of them are looking at it as if it is, so I don't know why some readers are all upset about him being "unfaithful". I mean, the guys are only upset because Zacky's actions were disrespectful toward someone they consider to be their sister. They get to be overprotective. But the readers? I'm just confused.

    It really is, and I totally am at a loss about it. It's pretty sad how much the American school system is failing, and it seriously needs a major overhaul. Which is extremely depressing to me, since I actually want to be a teacher. xD

    And no problem! I'm happy to help clear anything I can up! Unless it spoils anything, of course.

    I saw that in my twenty minutes of googling, too. xD Who ever knows if it's true, but whatever. I kinda hope it is, because he deserves a model. Except working together is never really a good idea, but whatever.

    Some of them seem to think that, yeah. They just think that her character is there with the sole intention of being a bitch to Ava. I mean, Kat's not greeting her with open arms, but she's not out to make it hard on Ava. I know I've heard a few times that people can't even see why Matt would want to be with Kat, and that actually manages to get to me. I mean, I think it's actually weird that I'm more defensive of Kat than Ava. xD But seriously, it is like some readers disregard Kat's role in Matt's life and in the pack's life and only look at her as an antagonist to Ava.

    And I'm not so much worried about them as just worried for them. I worry over how they'll react if there's a scene where Ava's shown as very clearly in the wrong. I mean, she's done things that are very clearly not perfect, but so far they've been able to explain away some things and still think of her as some perfect little justified character... and I just worry about how much they'll flip out when they realize she's not.
    August 11th, 2013 at 06:45pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    That is true that they do seem to operate that way, but at the same time I don't think that Zacky would have slept with someone else if Ava had. Just like Ava won't sleep with someone else just because Zacky did. I also don't think that Zacky would have slept with someone if he had known that it would truly hurt Ava, but from the looks of it it didn't hurt her in the least bit (except maybe her pride).

    There are people out there that can barely speak their native language properly (English) much less read or write it! I don't know how they manage to function but they do. The American school system is failing its people.

    Yeah I get it, you have to write it in the character's point of view and because she knows everything she doesn't have to explain it to herself.

    OHHHHHHH! Okay, that makes even more sense now! Thanks for that!

    Yeah someone actually had to tell me about it. I was really upset about it too. I heard his new girlfriend is his model for VU, but that is just what I heard.

    That is just crazy! So what they think you created Kat to make Ava's life harder? That is hilarious!!! I don't know how they could not like Kat, she really has done anything wrong to Ava, maybe a little disapproving of her but nothing to be hated over. Why are you worried about the Ava cheerleaders?
    August 11th, 2013 at 06:20pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Yeah, exactly! I was going to say two wrongs don't make a right, but then I kind of realized that when it comes to Zacky and Ava, they kind of seem to operate as if one wrong requires another wrong. xD But that's just them. I don't understand why readers would think that would solve anything! I just... I mean, people realize they're reading a Zacky fic, right? It's not some story meant to satisfy their desire to sleep with all of the guys or anything. xD

    I completely agree! And I totally don't get it, either. I just... I don't know. I don't even know how they manage to exist in the world for so many years without being actually literate in at least one language.

    I'm glad I helped to explain it! And yeah, I know it was kind of vague what exactly was causing the pain, but I was limited by explaining it only as much as Ava could take notice, you know?

    The smell? Okay, so, when people sleep together and whatnot, scientists have proven that there are chemical signals that people only subconsciously pick up on. And then there's the whole "the room smells like sex" thing people always talk about. For the story, I kind of played off of that, except a werewolf would obviously be able to smell such things consciously. So Ava could smell the bartender's proximity on Zacky, and she could also smell the residual arousal and pheromones and whatnot. If Brian and Ava slept together, yeah, those same smells would be there. But they totally could at least attempt to keep those smells covered up and whatnot.

    And holy crapppp. I don't know how I missed this. And my brother in law thinks I follow every little detail about the guys' personal lives! But jeez, that's really depressing. I actually liked Gena, too! Dang. I mean, I honestly have no problems with her doing whatever the hell she wants in life, but the key there would be that it's what she and whoever she's with are both okay with. So I'm seriously sad to hear she did something that ruined what she had with Zacky; I always thought they were adorable together. ): But now I'm doing some internet stalking, and he looks happy with his new girl, so I guess that's all that matters.

    I just... I don't even get why someone would want to write that in a story. Like, do you really think you need to have an evil antagonist of a girlfriend in order to make your story worth reading? Because if so, you really don't have a story to begin with. And thank you for saying that! I'm glad neither of them are cliché! Even though I do think that some of the readers have tried to look at Kat as some kind of cliché-d antagonist to Ava. But those are mostly the Ava Cheerleaders, which I already have bigger worries over. Characters don't exist just to make things harder for Ava.
    August 11th, 2013 at 05:20pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    I can't believe that! Two wrongs don't make a right, so Ava sleeping with Brian wouldn't solve anything. It would only make matters worse and would end up affecting the pack, possibly splitting the pack. Plus all the tension between Brian and Zacky would only be amplified; they might actually try and kill each other. How can that possibly be something that readers would want? What is it with people and liking the whole angst thing in their stories they read and write? I don't get it at all.

    Yeah I can understand if the writer's native language isn't English, but I've read some that I'm just like "How did you make it out of elementary school with that level of illiteracy?"

    Well explains a lot! See I didn't know that it was the jaw pain that Zacky was feeling. I thought it was something new, because he had slept with someone else, you know like a werewolf surefire way to keep your mate from cheating. But it makes sense that it was the jaw thing. And as far as Ava and Brian not feeling anything that also makes sense now that I understand it better. But what about the smell? Would they smell like Zacky did? Otherwise they could sleep together and no one would know (of course they could always just cover the smell up if there was a smell left).

    Oh well.... Gena started doing this playboy live thing. She goes under the name Evey Snow. If you look it up you can find pics of her, I didn't believe it at first but it's hard to copy someone’s tattoos and that was when I realized it was her. :( That is apparently why her and Zacky are divorced now. :(

    Oh my god, I know what you mean! They wouldn't be with their girls if they were evil (despite what Gena did), and I can't stand it when they end up with a totally unoriginal girl! Why write the story then? At least Kat and Ava have originality (even if I don't like Ava). :) They both have a fire inside them, and are fierce and independent. I can respect that in a character.
    August 11th, 2013 at 04:48pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I really don't know why readers are okay with that. I mean, I fully get that some people are pissed at Zacky and some people are pissed at Ava and some people feel miserably for Brian... I get the different interpretations of things. But I just don't get why someone would ever want there to be some kind of revenge that has to do with fucking someone else. I mean, for starters, Ava doesn't seem to feel the need for "revenge" in the first place. She's not standing around feeling cheated! But even if she was, when has cheating on someone ever actually fixed a situation in which another person cheated? Ever. But so much more importantly, how could any Avenged fan want any of the guys to be strung along and/or seriously hurt? I can't even fathom that.

    I'm right there with you! I'm good with mistakes, and I'm extra good with lots of mistakes if I know the person's native language isn't English, but I have a very definitive line and I hit the backspace bar the second someone drops beneath it. And, okay, not backspace because I have a mac now, but whatever.

    I'm glad you could see that I'm not the type to use that kind of plot device! Man, I have a hard enough time writing this story with the potential-love-triangle-or-square-or-whatever. I could never write a story and make that any more solidified. But, really.

    If Brian and Ava slept together? No, Brian wouldn't feel any "side effects," though he would instinctively try to mark her... it just wouldn't work and it'd heal and everything. Would Ava feel them? That's hard to answer. Zacky's main reaction to sleeping with someone else was that that jaw pain of his amplified to an excruciating level, and the jaw pain itself is a reaction to his instincts trying to urge him to mate with her again. Kat doesn't feel that pain with Matt, only Matt feels it, because females don't have that instinctive urge -- it's a male thing. Ava hasn't shown any signs of feeling that, so there's no reason to necessarily assume that she'd have that same side effect in the first place, you know?

    And holy shit, what did Gena do!? I never heard anything about this, and I think I'm about to be seriously get a broken heart about this! But, still, I totally agree. If I ever need to put in a girl for a guy that I'm going to either make a terrible person or someone who's just going to end up not with the guy, I make up an original character. I only ever include the girls if they're actually going to be with the guy and be a person the guy wants to be with. I mean, I have one other story I've written where Val and Michelle are actually in it, but I just don't have Gena in it because it's a Zacky story and I refuse to disrespect his choice of a girl, you know? But then I generally despise the whole evil-girlfriend plot. I refuse to believe the guys would have such terrible taste, and I especially refuse to believe they would end up with an original girl who had nothing else going for her other than not being the bitch-girl.
    August 11th, 2013 at 04:04pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Yeah I was like "Seriously!" your okay with this, and surprisingly several of the readers were in fact. I just don't get that at all.

    I also quit reading stories if they are poorly written! Oh that drives me crazy!!!

    Thank you for promising me that, but I already knew that. You don't seem like the type to do something like that, and honestly (surprisingly) I never once thought for a second that Ava would try and sleep with Matt or Brian (if she has feeling for either of them). I don't think that Brian would either, which is why I'm not too terribly worried that there MIGHT be a little love-triangle thing. I just think that they’re overplayed! It's like you can't find a decent story (or book for that matter) without a fucking love-triangle in it. FUCKING TWILIGHT! If it weren't for that movie/book it probably wouldn't be this way.

    Are there actually readers out there that want them to get together? That's just stupid! But on that note, I have a question. If Brian and Ava did sleep together, in light of recent circumstances, would only Ava feel the side effects or would Brian too because he knowingly slept with a mated wolf?

    Oh my god! I have talked about this with another author about how some writers treat the Avenged girls. She loves Val and to be honest I was a Gena fan (until I learned of what happened). I actually thought that the stuff about Gena was all just evil fan girl made up crap, until I did some research and found out it was true. I broke my heart because I really liked her, but I still don't like girls writing Gena as this evil, greedy, selfish, cheating slut. But anyways, we were talking about how some of these fan girls will write the girls as insecure ridiculous people or as selfish greedy bitches and it just pisses me off. It's not like these people are ever going to be with them, so why not just be happy that they are happy with whom they have chosen. There much be something there that the guys love if they have chosen to spend the rest of their lives with them, so I'm almost positive that the girls are not materialistic (like many of the writers like to make them out to be) or cheaters (because that's another common theme, the guys are on tour come home and find their girls sleeping with someone else). I mean these are the women that are married to (and for Val the mother of Matt's baby) these guys and make them happy, how can they doe that? At least have the decency to make up a female character to play the bad guy or cheater if that is what you need. But yeah I could go on and on and on about this so I'm going to stop now.
    August 11th, 2013 at 03:19pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hahaha! See, this is totally why I actually thing silence is literally worse than shouting. Dead silence is scary, man. You don't know what the other person is thinking or getting ready to do, and you're going to be blindsided in a bad way. I'll never understand people that prefer anger brewing silently to an open argument. Except in like public or whatever, I guess.

    I have quit stories for the same reason! I just hate that kind of thing even without the fact that I would get all mama bear over anyone screwing with the avenged boys. I promise no matter what Brian's feelings are for Ava, and no matter what her feelings are for him (or for Matt or Zacky or anyone else), Ava and Brian are not going to fuck each other. And I don't get why people want that to happen. I also tend to quit stories of the real life girlfriends/wives are portrayed as terrible insecure ridiculous people, but that's another topic altogether.
    August 11th, 2013 at 07:59am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Nice! Yeah I can be that way too. I generally don't have a problem admitting that I'm wrong in a debate or disscussion but when my family and I are in an argument, I will hold onto my point even if it is bullshit. When I finally do 'explode' I'm really just quiet and plot your demise, my revenenge, or how I'm going to kill you slowly while drawing out all the most pain possible. Like I said it can be quite scary.

    Okay I'll promise, but I can also promise you this... I won't quite reading because she gets on my nerves. No I get it though, there was this one story that I was reading where the main female character liked Matt but ended up with Zacky, and so then she ended up cheating on Zacky with Matt and I called her out on it and she was like, "well if this were real life I would cheat on Zacky with Matt." I so I quit reading that story because like I have said before, "Don't fuck with my boys!" She also has a Brian story were she fucks with him as well (leading him on and then chosing Matt) and so I just quit reading her stories.
    August 11th, 2013 at 06:02am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha, we're actually Irish and German, too! (Way more Irish than German though, admittedly.) I bet growing up was fun with all of that! Especially with the violent acts without thinking! My younger sister just gets extremely quiet until literally anything will set her off, and my older sister just gets loud and very hand-motion-y. Then my mom and I both are kind of a mixture of letting it build and just flipping out at things that /seem/ random, just because no one else saw the build-up. And we both just get louder and louder and build off each other... and I am literally incapable of backing off in an argument even if I know I'm wrong half way through. Like, I'm totally all for admitting it when I'm having a discussion or a debate, but if it's an argument, I will fight all day long for something I totally know is bullshit. And I will win. xD


    And I'm glad to hear that! Just please do promise to tell me if it ever does get that way, because I'm all paranoid that it might. xD I guess that's just because I get fed up with characters and quit stories sometimes, so, yeah. But no, you totally don't offend me, so don't worry! I don't get offended by people's opinions like ever. Unless we're related, probably, haha.
    August 11th, 2013 at 04:45am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Yeah I'm majority Irish and German in my family and we have a wicked temper. My oldest sister's temper is sort of "trigger happy." Anything will set her off, it is ridiculous! My temper is slow and deadly. I let it build and build and build inside me till I slowly seep out this pure rage and can be quite scary. The youngest of us has an explosive temper, if something pisses her off she just explods and acts out violently without thinking. So yeah... it was fun growing up. My mother tells me that I have my grandpa's temper which is scary! You don't want to make him mad.

    Oh no I agree! I love Arin just because how he was able to step up and feel such big shoes! Mad props for that man right there! But yeah I think we all wish that Jimmy was still here.

    Oh no I don't think that will happen! I like this story to much to let her ruin it for me. Plus I want to stick it out and make sure my boy gets a happy ending. I just glad I don't offend you with my dislike of her.
    August 11th, 2013 at 04:21am