Dino Cavallone / Comments

  • ChristianHookerPants

    ChristianHookerPants (100)

    HEy im christian , call me christ
    June 11th, 2009 at 10:38pm
  • lol;

    lol; (100)

    United States
    yeah x]
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:48pm
  • Dick Grayson

    Dick Grayson (230)

    ^-^ nice, new things are always fun.
    Thats good... aside from your shit stirring cousin XD
    :/ aw, thats shitty... what are they doing to bother you?
    Haha, well thats good to hear. Hopefully he will still be playing then so you can get a job with him ^-^
    ... I don't think I've ever heard the Murderdolls before :S
    me too!
    The only band I can remember thats playing is ETF... so definitely theirs XD... I think he might have said The Devil Wears Prada... I'd want theirs too, but I cant remember if he said they're playing or not XD
    June 10th, 2009 at 09:29pm
  • Kita Satomi

    Kita Satomi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah, we should. :D
    Yeah, I will. HA, I can't wait til my 16th. :)
    Rofl. I can imagine that.
    You: So, I met Acey.
    Joey: Really?
    You: Yeah.
    Joey: Cool....what were you talking about?
    You: Stuff about you.
    Joey: Yeah?...what were you saying?
    :L. Wow, that's amazing haha. He tours everywhere, don't he?
    Oh yeah, that's much better, haha. Cos that means you have Acey, Joey, Eric, Wednesday and Ben :P It is Ben right. O.o.
    Lmao. I'd get scared that they'd close up. D:
    Ah yeah, I agree lolz. I wanna be over 25, preferably. Live my life first before taking responsibilty of my own kids life! :L
    June 10th, 2009 at 06:01pm
  • Kita Satomi

    Kita Satomi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You should marry Joey, i think you'd make a great couple. xD
    Sorry, random lol! :L
    June 10th, 2009 at 01:17am
  • Beyond.This

    Beyond.This (100)

    United States
    Hai. im good, and u?
    June 8th, 2009 at 09:24pm
  • lol;

    lol; (100)

    United States
    i just noticed your icon and i made it.
    i'm all happy and i just wanted to say thanks..baha XD
    June 7th, 2009 at 02:27am
  • Kita Satomi

    Kita Satomi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Omfg, I forgot to reply, my bad!
    I was hoping to, but I think the tickets are out of sale now. :/ Ah well.
    Haha, I wonder what his reaction would be... wonder if he'd ask what kind of conversations you had with him lol. (:
    Lmao! I know what you mean lmao. I get really shy around certain people, but not so shy around others. ^o) Lolz.
    Yeah! How awesome would that be haha. Would you go on tour with him or something?
    Yeah, sounds like a good plan. Ah. If I had piercings, I'd hate to take them out lmao.
    Ah, yeah. I'd probably choose Slipknot over Papa Roach anyways, cos Papa Roach usually tour the UK more often (and don't go on hiatus as much as Slipknot!). :L
    Lmao! I know a girl who had a kid at 13. :|
    Lmao, I totally agree! And someone I could trust, aswell. I don't want someone I love walking out on me cos I'm guna have a baby lol.
    Haha, yeah! Very true. It's much better teaching your kids good talents so they can get a good job when they're older. :)
    I love love love Sulfur. It's on Kerrang! alot!
    June 7th, 2009 at 12:28am
  • Dick Grayson

    Dick Grayson (230)

    That’s fine :) I under stand.
    Are things alright with your family?
    That’s rad :D how did the interview go? I’m assuming it was good?
    Well I wish you luck ^-^ that sounds like an amazing job. I’ve always wanted to work on a tour… as long as I like the band. If I didn’t I cant imagine how shitty that would be :/
    That’s good :D it might have been very awkward if you did go all teenie on him XD. And at least you’re getting to clear that up so he doesn’t think you’re creepy :D
    That’s good :D I’ll have to look in to them ^.^
    Apparently my friends getting to go to Warped, so I’m forcing him to get me autographs XD he doesn’t know yet…
    May 18th, 2009 at 04:29am
  • explodenamerda

    explodenamerda (100)

    Yoo :P it’s okay, I hope you can get a new computer as soon as possible .-. be without computer is a curse >___<’
    Oww, I thought you would go there all days, hoho
    Nho, but that’s already something, I would love to meet people that worked for an idol of mine :P srly.
    HAHA, man, really? I won’t say that I enjoy go to school, but don’t know, I think I would miss it o_o shocking this statement, hum? rs. But in your case, for what you have told me it seems like is a great thing for you :D I think one of the things that make me wanna go to school is meet friends and so…
    But wtf, this girl probably have some problems, I just can’t get where is the fun in making people fell bad about themselves.. I mean, what’s the point?! Probably you are better out of school, but like, you left school, so, how will you go to college? I mean, at least here in my country you have to finish highschool to get the certificate and go to college… I’m a little confused now :P
    Own, that’s great, I’m happy for you ^^’ haha, nha, I can bet you didn’t look that bad in the video :P Sure you will, you will be getting more confident as you interview more people. |o|
    Yeah, that makes sense, if you know the person before, then you will be more comfortable to ask the questions and so.
    uhn, thinking for this side they are talented indeed, is not everyone who is capable to make such success like beyonce, but if you want to be interviewing people, you have to interview diferent styles, buuut, I think I would be more comfortable interviewing someone that have a style more alike mine :P
    Huum, I see your point, but if is not ask to much, you live with whom so?
    Btw, you said you are focusing on your career side, what you want to do? Keep with the interview thing for living or the photo thing? \o\ [ I know sometimes I’m way to curious ><’ hehe]
    May 18th, 2009 at 01:05am
  • alustreya

    alustreya (100)

    United States
    Np =]

    Yeah, they're a great choice.
    :o You should persuade them! ^>^
    May 16th, 2009 at 08:19pm
  • Lou La Belle

    Lou La Belle (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    :L aww it's cool :)
    :L What the hell, i can imagine the schools reaction to that :L
    Indeed i did :) have you finished it?
    May 16th, 2009 at 03:43pm
  • blanklikepaper

    blanklikepaper (100)

    haha wow u have so much in store for u :D hahaha
    May 16th, 2009 at 07:30am
  • Rev Syn Vengeance

    Rev Syn Vengeance (100)

    United States
    <3 the beautiful disaster story...please continue
    May 14th, 2009 at 08:11am
  • alustreya

    alustreya (100)

    United States
    Hey =]
    Just wanted to let you know that I'm reading your Drop the Towel story and not even halfway done so I don't wanna comment on the actual.. .story page.
    Anyway, I really like it =] It's different.
    Annnnndddd Gaskarth and Haner? That's the most unique combo so far. I think people should write more Synex :3
    May 3rd, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • Lou La Belle

    Lou La Belle (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey ho :)

    How are you?

    I've read everything thats posted of DTT ;) It's AMAZING :L

    I also have to ask you if you have heard Remembering Sunday by ATL? It reminds me of DTT when i hear it, It's cute :) xxxxx
    April 28th, 2009 at 10:00pm
  • explodenamerda

    explodenamerda (100)

    haha, really, almost a text :P but, we only talk once a week, I guess :P
    I think that people must be and do what they belive in, like, if it fits you, so it’s ok, you are being yourself, at some time in your life you may be reward for doing that :B, who knows \o\
    HAHA, exactly! Too much drama with music.
    Nhu, it’s truth, haha, sad but truth and like Escape the fate exist a lot of others bands in this situation >_<’
    Haha, yeah, sometimes we just see the negative side of things.. is a hard thing but I’m always trying to se the brighter side \o\ this make things easier ^^”
    Oowwn, are you gonna be in a tent?! \o man, I must say that camping was one of the most hilarious experience I have ever had in my life, haha, really, it’s amazing, I mean, at least for me :P but when I camped it was in the middle of nowhere, like, really nowhere, and man, you have no idea how you can miss a bathroom! XD but if it’s like I’m wondering here, this will be a good place to meet new people, no? this will be like theses events where there is a space reserved to set up the tents?
    Haha, yeah, people really think is a funny thing that you’d like to learn violin, they all think that it’s only to old people play, haha, when I fist said that they all looked at me like was an alien \o\ actually they first thought I was kidding then they thought I was from other planet :P
    Yeah, I see it, but everything has its good and bad side, so, we have no where to run! Just, again, be yourself and do what you think is right. But what dramas do you live in your school? Hehe, ‘im sorry but I’m like, really curious :B
    Ahhn, no, don’t be like that! Just think that you are capable?!
    I mean, they contacted you, c’mon, you can do that, it is something that you like, of course you will be great at that, and even if you don’t, haha, fuck off, at least you tried, worse would be if you gave up before the time just for fear of failing or something like that. ^^’ haha, but relax, really, I can bet that in the end you will laugh on you! Later when you already had been through this you will see that certain things would seem be bigger than they really were, and then we laugh of our attitude or fears, it’s always like that :P
    Haha, yeah, living and learning, right? \o.
    Yeah, that sounds like an interesting thing, interview different genres of bands, I think that would be quite fun cause, like, if you don’t like certain type of music you can also add like, more sarcasm and things like that in the questions haha, but anyway you would learn different points of views.
    ooww, really?! Ow, I’m sorry?! I mean, I don’t know, some people are like, sensitive when it comes to issues like that.
    I didn’t know that, haha, but you really seem to be cool with that, at least sounds like. yeah, I can imagine, cause even he being your father you don’t know him that much.. but visit is other thing, I guess hehe… :D
    April 19th, 2009 at 05:37am
  • Dick Grayson

    Dick Grayson (230)

    That'd be cool. I'd like to have a starkly purple lambo like Bam :D that'd be amazing!
    Haha ohhhhh, okay :D
    Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way :/ I get that 'I think I left the stove on' feeling a lot... it kinda sucks. I try not to look at the negative side of things, but I do a fair bit. I think I tend to do it because if I'm expecting the worst thing to happen I wont be as disappointed when it does... you know?
    Haha, I guess they do seem confident... I think Canadians are confident too :) Americans seem confident and cocky, where as Canadians just seem confident... I duno :) I just want to move to a big city... I'm bored with the small town.
    XD thats a plan! I have faith in your ability to not go all teenie on him :D I'm sure you'll do just fine!
    That'd be amazing! I wish I could play drums upside down! Well... I wish I could play drums period. But playing them upside down is ridiculously rad!
    Ha, Faber Drive aren't all that good :/ they're pretty much a generic radio band now... I'm not entirely sure why I really liked them XD
    Haha, yeah I was super stoked at the time XD now I'm just like 'why was I so excited to talk to Faber?'.
    Yeah I agree, it makes me laugh.
    Haha, thats cool XD I would have had a good laugh at those fans :) I don't think I've heard Glamor Of The Kill...
    April 18th, 2009 at 11:54pm
  • Lou La Belle

    Lou La Belle (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I konw i signed on and i was like ehhh i have like six comments all the same....:L
    It's cool :)
    Oh, not good. I have a tonne of exams :(
    :L Yeah i guess so :L
    I know. Brian said, not good. Do Live Music have a page for Synyter Gates by the way? I was thinking that the other night....:L
    :L I would read them not but little brother is complaining cos i'm on the computer, i could go on my laptop but i'd have to tidy my room so i could sit somewhere with it :L and i can't be bothered doing that right now although i need to practice guitar so i'm going to have to tidy up to do that anyways....I'll be back on tonight though i have stuff to do for my own stories :) xx
    April 18th, 2009 at 05:17pm
  • Kita Satomi

    Kita Satomi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Omg, so am I. D:
    Ugh. I know, right? How are we going to survive there?! I reckon we have to make friends with the people backstage so we can shower there, rofl.
    Haha, awesome. At least I wouldn't lie there doing nothing. :D I like talking... I just need to get rid of my shyness. (:
    Omfg, I heard. >.< My school doesn't do that... I don't think. :/ Isn't there a way you could sit it? Or have you been... banned (is that the word?) from it perminately?
    Ha. I need to start writing journals, I think. :P
    Lmao. I hate French. My teacher hated me also. :E I think I've talked about that already, though.
    I've discussed getting hometaught with the mother, she didn't fall for it. Daaammmmiiit, ha.
    I reckon there will be tickets. (: I have no idea whether my dads bought them yet... he best have, lolz.
    I wish my school didn't want me, rofl. I don't want it. tut.
    Oh my GOD. I heard about that! I've been dying to see TBS for aggggges.
    But hey, I don't think we need to worry. We're going Download... we'll see the SLIPKNOT and PAPA ROACH live. ;)
    Lmfao. I have no idea what to call my kids... I think I have ages to go yet. My mums made a strict rule with me. "No kids before 25!" Pft. Hush yo mouth, mother. You had me when you were 19. :L!
    I want girls and boys. :D Lmao. I'm listening to a song called boys and girls, aswell. :L
    Lmao, good idea. I'd love for my kids to be like that... but the thing is... I can't play drums or guitar or nothing, rofl. Well, I can play a bit of drums, but I ain't exactly talented. :P
    Haha. It's not much at all. ;):P
    Squuuueeee. I cannot wait for the Slipknot video!
    April 18th, 2009 at 02:07pm