Dino Cavallone / Comments

  • TearsOfTheYouth

    TearsOfTheYouth (100)

    United States
    Lawl xDD Nahh. I ain't like that big. Pffft. But like mayyybe if you want a signed pic or something I can get that to you? Yes? XD
    Pheww. Thought you be mad at me. I was scared you were gunna be =l But makes me SOOO happy your not. =D
    Overall school is lame. I think that its apart of this huge conspiracy. Its out to get you in some way shape or form, no matter what. Thus making your life a living freaking hell. Meaning no fun life for no one. The world is meant to be a worse place with school. >:/
    Climax? I was hoping it was a Synex moment. X//D Heehee. We need more of those. Can't say I damn well complain if you inserted a few of those in there. >///<
    Though I am NOT complaining about the 100 chapter story. Looking forward to it! =] If it happens to turn out that way, I would be there till the end [even if I have to read some damn updates from thy phone...]
    The story will probably go onto more than 100 chapters lmao.
    I don’t think I’d like to end it really!
    . . . What happens in 49!? Tell meeee. Or at least have some like speedy updates. I need them. Ive been deprived of my crack for a bit now. I miss the addiction.
    Congrads on the interview! So very happy for you! *dances in happiness*
    And me? Well had a short Spring Break. Was suppose to do something fun but that didn't happen. Freaking SCHOOL sucked it up! D:
    Though I got a job! :D I am a telemarketer (something I swore I never be. haha) And I have to say I love it. Calling people having them take surveys if they dont first yell at me and start cursing me out. Or something else lame. Like hit on me through the phone. Ive had two of those already =l Im like 'Dude get a life and STOP hitting on female telemarketers'. =/ Quite creepy honestly.
    But yes, here to stay. I missed youuuuu!
    April 18th, 2009 at 06:37am
  • blanklikepaper

    blanklikepaper (100)

    hahaha wow u interview ppl?? cool :)) and here i was thinking that u were the one being interviewed :)) hahahahaha and well if u asked me to go to a gym on the other side of town i think i wouldnt go without a transport hahahah and yea i guess i have a lot of stories and i forget to update mine too :D sometimes hahaa
    April 18th, 2009 at 06:35am
  • Thunder

    Thunder (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    XD It was...okayish. I got some new shoes out of it but I had to follow them EVERYWHERE. Whenever I almost found something I might get they moved shop or something. Eventually they let me wonder off on my own because I was moaning too much ;) So it was alright in the end I guess.
    April 17th, 2009 at 11:45pm
  • Thunder

    Thunder (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ;D spiders are awesome why did you scream?! They're like, fascinating to me.
    Uhhm, i got dragged out shopping today with a load of girls i don't know. -_- so you can imaine how that went. I was tricked into it by the way, I didn't want to go. :(
    April 17th, 2009 at 10:41pm
  • Lou La Belle

    Lou La Belle (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Good good :)
    I'm alright revising for exams.....
    Nope but I've just noticed it on here so I'll add you when I get on my laptop :) yeah Brian said last night you were on that more :) it was him that gave me the link to this page and told me I had to readyour stories :) which I shall when I'm on my laptop :) xxx
    April 17th, 2009 at 03:02pm
  • blanklikepaper

    blanklikepaper (100)

    interview for what? and well me? umm lets see i just got out of training and im dead tired and im currently chillin while listening to music hoping to get another chapter up for one or two of my stories today :D
    April 17th, 2009 at 10:50am
  • TearsOfTheYouth

    TearsOfTheYouth (100)

    United States
    OK, so I have officially decided I am a horrible person. I havent commented on your beautiful story or have commented you back AT ALL! D:
    So I apologize. I want to say that I blame school and all the horrible people in it. I also like to blame the academy for some unknown reason. (Why I mentioned the academy, I dunno. Felt the need to because I was making some big speech and about saying sorry for being the worst person on Earth)
    But dude, I have been keeping up with your story thanks to my dandy phone, but have PHAILED (you know like the 'ph' makes an 'f' sound. like in phone. haha XD I feel the need to explain this due to the fac some people dont get that 'fail' just is spelt better as 'phail'. i mean really. spelling things wrong is cool. though i learned its only cool if it still sounds the same XD).. though as I was saying, PHAILED to comment. =l I feel like a bad person.
    Go ahead and give me like the death sentence for not commenting on your beautiful Synex. Such a lovely pari of people.
    But HOLY FREAKING CRAP! What the hell?!
    (now switching into comment mode)
    What the hell is happening?! Brian like needs to murder the dude or something. He's starting to piss me off so bad. Like I wanna jump in the story and strangle the guy for even hurting Alex. Gahhh >->; He needs ta (another of the sounds cool looks cool things XD lawl) like die and rot. Can I kill him? Puhleaze? You can have the body after Im done if thats how you feel. Haha
    Anway. . .enough about me giving you dead fictional characters bodies.
    How have you been?
    Whats been happening in your life?
    How was your spring?
    Hows everything?
    And yea, I still phail. Again I am sorry. Feel so bad.
    April 17th, 2009 at 06:16am
  • Thunder

    Thunder (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    XD Lmao.
    So have you had a nice easter?
    April 17th, 2009 at 02:30am
  • Lou La Belle

    Lou La Belle (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hello, How are you?
    i never talk to you on bebo and found out you had mibba so i'm adding you here :L
    how are you? x x
    April 17th, 2009 at 12:07am
  • xRekz_

    xRekz_ (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You'd be a cool simpson. xD
    April 16th, 2009 at 07:40pm
  • Thunder

    Thunder (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You're so fucking lucky. Take me with you? D:
    Gah, that's so awesome. >_<
    April 16th, 2009 at 01:58am
  • Miss Walker.

    Miss Walker. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hello, how are you?
    April 13th, 2009 at 05:43pm
  • explodenamerda

    explodenamerda (100)

    haha, yeah, be perfect is something really impossible :P
    and i really like all the purposes that you have behind this interviews, it's really cool, if everyone thought like you, probably who makes music would be much more content with their jobs :P
    i agree with you, but it doesn't seem to be the general opinions >_<'
    yeah, people really don't, and what it sounds a lot contradictory for me, i mean, music is supposed to make everyone get together, to have fun, and with all this intolerance among the types of music it's nearly impossible.. haha, the human being always find a way to make things harder :D \o.
    i understard you, i always find something to rant too, and for me it's a good and a bad thing, it's good because that's mean that you have a critical sense and just don't follow the hit but is also bad cause it seems like things are never good enough, always has to be something bothering you --'
    owwn, it thought you had. hehe. ahn, but i think you've done right, it's better you have confidence to do such a thing cause if you don't you would probably look like this stupid fangirls :B that wouldn't be so pleasant, i guess. hehe.
    haha, im hoping here for you :P \o\ when will be this download?
    ahn, but thats already a start :P guitar is cool too |o| but a preffer bass :P hehe.yeah, i think that way too, like, it would be soo cool if you could like, play all the instruments that you see in your front, haha, i tend to a kinda of classical instruments, i'd looove to learn how to play like, cello or violin, i think
    this instruments are so amazing! :P yeah, it's truth, besides the fact that, [it's so hard to express some fellings in other language --'] hehe, but what i'm trying to say is that besides the fact that you would have more choice in a band if you'd know how play differents intruments it would be also grateful for yourself... that make senseat all? :P
    ahn, i will look at his new music, maybe i like it ^_^'
    haha, i think i get you, like, you probably are feeling that your thing is getting bigger, hehe, i mean, he contacted you,how he become to know you? that may be a really pleasant feeling :D imagine when you will be really known for doing a think that you like? haha, this must be a really good sensation.
    i really would like to see the interview :D \o\
    haha, yeah, be like everyone else is so boring and so.. normal! i like when people are different, like, i had a tendency to think that differents were just the ones who liked rock and things like that, but theses times i've started to see that there are different people and that doesn't mean that they have to be into rock or this alternatives thing... it is strange, when you start to notice things and people you begin to understand a lot of new things, is a good feeling, i dont know how to explain though ¬¬' haha.
    i totally agree with you \o\ but at least you are not letting them change you, like, you realize that and still, you are being yourself :D and thats what counts, soon or later you will find friends who will like you the way you are! \o\
    haha, own great, who knows, maybe when you come here you meet me! \o\ hehe, yep i think here is a nice place despite all its social problems ^__^'
    own, so why don't you go there? you have a place to be there at least, no? :P
    April 9th, 2009 at 10:41pm
  • l o v e l y h a t e

    l o v e l y h a t e (100)

    Sorry for the late reply. =[ Haha, things have been strange around here. And I thought I already knew what strange was. XD Haha.

    So, anything new going on with you?

    It’s spring break here. I’m grounded. Long story.

    I’d make this longer, but I don’t know what else to say. D: Your turn! XD
    April 8th, 2009 at 09:15pm
  • blanklikepaper

    blanklikepaper (100)

    oh ok cool :D i was gnna hand it to her anyway :D ahahahah so whats up??
    April 8th, 2009 at 05:29am
  • Dick Grayson

    Dick Grayson (230)

    Yeah, I still haven’t even started getting my licence though… so its just sitting at my dads house, waiting… haha.
    Yeah, I agree :/
    Haha, true… I never really thought about it like that. I’m assuming you’re talking about Robert Pattinson? He has a flat face… like someone hit him with a shovel. That sounded pretty mean, but its true XD
    Haha, that’s good! I’m not a confident person at all… and probably never will be. I’m pretty paranoid and nervous, so that kinda adds to it. But it’s good that you’re becoming more confident in yourself because of something you enjoy doing :D
    Ha yeah, that it would. I have faith in you though :D just remember to get all the teenie-ness out before he sees you! You’ll do just fine :D and thinking of him as an old friend is a good idea too!
    OHHH! Okay now I know who he is… cant he play upside down? I think a friend of mine told me that…
    I can imagine it’d be pretty rad to meet him :D I hope you get to see him again too!
    I totally know what you mean! I managed to tell one person something that I wanted to tell them once… it was Faber, the singer of Faber Drive, you probably wouldn’t know them they’re a shitty Canadian band… but I liked them at one point :/ Any way! We were wearing the same Fall Out Boy belt… so I told him! I was pretty excited XD We also had a conversation about AFI because I was wearing my AFI shirt, all the girls that were fawning over him were getting mad because we were talking, it made me laugh!
    April 8th, 2009 at 02:44am
  • OrangeIsHot

    OrangeIsHot (100)

    United States
    Bah, I hate school too. I got straight D's on my report card and im suprised my mom isn't pissed.
    my teacher is 100% FEMALE.
    *cringes* creepy.
    April 8th, 2009 at 01:49am
  • xRekz_

    xRekz_ (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, I'll try. xD
    We made pillows in year 8. It sucked. We had to tie dye them.
    Mine was green, though. It looked cool. (H)
    Lmao, would be entertaining to watch. :L
    It's like this tourists thing. Bit like Butlins but in Spain, I think. :P
    Yeah, but it wouldn't matter if you were underage in the simpsons. ;)
    April 7th, 2009 at 10:24pm
  • Thunder

    Thunder (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooooh, cool :] What kinda interview?
    And errr, fuck all really. Just been out a bit with my friends but nothing really interesting, I guess.
    April 7th, 2009 at 07:59pm
  • Infallible Riddle

    Infallible Riddle (100)

    United States
    Thank you.
    April 7th, 2009 at 06:44pm