about me
I am Machete, and though my name sounds threatening, I'm not. I write, sing, draw and play guitar. I'm writing Anarchy with Namealreadytaken, if you've ever heard of him, and Anarchy has been in motion for about a few years now. My deviantart is iogn and Scriffon, iogn being more professional and Scriffon being more fun and relaxed. * Birthday: 08/16/1997 * Favorite past time: Gaming * Favorite game: Assassin's Creed 3

machete|f|16|high school student

Chapters: 11/??
Status: active/hiatus/complete

My YouTube channel
iogn on DeviantART
Scriffon on DeviantART
The Anarchy site
Scriffon on Authonomy
Anarchy on Authonomy
Anarchy on Tumblr
My personal Tumblr
My Writing playlist
Layout by Lameface. Image from Tumblr