No One Understands Why You Do Certain Things Even When You Know You’re Never Going to Get Anything Back.~ Shahul Hussain

It was easy to fall in love with my best friend. The countless nights spent on the couch spent talking until the sun came up. Mornings started with spontaneous breakfast at cozy diners, tucked way in a booth with an endless supply of coffee and inside jokes. Or the afternoons on the beach, voicing our dreams to each other and the clouds.You might amount it to proximity, confused feelings of...
April 15th, 2019 at 09:04pm


For awhile I've been on here. Only posting a couple of stories. But I've been under a fake name. I wasn't ashamed of my stores but I didn't want anyone to know I wrote them. Confusing eh, that's me confusing.I never let anyone else around read them. I feel like people will look at me differently if it I do. But that's the great thing about you guys. you wont.You guys are all like me, using writing...
December 31st, 2013 at 10:15pm