It's Been a While.

So after spending about thirty minutes trying to remember what my password was, I'm officially back. Kind of.I'm starting to get back into writing - creative ideas and storylines keep popping into my head again. I don't know how i'm going to do it. I've got way too much homework this year to be fucking around with writing.But I want to do it. I need a release.I'm taking creative writing online,...
September 28th, 2014 at 12:24am

If I Ran the World

Hmm. I haven't done all the prompts for mibba, but this one got me thinking. If I ran the world, would I do something? Would I say something? Would I sit back and watch everyone destroy themselves and watch the "survival of the fittest" matches, like Social Darwinism?I think if I ran the world, I think I would start with trying to change reputations. I don't know why but when people have...
May 11th, 2014 at 07:12pm

Reasons Why I Suck at Being a Compassionate Human Being

A lot of my friends tend to ask me for advice concerning boys and girls and relationships and the future and their parents and school and stuff. I suck at advice in general, because words are not my strong suit, but I've deduced some reasons why I suck at being positive;1. I am always very blunt. I do not sugarcoat or adjust what i'm saying to make you feel more comfortable. If the situation is...
May 6th, 2014 at 03:20pm

Prompt Blog #2: What Talent or Skill Do You Wish You Had?

'Sup guys?So I was thinking about what things I have and the talents I wish I could have, and there's quite a few I've got, but I don't know what to write about.Of course, the seemingly mediocre skill of putting a coherent sentence together, well, i don't have that skill. Despite the fact that i can write smut and fluff and 'good' poetry and I've written songs, but, like, i can't do the thing....
May 2nd, 2014 at 07:32pm

Music Quiz From Tumblr

Actually, i stole this from "safe bet.", but he/she found it on tumblr and i wanted to do it. A lot. (pft, it got me out of drama class, so...)Music Quiz. Pick ten artists that you love before reading the questions.Bands1. Pierce the Veil2. Like Moths to Flames3. Of Mice and Men4. Bring Me the Horizon5. Red Hot Chili Peppers6. Metallica7. A Day to Remember8. Hollywood Undead9. Pink Floyd10....
April 29th, 2014 at 07:11pm


So my family is catholic, right, and although I don't necessarily take on their beliefs, since I still live at home, I have to participate in the religious rituals. If you're Christian (or is it Catholic? I always forget if al Christians practice lent...) you'll understand the concept of Lent, the forty days Jesus was in the desert and had to resist temptation.In my family, the Lenten tradition is...
March 16th, 2014 at 04:20am

Ignorant and Stupid ; the real definitions.

hOW DOES ONE MAKE SUCH PRETTY LAYOUTS I'M NOT GOOD WITH MY ELECTRONIC RESOURCES I'M SO UPSET.But let's get started. I've seen a lot on this thing we have called the internet. And I've seen a lot of bullying and name-calling, using my two favorite words, "ignorant" and stupid".The places I've seen it happen more often are usually twitter with people saying "If you like stupid bands like pierce the...
March 8th, 2014 at 09:19pm

macklemore and updates

This really has nothing to do with macklemore except for the fact that i'm listening to his songs right now...Oh and this is just me being me and complaining about my stories nbdBut hey I can't concentrate and i'm sick and I might just stop writing for a while????????? I mean of course i'll finish my stories it will just take me 9ever and they won't be as good (even though they're already crap i'm...
August 15th, 2013 at 04:07am

more excuses.

(I am not going to complain or contradict or validate the polaroid package. I have wanted to stop talking about this since a tumblr person yelled at me, insulted me, and unfollowed and blocked me because of my opinion. I will not talk about that in this blog or ever in the future. I am finished.)Hi. So my updates will be slowing down especially this week and next week. I HAVE REASONS. DONT COME TO...
August 7th, 2013 at 04:15am


my malan is almost done! (it was supposed to be done a week ago. I hate missing deadlines but I am a procrastinator at heart.)sooo, school is starting soon.. not wonderful. although I'm sort of excited. not sure why. I don't really like anyone at school and I don't like waking up before 2 and I don't like the education system and atheists don't do very well in catholic schools and I can't wear...
August 1st, 2013 at 02:02am

family matters

So... i've had a rough few days. i'll start from the begininng.On Wednesday, my mom wanted to go to the beach on Thursday, but I said I was having a friend over, my best friend, and i haven't seen her in several weeks. Thursday, mother was grumbling all day about me being selfish and not letting me do anything with my friend. Eventually at the end of the day I couldn't hold back and exploded. Now...
July 27th, 2013 at 09:41pm

bleh bleh bleh listen to me whine.

Ugh I cant focus on my writing and I am having trouble moving on from this one part in my quinnciado and I hate writers block I want to smash it with several hammers and throw it out the are you.anyways. I have no point to this blog so i'm just going to whine yay.first on the complaint list, chapter seven of the cabin might be several days late because cashby isn't my forté and i...
July 25th, 2013 at 09:48am


So, this Thursday I got my braces and although they really really suck, I will for sure continue updating. In fact I think "Fight for Me" will be up tomorrow.I do have an important question though.In The Cabin I have two options for chapter 5 and 6. I can either do Kellic sex and Cashby foreplay, or flip that around; Kellic foreplay and Cashby sex.I can't decide and since they're one chapter after...
July 13th, 2013 at 05:01pm


KsoLikeNoMpreg is scaryLikeI will read smut any day of the week and anytimeBut do not expect me to read more of it like I won't I don't like itLikeWhere does the baby come out, like what? It doesn'tNoDon't shoot me but noLikeI can't even explain why don't like mpreg like it's scaryIt freaks me out and scares me to death like I don't know why but it does and reading it makes me unhappy because it...
July 7th, 2013 at 09:39pm


So I have this smut story, but I can't decide which pairing to use.The entire story is them fighting for dominance and trying to out-do the other. It's rough, nothing gentle or anything fluffy. Just sex. I want to write it really bad, but I don't know who to use, so I figured I'd ask everyone.I've narrowed it down to three:Fuenciado (Vic and Jaime) -Puentes (Jaime and Mike) -& Perrentes...
July 4th, 2013 at 02:41am