KeepMyJealousyClose / Comments

  • It rained again today, it's been a pretty cool day but still warm. It's supposed to be cold tomorrow, in the 50s, then shoot up to the 90s the next few days.

    What song? :)

    That's fine, if you do decide to join just let me know, an extension is no problem. I only have three entrants right now :|
    May 24th, 2013 at 02:14am
  • @ ladyschrei
    Oh geez lol. It practically feels like Autumn here now. It's so cold that I was wearing a winter coat today!

    Thank you, I'll look into that. :) I am thinking of a doing a song fic of my own perhaps. I've never done one before, but I am drawing an idea from a song that I love.

    Oh, cool! I might join. I'll let you know. ^^ It sounds like something I would be interested in although I did join, I'd probably need an extension since my graduation is like two days after the deadline to submit the story so it'll be a bit hectic around that time for me.
    May 22nd, 2013 at 08:33am
  • Yeah. It rained yesterday a little but then was cloudy and humid this morning, then turned sunny and humid. RAHHH.

    Maybe try writing a few poems and/or short stories? You can look all through the Writing Prompts thread to find inspiration.

    I also have a contest going if you want to join tehe Shameless whoring.
    May 21st, 2013 at 12:47am
  • @ ladyschrei
    Haha, I hate that too. It's like 'Make your mind up already mother nature!'. :P

    Nice! Keep working on your Breakfast Club story for sure. I really love it. ^^ Yeah, I'm excited, but nervous to start in a sense since I haven't written in awhile. I mean, I've written essays for class, but I haven't written an official story in awhile. I can only hope that I'll get back into the hang of it.
    May 19th, 2013 at 04:22am
  • I hate when it's cloudy like it's going to rain but then never does. That's how it's been all day today. Seriously where I am, they're calling for a "chance of showers" from tonight until Thursday. WTF.

    That's awesome! I'm thinking about maybe stopping writing my original fiction and either working on solely my Breakfast Club story, or starting a new story. Idk yet.
    May 18th, 2013 at 09:00pm
  • @ ladyschrei
    Haha, one of my friends is the same way. I like it. It just makes me frustrated when its pouring or if I go out in a pair of shorts and a summer top, thinking it's going to be a beautiful day. What happens soon enough? It starts raining shit loads. :/

    That sounds stupid and unnecessary. >.>

    Yes! There is a girl on here who has written an Andley/OC story. I'm a big fan of the story and have been reading it since the first chapter. We talk a lot through the comments and she randomly included Cake which made me really excited to see. Cake by the way is CC and Jake. It's a pairing I never see stories for. I told her that and she started talking about writing a Cake story if she had a co-author. I told her that if she didn't have a co-author for the Cake story, she can keep me in mind. So, she was interested and we got to talking. We're going to start writing in June now. So, yay!
    May 15th, 2013 at 03:24am
  • I'm one of those people who hates rain because of how pissed off it makes me. I'm nearly almost always in a bad mood whenever it rains.

    That's awesome! :) We did our Senior Pictures last year. You had to pay if you wanted a package, meaning basically doing different backdrops and poses and such than those who didn't get packages. We had to pick one for the yearbook, but if we actually wanted picture we had to pay a crapload for them. My mom did, Idk why. >->

    You mean here on Mibba? :)
    May 14th, 2013 at 09:38pm
  • @ ladyschrei
    Nice except it being windy lol. I hate windy weather. I like rain though. I find it relaxing for some reason and I love the smell afterwards.

    It was a lot of fun and best of all, free. :) My best friend's dad does photography as a hobby and he took a class in it so he knows his stuff. He was really nice taking my friend and I's senior pictures for free and the pictures turned out well.

    I'm going to be co-writing on a story in June. It's official. I'm pretty super duper excited. :D
    May 13th, 2013 at 06:47am
  • It was nice Friday like I said, rained Saturday, and was nice but windy today. I'm about to go check the weather for the rest of the week in a second.

    Oooh have fun taking pictures :)
    May 13th, 2013 at 04:40am
  • @ ladyschrei
    Gah, same here. :/ It's that kind of hot though where its all muggy and just gross. I hate it. It'll be nicer tomorrow which I'm relieved about since I'm supposed to be taking my senior year pictures tomorrow. Late but oh well. Better late than never lol.
    May 11th, 2013 at 09:16am
  • I'm alright. Had a shortened day today, and spent most of it watching TV. It's HOT here DX
    May 10th, 2013 at 10:25pm
  • @ ladyschrei
    I'm great. :) I have blended coffee so I can't complain. I'm also excited because I might get to start writing again. What about you?
    May 10th, 2013 at 08:05am
  • So how are you? :)
    May 10th, 2013 at 03:58am
  • @ ladyschrei
    Haha, no. People are freaking insane and blind if they think he's fat.

    Yep! :)
    May 10th, 2013 at 03:15am
  • OOOOH I thought you meant they were calling him fat and I was like, WTF? Lol.

    Ah okay.
    May 10th, 2013 at 12:09am
  • @ ladyschrei
    Thanks! I'll check them out!

    Well, it didn't have anything to do with them calling CC fat. It had to do with them calling him way too skinny and how he looked gross and crap. I just wanted to cry. How could you be so fucking mean to someone that you don't even know? I just really don't want to live on this planet sometimes because of how rude people can be.


    Well, I probably would be if I got into the mortuary field. I would like to get into embalming and preparing the deceased for the funeral(including the makeup).
    May 9th, 2013 at 04:07am
  • Fozzy is an amazing band ^-^ If you ever want to listen to them, look up the songs Enemy, Grail, and Martyr No More, those are my favorites ^-^

    People are so stupid. I fear for humanity by how cruel everyone's becomming. CC isn't even large or anything... Or were they talking about Stars' weight? O.o

    I want to be a graphic artist, yeah :)

    Why don't you become one of those people who are makeup artists (for lack of a better word) for the dead?
    May 9th, 2013 at 03:59am
  • @ ladyschrei
    I don't listen to them, but I've heard of them. Exactly though. People really are just becoming more cruel every single day. I was on facebook, and Bryan Stars posted something about 'Happy birthday CC' on his birthday and posted a picture of him. You could hardly see any of the nice comments from the fans because of the fact the comments were mostly of people being so mean and commenting on his weight. I just got off facebook because it made me so upset. People were saying such disgusting things,but i just wanted to say 'Shut the fuck up!!'

    Art school? :) That's awesome. I love to draw, but I don't think I'm that good lol. It's still fun nonetheless. I have a very strange array of choices. I either want to get into the animal field,the mortuary field or the beauty field. Very strange, I know. I'm still deciding.
    May 9th, 2013 at 03:18am
  • Yeah, that makes no sense at all. The Golden Gods isn't just for metal. I mean, for crying out loud, the host Chris Jericho - I don't know if you listen to his band Fozzy or not, but they're rock. Not metal, rock!

    That's good :) And I have no idea XD I might wait a year and then go to art school, if I can get in.
    May 9th, 2013 at 01:30am
  • @ ladyschrei
    You're welcome :)

    Exactly. I think what doesn't make the sense most is how they say in their hate comments how BVB isn't metal to justify why the crowd booed. >.< Uh..I know they're not metal and the rest of the BVB army knows that too. Some of the other bands at that awards show too weren't either. Their music is still in the rock genre and should be respected. SMH.

    I'm going to probably be attending a community college up in Portland. It's a better idea I think because it'll save money and it's a really good school as well. :) What about you?
    May 8th, 2013 at 03:36am