Doctor2332 / Comments

  • I tried to make sense of my dreams and it's probably just my fear transferring over to the subconscious. Eh.

    What are you doing?
    May 10th, 2013 at 07:21am
  • @ kitsch
    Oh :/ that stinks I used to have weird ones still do but not as much I just don't sleep now lol ya that's good. Moping really doesn't help lol
    May 10th, 2013 at 07:18am
  • I don't sleep very well and I get anxiety and panic attacks, so no, not in particular. But I do have the worst
    nightmares where I'm falling (that happens a lot) or ones where I'm alone in a car and it starts moving
    and I can't stop it. I'm always a bundle of nerves, always have been.

    Yep. Right now I'm enjoying an apple and good conversation, what more could I ask for? Moping around does nothing.
    May 10th, 2013 at 05:41am
  • @ kitsch
    Aww I'm sorry! Do you get alot of nightmares? And that's the way to think! Just move forward.
    May 10th, 2013 at 05:33am
  • ),:
    Yeah, I went to sleep with a stomachache and I'm glad I didn't have any nightmares.

    But today is a new day I'm ready to take that on, you know? Gotta keep on going.
    May 10th, 2013 at 04:38am
  • @ Doctor2332
    I've been through that and have lost many friends :( but hopefully she can get passed herself and understand that friends mean more than something that most likely won't last!
    May 10th, 2013 at 04:37am
  • @ kitsch
    Ya :( I'm Sorry that really stinks. Sometimes friends dissappoint you :(
    May 10th, 2013 at 04:28am
  • Yeah. It sucks so bad. I was mad then sad then disappointed
    because I've been this girl's friend for nearly ten years. I called her
    to talk about it and she started crying and how she felt bad and she
    apologized for breaking down. And she said she really didn't like herself
    for liking the guy. But it happened.

    I pretty much told her I value our friendship and she wants to talk
    to my other friend to really discuss it. It was such a painful conversation.
    May 10th, 2013 at 02:14am
  • @ kitsch
    Wow that sounds depressing... And I don't mind lol :) you can say whatever you want. But wow that's pretty messed up. Some friend she turned out to be. Even though I have only been out of school for a year I'm so happy that I'm out of all drama that came with being there. You really get to see who your true friends are and unfortunately you lose alot and mostly for stupid things!
    May 10th, 2013 at 01:06am
  • Yes. It was scary in that "oh my god WOW" way where it made me really uncomfortable.
    Because in it, the girl, Candy has a miscarriage because of the drugs and in the end,
    they can't be together because of they were enablers and couldn't get clean.

    They were in love but they loved heroin more; that's the short version of it. :/

    & I don't mean to overload you with personal drama but I'm feeling sick to my stomach.
    Two of my close friends and me and my best friend are experiencing the worst thing.
    Long story short, one friend was in an open relationship with a guy she loved and now,
    after TWO YEARS OF STRINGING HER ALONG, he's with my other friend.
    My best friend and I are shocked. She pretty much chose the guy over the friendship. . .
    May 9th, 2013 at 04:31pm
  • @ kitsch
    I think I've heard of that movie. Why was it scary cause it was realistic? And I won't be doing anything for Mother's Day. We don't celebrate.
    May 9th, 2013 at 04:26pm
  • Yeah. Some people are just not good about saying no to the pressure
    and then they find themselves on a street corner. One of my favourite
    books is Candy (which is also a movie) and it shows a couple's downward
    spiral because of heroine. Good but tragic and scary as hell.

    Are you doing anything for Mother's Day? (: I went to order flowers
    for my grandma yesterday.
    May 9th, 2013 at 12:28am
  • @ kitsch
    Haha ya it does matter because I mean with you you made that decision on your own but there are people that pressure you into doing it. I know people pressured me. I has to stop talkin to them because of it. That stuff changes people. Even though some of those drugs are really "bad" for you doesn't mean there aren't side effects. It is sad too my dad was kinda into that a long time ago but he got out! Now he looks back and sees his friends today and they are begging outside if gas stations and stores for a beer or drugs.
    May 8th, 2013 at 06:48pm
  • Yeah, to me, it matters who you do that type of shit with because I was too anxious about it. I don't think I'll do it
    again, not if I have to feel so sluggish yet hyperaware. Everyone's experience is different but that was. . .trippy.

    If you have strong will, you'll be fine. Good friends + strong will. My dad was into recreational usage and he had
    friends who really fucked their lives up because of ice. Now they're in jail and their families are torn apart. Sad.
    May 8th, 2013 at 12:07pm
  • @ kitsch
    Haha I know the feeling. And haha recreational lol it's probably for the best that you don't try anything else. I have never really done anything bad in my life. Lol and based on where most of my friends have ended up I'm happy I didn't. Lol
    May 8th, 2013 at 11:45am
  • . . .I just took a nap because it was too hot today. Brb going to dunk myself in an ice bath.

    c: I'm sure you'll be good at it at all three if you're interested in them. There are people who double major because
    they can't choose between two things they like doing.

    Shifty Just some recreational stuff like anyone else who's a teenager. I didn't really like ze mary jane though,
    it made me paranoid. Twitch And then to calm me down, my friends gave me a bit of Smirnoff Green Apple
    and let's just say I have yet to do anything else like it. I'm boring haha.
    May 8th, 2013 at 11:01am
  • @ kitsch
    Haha ya me too. Right now the weather can't seem to make up it's damn mind lol ya it would be nice to be apart of it lol ya my teachers would tell me I write like a screen writer. Like my style is like that. But that's cool your friend wants to be one too. And ya I can play both lol I'm not all professional though lol. But that's cool that you like singing too! :) and I don't think I have done anything that would get me into trouble lol nothing really bad anyways lol what about you?
    May 8th, 2013 at 09:33am
  • Cheese When it's midday and already over 100 degrees. I HATE IT SO MUCH.
    {: So you want to be in the entertainment business. Nice. My friend wants to be a screenwriter.

    You can play piano AND guitar? AH. Crazy I am not musically inclined at all. I've tried to learn guitar and ukulele;
    I was such a quitter but it's ok because I enjoy singing.

    Have you done anything that would get you into trouble lately? lol
    May 8th, 2013 at 07:04am
  • @ kitsch
    Ya I hate the wind. I mean I like a breeze but when I'm getting sand blasted that sucks! Lol and I hate when it's humid and 120 degrees. And a process huh? :P and hmmm... I like to do alot of things. Lol I love movies always wanted to be an actor/writer. I love music singing/playing piano and guitar. I want to act in a movie before I get to old lol and travel to alot of different places and get into trouble. Lol
    May 8th, 2013 at 06:18am
  • It's like that in the tropical zone too. Two settings.
    Except it's either windy rainy or sunny. But always humid.

    I'm trying to be less of a bitch lol yeah. It's a process.
    & what do you like to do? Hobbies? Stuff you wanna do before you're
    too old to do it? Idk. :3
    May 8th, 2013 at 05:39am