
Who's this?

I joined because of my wonderfully awesome, beautiful cousin (who is writing this right now ^^) Samantha. Or, X-Mantha-X. Yeah, she's the best. Hehe.

Anyway. My name's Bianca, I'm a girl, I'm 14, I like boys... actually, one could say I'm a teensy bit obsessed. Ha, yeah. But I have a boyfriend! His name is James, and he's so amazing. So, right now, I'm only obsessed with one boy. James. Love you, babe. (Not that he'll ever see this)


I like basically all music, except rock. Don't hate me.


I don't really know how I am... all I know is I can be mean sometimes. And cranky, and bossy, and I yell a lot... but other than that, I'm usually pretty happy and cheerful. On the outside, anyway. In reality, I don't feel very happy very often, mostly because of my mother. But I won't go into that. Um...

Wow, I suck at these.

Basically, if you want to know anything, don't be afraid to ask. Or just talk to me for the hell of it. I warn you, I'm not on very often. In fact, I'm practically never on. But I will EVENTUALLY answer you. Hehe.