Brain damaged Hero / Stories

  • I'm Leaving

    I'm Leaving / Info

    Original fiction
    Word count:

    I realize this story is not good, I'm aware I am not good at writing and I don't try to be. I write when I need to get out my feelings and this is one of those times. I probably should have spent more time working on this, but oh well.. | (A writing prompt story)

    September 7th, 2014 at 05:32am

    • Completed
  • For the Benefit of Mr. Kite

    For the Benefit of Mr. Kite (4) / Info

    Original fiction (Comedy, Drama, Adventure)
    Word count:
    4 210

    A ten year old girl named Olivia gets dragged to a nursing home by her Mom with her younger brother, Joseph, and his friend, Amelia, who are all too willing to go. Olivia is a very pessimistic, calm, and uneasily excited girl, but everything changes when she bumps into a man referred to as "Mr. Kite

    June 4th, 2013 at 07:12am

  • The Life and Death of Someone Famous.

    The Life and Death of Someone Famous. (2) / Info

    Original fiction (Romance, Tragedy, War)
    Word count:
    2 013

    Patricia was a shy, quiet, but happy soul. Then she met Robbie, a caring, loud, outgoing, peace activist who changes her life completely. They start dating, eventually get married, and live happily ev

    June 2nd, 2013 at 10:00pm