LotusColette / Stories

  • Product #606

    Product #606 (3) / Info

    Original fiction (Romance, Fantasy, Teen)
    Word count:
    11 416

    There is no name for a girl who is a superhuman; someone who has a better brain, better strength, better speed, and just about anything better your normal human can do. There is no name for a girl who has almost every unmated werewolf believing her to be their mate but at the same time never picking

    March 22nd, 2014 at 11:12am

  • Don't Touch the Alpha's Sister!

    Don't Touch the Alpha's Sister! (27) / Info

    Original fiction (Romance, Drama, Fantasy)
    Word count:
    75 465

    Derrek is the Alpha and he knows nothing good comes from having a mate. When his parents die at such a young age, he is forced to take care of his younger sister, Roxie. All this girl wants is a mate; someone to love

    October 24th, 2013 at 12:14am

    • Completed