Quirky / Comments

  • Collector's Item

    Collector's Item (100)

    United States
    Haha wow that sounds really fun (:
    I have to miss districts though, which is ok because Chris would be there and he told me yesterday that he didn't like me like that :3
    July 24th, 2010 at 05:53pm
  • OhNo..It'sJes!

    OhNo..It'sJes! (100)

    United States
    Haha, Sounds like a lot of fun.
    lol my mum is now engaged :)
    woop woop
    How are you?
    July 21st, 2010 at 02:31am
  • Collector's Item

    Collector's Item (100)

    United States
    this is my first timee, and i play french horn.
    but next year im playing that, percussion, and cello. (:
    July 19th, 2010 at 06:36pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    Did you get my message?
    July 17th, 2010 at 09:34pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    I don't think before acting sometimes. I just [i]do[/i]. Like with spending money. I got fifteen dollars from my grandparents for my birthday and it's already all gone. I spent it on a smoothie from the Perc Place and a pig finger puppet at Maxwell Street Day. So there's where ten dollars went. The other five I spent today. I bought special pencils. Like, ten in a pack, each with a different darkness and thickness level. I don't know why I bought it though. I feel so unartistic lately.

    Despite what people always say, I actually like the food at school. Like their burgers or tacos or cheese sticks. Mmm.

    Wow, that does seem handy. I should get myself one. I need to improve my vocabulary.

    Did you know that there are some places that try raising money to stop teen pregnancies? Like, how is money going to help? Just don't have sex. Unless they need to raise money because teens can't afford a box of seventy-five cent condoms from the local drug store. Same with giving money for anti-gay marriages. What's the money going to do? Bribe our president to change his mind?

    Oh I know. Rain is the best. It makes me happy. My mom thinks I'm really morbid and depressed because of how I complain about cloudless sunshine days. She plays the "you're just like your father" card.

    No, I don't think I did get it yet. I got back from Hobby Lobby today and Heidi looked in the mail box and said, "Kelly! You have mail!" I got super duper excited because naturally I'm expecting yours to come any day, but it was from Davey and Erin. I was pretty disappointed. Haha. And yes, it did storm. Not enough to knock stuff over or cause destruction, but there was lots of lightning and thunder and rain.

    You're right. That's a good reason to not like it. It's also a major reason why Quizilla isn't as cool as it used to be.

    It's funny. When you're really hungry do you ever feel sick to your stomach? And eating just doesn't sound appealing at all? When really, eating is what you need to do.

    Goodness me, I don't know why it takes me so long to write up what I did on my birthday. >.<
    July 17th, 2010 at 03:38am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    I went to Maxwell Street Day yesterday at three o'clock with Jessie and her boyfriend Josh. And then after a couple hours I sort of ditched her to hang out with Emilee, DeeDee, and Jeremy. We did a lot of walking and just sort of hung out until nine at night. It was grand fun. Everyone I ran into there gave me compliments and said I looked really different, which made me feel good. Hopefully tomorrow if plans follow through I'll be getting together with everyone again. What have you been up to?
    July 16th, 2010 at 07:04am
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    Okay, I just worte you the longest comment ever and the computer is being stupid.
    so after I bashed it a couple of time it still didn't work... So yeah...
    July 16th, 2010 at 04:29am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Yeah, I keep changing it. I just have no idea what to do with it.

    Oh! Okay! So that's why it didn't say "Breezy; has no journal entries yet." I like reading yours. You put effort into them and sound older than you are.

    That's cool! You're online! I'm going to try finishing more of that message.
    July 15th, 2010 at 05:33am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Aww, I just noticed you deleted all your journal entries. =/ I liked those.
    July 14th, 2010 at 08:55pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    He's a nice guy. And certainly likes making conversation!

    Like how I rewrote the next chapter to Love Like Cyanide twice before I decided to just forget it. Now I don't know when I'll get that thing written again. Sometimes when I'm not thinking I just make really stupid mistakes after I write something. Like, I just wrote Jeremy a message on Facebook but instead of clicking "Send" I clicked "Cancel."

    I wish I got free lunch. Then again, I'd probably take advantage of it and eat all the food. But now I bet I'll be able to restrain myself since I'm trying to get into shape.

    What's the difference between a thesaurus and a dictionary? You know, now that I think of it, was Chelsie Mormon? Or Catholic? They believe that sex should only be committed if you plan on having a child, because they don't believe in birth control. Well, either way, it was a hell of a fun story. XD We should take that story and write our version of it. Compare the two. That'd be fun.

    And it seems to rain a lot in autumn. Heck, it's rained more in summer than it has in spring. I remember whenever I'd go to school and look out the window or look outside while walking down the hall next to the courtyard, I'd get really happy when I'd see the gray, rainy weather.

    That's like me with my teeth. I wake up and am so grateful that all my teeth are still there. I know that Kyle and you are probably right, but it just upsets me because now I feel like the book is sort of useless and is telling me lies. Even I thought when I was first reading this, "How do they figure all this out? These things could mean anything!" I guess what really matters is that it was a really nice gift I got from Jeremy. He said he almost got me just a gift card but then said it was too impersonal and decided to get me something about dreams instead because I always tell him my dreams.

    I like it better than Myspace though. I never go on Myspace. Plus, Heidi forbids me to. She thinks it has hundreds of viruses that will infect her computer.

    I think eating is helpful because instead of focusing on how queasy I feel I'm focusing on the yummy food I'm putting into my mouth. That or my stomach is too busy processing new food that it can't up-chuck old food.
    July 14th, 2010 at 06:41am
  • MistakenLyricsxx

    MistakenLyricsxx (100)

    United States
    Hey, maybe there’s a girl in every state (or city) that’s like that. We come up with a bazillion stories at once and annoy our friends because we never finish them. I had two of my good friends not-so-subtly tell me to finish a story in my yearbook this year. Hah!

    My dreams are normally just strange. I had one where a guy was chasing me and trying to kill me so I ran to my friend’s house around the corner but she was pretty much useless. After I told her about it, she told me: “Don’t tell me anymore of your dreams.” But normally they’re just plain weird.

    Really? I’ve never had the music incorporated in my dreams, my friend just thinks it effects me. Mostly because she thinks I listen to strange music, which I do. Hmm…maybe bathrooms are just a quiet place to have an important conversation in your dreams.

    I had a recent dream with a guy in it…it was way weird. To be brief, I was at a vampire school but I wasn’t a vampire, but it was taught my vamps, and then I was with this guy (I have no idea what his name is, but we had to have been a couple or something since I kept kissing and hugging him O.o) and we were hiding from the vamps and I knew this spell to hide us. Then some mean chicks stole my school uniform which was a dress…but it was closed up by Velcro instead of seams…then I woke up with “It’s Just Me” by Escape the Fate stuck in my head even though I hadn’t listened to it the night before. Can you top that? XD
    July 13th, 2010 at 10:53pm
  • ZeroEnthusiasm

    ZeroEnthusiasm (100)

    United States
    hahahaha taking a shit on her desk and calling her a fat cunt would have been a sure way to get expelled. :D Or completely banned from the school. Since you said that it brought up a completely awesome story from 6th grade(: I was in math class and this girl started crying and my teacher just started yelling "What did you cut yourself with!?" Turned out to be.......her period(: Sorry for the random story.

    Aw that's the same with one of the teachers at my school. She was new and her husband got fired from his job and she had to teach like 5 different classes. We ended up holding a fundraiser for her and gave her all the money(: Damn...I need to stop with the random stories D: Annnd yeah, I'm not at all a person good at art. Even though it's cheap and everyone should take that class. I'm actually taking sculpting next year(:

    That's awesome. I suck at taking tests, but I always did enough work in class to keep a good grade. I love learning(: But only like interesting stuff. Like I've taken two languages, psychology, and a lot of advanced English classes(: I love it.

    Nope, she's got a fully functioning brain. She's just really lazy I guess. You're lucky! I would never talk bad about greasy hair. Especially since if I skip like two showers my hair looks like I rubbed baby oil in it >.< hahah That just sounds amazing. I must hear your burps one of these days XD

    I liked them too. I realized that when after about 3 rides I was dragging the people that were with me to go get on another one. Even though I cussed more that day than any other day in my life. :D I agree, It's very fun ^^

    Hmm, true. I guess all the people I hang out with are just used to me. None of them really get annoyed anymore with me being a smartass. I wish there were more people like that, but unfortunately there aren't. :/

    Yes it was. Along with PB & J otter<3 Either that, or they're just making ALL children's shows educational. I can't remember the last time I watched a cartoon with violence in it. Even though I remember watching Tom & Jerry and lots of the episodes one of the would drink out of the giant jug that just had XXX written on the side of it, and they'd be drunk and beating each other. hahaha I can just imagine little kids trying to hold their breath until their faces turned blue(:

    Well I've kinda gotten use to them, since I sleep in a basement. It's just that were I live I've had to many close calls with brown recluses in my basement. D: And those spiders are just terrible. I think they're really cool creatures. It's just they freak me out. They're not that much different looking than like...an ant, but still I'm about 10 times more scared of a spider than an ant. Tarantulas are pretty scary, but I got to see one eat a cricket once and that was pretty cool. :D I also like how I'm scared of spiders, but completely love snakes(: We had a pet one for a long time, but my mom made us get rid of him. However he's been staying in the basement with me for the summer. Your sister actually named him since we never named him. :)

    Don't worry. The car that I'm going to end up getting probably wouldn't hurt you if I hit you. >.< It's a granny car, but I'm young so...I'll drive anything.
    July 13th, 2010 at 09:59pm
  • MistakenLyricsxx

    MistakenLyricsxx (100)

    United States
    Nothing much, I seem to be on a writing streak though because I was up at 2am typing up something and woke up this morning and typed something else up, because I dreamed it up. My friend claims that I have weird dreams because I listen to music at night. Hah!

    So anything crazy going on for you?
    July 12th, 2010 at 11:41pm
  • ZeroEnthusiasm

    ZeroEnthusiasm (100)

    United States
    Yeah, that sucks. I know I'm going to hate graduating too. I should just make myself completely retarded, and then I can stay in school till I'm 21. :D

    Yup, not a good one, but I'm in there. :D Annnd I think all schools should have choir. It doesn't cost any money really.

    I wasn't put into a high ability class until middle school. It was really easy. Then in high school I just got lazy, and stopped doing my work. Aww yes, that's very cruel of them.

    That's true, although there is a still a girl at my school that I've known since the 2nd grade that shits her pants. She'd give you some competition. :D I actually was in one. I made it up, even though I knew they already existed. I came up with the name "The Manly Man Competition." I lost it though. After 6 days without a shower I was getting made fun of by my friends so bad for having the greasiest hair ever. My long hair lost me that competition. :'( hahaha burping is always pretty impressive(: Whenever my mom buys diet pop she gets mad at me because I will chug almost the entire thing and burp while saying some retarded phrase(: It's pretty epic.

    Yes, he was terrible. D: Annnnd Yes I did! :D I thought I was going to die on every ride. Since it was my first time ever on a roller coaster(:

    I'm pretty much like that too. :D I love people who don't start drama. I'm a "smartass" as said so by my mother.(:

    Yeah, we had blue's clues and bear in the big blue house<3 Now these kids have an immigrant child with a talking monkey trying to find shit located on a singing map? O.o Dora the Explorer is just awful. I looove spongebob! :D But I never see new ones, just the old ones.

    hahaha aww that's sad. I'm afraid of spiders! I literally cornered one in my basement before, and started trying to stab it with a huge knife...

    >.< I'm running you over...just so you know.
    July 12th, 2010 at 10:18pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Hmm. I should message him or something. *creeper mode activates*

    I always have two tabs open. One is where I'm writing whatever, and the second one is just on the Mibba homepage so I refresh that page and log in again. Then just to be safe I still copy what I wrote before saving or posting. I'm highly paranoid.

    Right. Like at lunch when you try sneaking extra cottage cheese or bacon bits. They charge you more.

    See, when you look things up you think you're wasting time or spending too much time on nothing, but I think that it just means you're really passionate and want to get even the little details right. I'm too much of a lazy fuck to research anything up. I think that was my main problem with describing things in Checkmate. "The castle was made out of...erm...brick?" "The dress was short and had ties in the back and um...other little fluffy details." I lack words. Hahaha, that probably is what the author meant though.

    I like the shockingly green grass and trees the bright, white winter transitions into. But autumn is the prettiest. I do like me some colors. ^o^

    If you put a bunch of leaves in an envelope and mailed them I'd probably "Ooooh" and "Ahhh" and keep them forever. :D

    Yeeeaaah. When Kyle was over I read to him what dreaming about teeth meant. I thought it was really interesting what it said! Apparently dreaming about your teeth falling out means your self-conscious about your appearance and are embarrassed. But Kyle was just like, "See, I don't believe those things. In my class we were told that no one knows what dreams mean yet." It really upset me.

    I'm...not sure about that. I know that Facebook has a limit on how long your messages are though.

    I always bring a book on car rides, which doesn't make sense because I never read it. Reading in a moving vehicle makes me sick. I haven't actually thrown up in a car before, but I do get horribly queasy. Food helps though.

    After accidentally exiting out of the comment box on Mibba for the third time I decided to just reply your comment in Notepad first.
    July 12th, 2010 at 08:50pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    *gasps loudly* Oh shit. I just clicked on this page so iTunes would close, and it closed the comment box I was working on. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. D=
    July 12th, 2010 at 08:21pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Howdy! I'm going to reply your awesomely long comment now.
    July 12th, 2010 at 08:08pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    I just woke up. Katie and Amy are gone now. =/ Wish they didn't have to go.

    Some people just don't participate in conversations like I want them to. Gracie's actual boyfriend or that guy from Florida?

    Maybe I should start doing that. That way I also don't have to worry about losing anything I write when the darn website logs me out. -.-'

    Thank you. :) I'm excited to get your card. I wonder how long it will take to get here considering how far we live apart. Why do heavier things need more stamps?

    All of my fun computer games from the past are scratched up and don't work. Or if they do work we don't try redownloading them onto the computer for fear that they'll destroy the hard drive.

    Exactly, that's probably it. I sometimes get such cool ideas but I can't even write them out because I know nothing about the topic and would just look really stupid if I tried writing it out. Like, if I wrote out a court case scene (although I could probably make a well-enough attempt after reading Handle With Care) or a scene where someone goes to the airport and gets on a plane. They say "Write what you know," but then again, one of my favorite authors counters it with "Write what you [i]want[/i] to know."

    I hate the heat, but I really hate the cold. When it's freezing outside and my hands freeze and crack and bleed... I just hate that. It's why I like the in-between seasons. Spring and autumn aren't too cold or too hot.

    I bet it's the thought that counts. Even if the gift isn't as cool, me just receiving something from you in the mail is a treat all it's own.

    As for the giant toad, here's what my dream dictionary says:

    [i]frog: Physical: You need renewal, cleansing, or rebirth. You are ready for a major change. Emotional: Because frogs are bringers of rain and messengers of water spirits, they indicate you are clearing your emotions, becoming more sensitive to others, and diving deep into your unconscious to bring truths to the surface. Mental-Spiritual: You are focusing on metamorphosis; the tadpole becomes the frog, the frog becomes the handsome prince. Pay attention to messages from frogs, and trust your growth process.[/i]

    I'll message you what I did on my birthday, just because I'm afraid it'll turn out longer than a comment will allow.

    Oh wow. That's a lot of driving. I can barely stand being in a car for longer than necessary.

    Noooo, you look really cute in the picture!
    July 12th, 2010 at 04:14pm
  • MistakenLyricsxx

    MistakenLyricsxx (100)

    United States
    No problem, I'm always up for a good story. :]
    July 12th, 2010 at 09:51am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Yeah, it was an interesting birthday. I just got back from my grandparents'! Now we're going to watch a movie and sleep in the living room. I'll talk to you tomorrow though!
    July 12th, 2010 at 04:52am