Quirky / Comments

  • Collector's Item

    Collector's Item (100)

    United States
    oh thats cool(:
    i have band camp for 3 weeks in august :O
    so what instrument do you play? (:
    July 12th, 2010 at 03:42am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    I'll reply your comment when I get back from Perc Place with my sisters. I have a looooong story to tell about my day yesterday. =/
    July 11th, 2010 at 08:14pm
  • paranoid android.

    paranoid android. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    No problem, it was really good. ^^
    July 11th, 2010 at 11:02am
  • Collector's Item

    Collector's Item (100)

    United States
    thats lovely(:
    sorry he moved away ):
    July 10th, 2010 at 11:07pm
  • OhNo..It'sJes!

    OhNo..It'sJes! (100)

    United States
    I am pretty grand. lol and i know what you mean. lol I have some AP work i should be doing hahha.
    What are you up to?
    lol and you said i was pretty i think :) Thanks :]
    July 10th, 2010 at 10:03pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    Son of sunshine biscuit!!!!

    This computer is SOOOOOOOO stupid! Argh! I just wrote the longest comment EVER and then...woosh everything was gone! I hate it when that happens!

    So I'll leave you a longer comment another day...
    July 10th, 2010 at 06:15am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Wesley kind of looks like Neil Cicierega. o.o
    July 10th, 2010 at 04:24am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Haha, awesome! "I'm awesome!" "No you're not dude don't lie!" "I'm awesome!" XD

    I wish I got long comments from more people like you do, but whenever I try starting comments with new people they always cut it short. =/

    Firefox is my friend for that reason. It does everything for me, which is why I've gotten so bad at spelling, because I've become so dependent on Firefox.

    Yaaay! You're [i]my[/i] best friend!

    My mom thinks I'm anorexic, but she doesn't try buying more food. Though whenever I threaten to tell my dad we don't have food she jumps to the store and buys us something. My dad gives her money for food so if he finds out she's not getting us food he'll take it away. Heh. Leverage.

    Rugrats. Hah. That show is crazy. I remember we used to have a PC game of it. It was quite fun.

    I wonder why we do that? Write stuff we wouldn't read ourselves if we were in a bookstore. Huh. You'd think we'd write stuff that we want books to be about. Most of my stories I wouldn't bother buying at a store. And I'm first coming to this conclusion now.

    Jeremy was saying today how nice our house is. Not too cold, not too hot. He says his house is freezing, but I think I prefer a freezing house. I like the cold inside houses but I prefer the heat when I'm outside.

    So Jeremy came over around two-thirty. Whenever he comes over it's sort of awkward because we don't know what to say. We turned on the Wii and played a little, then I played my cello a bit. He called his sister to come and drop off my gift, because for a month he's been planning on what to get me. ^^ His sister, Michelle, walked in because she wanted to watch me open it. I opened the bag and saw a chocolate bar, a journal, and a book. I don't care for chocolate, but the journal and book were awesome. The book? "Dream Dictionary For Dummies." In it has information on what certain things in dreams mean and how to keep a dream diary, which is why I got a journal too. Michelle so my cello and forced me to play something before she left, and then for pretty much the rest of the time Jeremy and I remembered dreams and looked up the symbolism of things in the book. We also looked at some scrapbooks, ate food, went on StumbleUpon, and took a walk outside. It was a good day.

    Oh, and I'm getting kidnapped tomorrow. 8D Amy and Katie are coming down from Madison for my birthday and taking me away for the day while my mom sets up things at home. So I'm super excited. I won't be able to sleep tonight. I'll be too excited about recording my dream in my dream diary and then being kidnapped.

    Cool! Sounds like a fun day. How long does it take to get to Menominee?

    Awwww! I'm on Facebook and I just saw Wesley's new profile picture! You too are so cute. ^o^
    July 10th, 2010 at 04:23am
  • ZeroEnthusiasm

    ZeroEnthusiasm (100)

    United States
    haha really!? I love choir(: I like my school a lot also. I think it's cool that you skipped a grade. They told me I needed to in 7th grade, but I didn't want to not graduate with my friends. If I would of known I wouldn't even be in the same school in 3 years, I probably would have skipped.

    Thanks(: Aww that sucks. I'd hate to be in that class. It's cool that you got back into your normal grade though by skipping.

    Well...all that doesn't matter. I have glasses now ^^ So I can see clearly.

    Hair in general probably doesn't taste all that great. Niiice(: Annnd well it's usually a group of guy friends do it...I guess you can make one as either all girls or a mix(:

    hahah true(: Except yesterday, I had to ask for directions when we couldn't find six flags, and so everyone in the car decided it would be best for ME to go ask some creepy vegetable sales person directions. And I asked him where it was and he just told me to fuck off if I wasn't buying anything...we eventually stumbled upon it though(:

    My best friends are nice, it's just they like to be assholes sometimes >.< Annnd I never can be that big of one, because I'm too nice to people I like.

    haha yeah, that show is very trippy, but the shows that they have out now for little kids are like 5 times as worse. D: Liiiike...Yo Gaba Gaba or something? God, that show is soooo retarded. It's just some black dude dancing with monsters.

    hahaha is it a fear of toads? Or just a fear of the rare giant toads? D:

    Thank you(: I like them a lot.
    July 10th, 2010 at 12:21am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Again, I'm too lazy to reread through stuff I write. I only did it when I printed out Internally Bound and joined that contest. I read over Fly Me Away dozens of times.

    What can I say? I'm a devoted reader! *pumps fists in air*

    Because it's so much easier and cleaner to not eat than to touch the dirty dishes. I throw a tantrum at my mom until she cleans the dishes so I can eat though. I'm quite mature as you can see. XD

    It's like having pictures instead of actual things. Like a picture of your bed instead of an actual bed. Or only a picture of a lamp. It's just not the same. (Haha, am I the only one that feels like that could be a commercial of some sort? XD)

    So it's kind of funny. Checkmate's a story that has a genre that I wouldn't normally find appealing when looking for a book to read. I'm not much of a fantasy fanatic, leaning more towards horror and sci-fi, but for some reason I get excited thinking about it. I think that's mostly because I was super excited about it when I first thought of the idea, and I made it up through and through and didn't steal from anything unlike in all my other stories.

    Oh my gosh. It's so hot here that my mom's candle on her desk is melting!

    I think Jeremy's coming over at two. I haven't seen him in a while, so that'll be cool. How's Wild West Wesley?
    July 9th, 2010 at 07:28pm
  • ShallWeDance?

    ShallWeDance? (100)

    United States
    Hahaha, I do that a lot. I just glance at words and I think they say something else. That always got me in trouble during test-taking.

    Man, I just had the most awesome naps of all time. I got up at 8 today and went back to bed at 1 and slept until 3. Naps rock. I really don't understand how we're not allowed to nap anymore during school. It would probably help my grades if we had nap time, don't you agree?

    I did a research paper once by mostly using books.It took forever and in the end I used the computer to complete the project. That was the best research paper I had ever written...But you're right. No one uses the library or books for homework.

    Yeah, my dad and step-mom seemed to like it. They want more. Unfortunately, I have writer's block.I've been trying to write every night, but I keep getting distracted. I just kinda space out.

    I rather eat fruit than veggies. I say "veggies", mostly because I can never remember how to spell the actual word.

    That's cool. I remember I once drew my friend a really huge picture for her birthday. I didn't want to carry it around and I had bought her something to go with it. So I used the picture as wrapping paper. That was like two years ago and she still has it on her wall.

    God, I hope so. This chapter is giving me a lot of trouble.
    July 8th, 2010 at 10:54pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    I'm going to have to reread that chapter over before writing the next one.

    It's [i]exactly[/i] like Easter. Haha. I read your stories over all the time. And comment each time I do telling you do update it.

    I don't really have dishes in my room because I don't eat in there. I'll have cups though because I like to drink in my room? Hah. Sometimes it gets so bad around here where there are literally no clean dishes and I'm forced to reach into the sink and clean off a single fork. I know I shouldn't make such a huge deal out of touching a dirty fork, but it's just really sketchy.

    Mine kept on falling over but I just picked it up again. I should of took a picture of it while it was still standing...

    I think I'm doing that because I know that if it doesn't make sense, I won't be able to continue with it in the future, like the old version. Haha, Charlotte won't be a slut in this version. I'll try to make sure of that.
    July 8th, 2010 at 08:06pm
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Found it. Were there any other mistakes? I know I didn't have any words spelled wrong, otherwise they'd be underlined. Hah, I changed my layout after I saw yours for Only On Tuesdays. I was proud of mine but then saw yours and was just like, "Aww."

    Hah, it's all right. They're like little surprises when I see changes and then it's like a hunt when I go to see if all your other stories have any changes.

    Eww, I absolutely hate the smell of the dishes when they're just been sitting for a week. When I have a house of my own I'll have paper plates and cups. And if I have anything metal I'll clean it right away and not let it sit.

    What? Why? D:

    Yeah! I'm proud of you for guessing correctly. She does have ADHD and when I wrote that I was thinking that it could be the reason she gets "sucked into her drawn world." But then I tried thinking of different reasons. I don't know.
    July 8th, 2010 at 05:20am
  • Collector's Item

    Collector's Item (100)

    United States
    erm, doing good. (:
    July 8th, 2010 at 04:00am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Haha, I saw the three, but not the six. Since I'm super self-conscious about appearance I'm trying to figure out what to change the title to ("Born" just isn't right) and I changed the layout.

    I just stalked all your stories because I noticed that you made some little changes to certain ones.

    Hah, yeah, that's what I thought too. How Gracie makes food and whatnot.
    Sweet! I used to have an Arizona tea can pyramid with twenty-some cans! But then it kept on falling down so now they're just sitting under my Avatar poster on my bookshelf. It's a hard life.
    July 8th, 2010 at 02:51am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Random numbers? D:
    Yeah, I figured I made a lot of mistakes. Not only was I trying to get it typed up right away, having extremely long nails doesn't make anything easy.
    Haha, I kind of thought of you and Gracie too.
    July 8th, 2010 at 02:41am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    And in return I'm going to read that little bit you posted of Only On Tuesdays.
    July 8th, 2010 at 02:23am
  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    True true!

    I'm about to post the first chapter of my rewrite of Checkmate, which I decided to call "Born" for the time being.
    July 8th, 2010 at 01:04am
  • Collector's Item

    Collector's Item (100)

    United States
    *random commenter*
    hey chicka, whats up? (:
    July 7th, 2010 at 10:10pm
  • kili the dwarf

    kili the dwarf (300)

    United States
    Sure thing.
    July 7th, 2010 at 05:52pm